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TOS suffers really from lack of attention from all sides. There are almost no battle reps on youtube, no marketing and no presence in brick n mortar stores. 

FAQs and first readjustments are overdue. Even though there is a playerbase around my area and all factions could be played, none if the players bothers to do so.

Probably our own fault, but I honestly feel that Parabellum has a higher chabce to establish their new game than wyrd has with TOS. Although I do hope that I will be proven wrong...

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18 hours ago, unknownuser65 said:

TOS suffers really from lack of attention from all sides. There are almost no battle reps on youtube, no marketing and no presence in brick n mortar stores. 

FAQs and first readjustments are overdue. Even though there is a playerbase around my area and all factions could be played, none if the players bothers to do so.

Probably our own fault, but I honestly feel that Parabellum has a higher chabce to establish their new game than wyrd has with TOS. Although I do hope that I will be proven wrong...

Not to keen on saying it's "our fault" when it's been pretty much ignored by Wyrd from the get go. There are still no tournament packs even though they were mentioned in the tournament rules, no hype or interest for anyhting that wasn't revealed at kickstarter. The sculpts themselves frankly use very flimsy plastic, which when you look at stuff from the competition, that is more rigid and sculpt quality is still pretty good (and cheaper) makes me even more annoyed every time I look at all of the rifles that are bent. The core rules are solid enough, but the faction balance is VERY lacking. It's kind of hard to get people interested when even the parent company doesn't seem to put that much interest. We already know Gen Con has nothing for the The Other Side. It's kind of hard to keep the community invested in that situation.

I can understand that Malifaux is the money maker and that 3rd was posibly leaked before they were prepared and they aren't the biggest team, but The Other Side hasn't gotten the greatest of support.

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13 minutes ago, Razhem said:

We already know Gen Con has nothing for the The Other Side.

Not quite nothing.  It does at least have a small form rulebook, in case you don't want to carry the hard cover around.

But Wyrd's been sticking to their "No promises until it's a done deal" news policy, with only slight exceptions for things like the statement that there really is a two player starter set on the way, but they won't comment on the reasons for the delays.

20 minutes ago, Razhem said:

I can understand that Malifaux is the money maker and that 3rd was posibly leaked before they were prepared and they aren't the biggest team, but The Other Side hasn't gotten the greatest of support.

I'd wager that it's more a matter of the staffing change overs happening at a critical time for Malifaux.

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6 hours ago, Razhem said:

Not to keen on saying it's "our fault" when it's been pretty much ignored by Wyrd from the get go. There are still no tournament packs even though they were mentioned in the tournament rules, no hype or interest for anyhting that wasn't revealed at kickstarter. The sculpts themselves frankly use very flimsy plastic, which when you look at stuff from the competition, that is more rigid and sculpt quality is still pretty good (and cheaper) makes me even more annoyed every time I look at all of the rifles that are bent. The core rules are solid enough, but the faction balance is VERY lacking. It's kind of hard to get people interested when even the parent company doesn't seem to put that much interest. We already know Gen Con has nothing for the The Other Side. It's kind of hard to keep the community invested in that situation.

I can understand that Malifaux is the money maker and that 3rd was posibly leaked before they were prepared and they aren't the biggest team, but The Other Side hasn't gotten the greatest of support.

We at Wyrd believe in The Other Side. Not only do we love how the game plays, but we love how the game carries our world(s) forward from a lore perspective. We only just recently wrapped up releasing the initial product line, and we have more to come soon, starting with the small Rules Manual.

There are a lot of things that we could have done better with the launch, that I'm fully willing to admit, but now that Malifaux Third Edition is out the door, our team (which is considerably smaller than many are lead to believe) will now have the time to put more focus into our vision for where we'd like to take The Other Side. 

There have already been some announcements in regards to The Other Side's future. Samantha Thrace and Binh Nguyen will have their standard (as in non-Kickstarter) models and their rules available for all players soon. The Starter Box, which will include models for the Guild and for the Court of Two, will be coming out later this year. That will provide a great entry point for new players, and we're excited to show off what will be included soon. Additionally, we've already revealed what's in store for the next major book, two new Allegiances: the Kimon and the Three Kingdoms. You'll be hearing about them soon, as well. Those are just the things that we've already briefly talked about. We've got some other ideas that we aren't quite ready to spoil just yet, too. 

In regards to balance issues, the first FAQ and Errata is available on our website. Future adjustments are currently in playtesting. I'd personally disagree that the balance between Allegiances is "very lacking" - to me, it's a matter of fine tuning a few rough spots. We'll get there. I hope that the way we tested, adjusted, and kept our decision making transparent through the M3E Open Beta will instill some trust in where and how we'd like to take The Other Side. 

Lastly, I'm confused by what you mean that we did not provide tournament rules and/or packs. Fields of Glory, which is The Other Side's tournament rules document, has been available for months, and we will continue to update that document over time. Tournament rules documents were made available recently for Gen Con, as well, so if you aren't attending, you can still participate in similar events at your local game store.

I know it might have been a rocky year for TOS Kickstarter backers, but as I said, we believe in The Other Side, and we will continue to support the game for years to come. 


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55 minutes ago, Kyle said:

Lastly, I'm confused by what you mean that we did not provide tournament rules and/or packs. Fields of Glory, which is The Other Side's tournament rules document, has been available for months, and we will continue to update that document over time. Tournament rules documents were made available recently for Gen Con, as well, so if you aren't attending, you can still participate in similar events at your local game store.


Before anything, thank you for responding directly to me and my worries. I believe this are also some of the worries from the people in my local community. As for the quoted part, I don't mean Fields of Glory, I mean this paragraph inside Fields of Glory:


All Field of Glory events are encouraged to provide some sort of prize pool. if organized by a Wyrd Henchman, the event should use an other side prize kit for the event. All pieces of the prize kit should be distributed at the event, but the manner of distribution is left up to the To.

These The Other Side Prize Kits don't actually exist from what I've heard and our henchmen have expressed mild annoyance at how price support for The Other Side from an official standpoint is pretty lacking since they can only order Malifaux stuff, which is a bit of a disconnect to achieve results in a TOS tournament and end with a Malifaux price piece.

As for the other points, well, yes, we have known for a long time about the dual box from Guild and Court of Two, but we'll we've known about it for a very long time now, so it kind of feels like being strung along. Same with Kimon and Three Kingdoms, we only have the model sculpt teasers shown like ... two years ago I think? and some art teasers in the Rulebook and from another con. Basically, I don't doubt they are in the oven, but you end up getting a bit demoralized when "soon" is the response after a very long period of time.

As for balance, yes, we have the first FAQ and it's certainly welcome, but after playing a few games, I see a lot of problem points. Rhinos I assume are already well known to you, so no need to add there, but as a King's Empire player, I feel constantly in the back burner if I play pure, constantly lusting for any kind of resource, yet suddenly Kassa Okoye comes into the list with some Abyssinia units and suddenly all of my resource woes are compensated for and then some and I become a force of nature. There is a tremendous contrast in power there. Cult's general mobility doesn't seem to be really reflected in their stats on most units, yes, Broken die to a stiff breeze, but why would you even use them anyway when your elite unites are so potent?

As for Gibbering Hordes, I will admit we haven't been the fastest players and from what I understand, Gibbering really come into their own on turn 4 onward, but to me they have been pretty meh in general. They impressed me the first time I noticed the Morphling with Stalker combo on single fireteams, but once you learn that you have to ensure to kill full squads with Morphlings and they aren't coming back on respawn, they loose a lot of bite. Abyssinia I've barely faced, but when I did, their resource generation was completely through the roof, but I already notice this when I sprinkle them into my King's Empire. You may be right that it's all about tweaking a few pieces here and there and that would soften things up a lot, but those few things are quite noteworthy is what I'm trying to emphasize.

And even then, stuff like how Thrace and Binh bring Ta to the table really shows a huge difference between playing with or without them, it's a VERY big difference having a couple of extra Ta than your opponent every turn and at the moment it just seems that you are handicapping yourself if you don't bring any sort of envoy with you, be it because you can poach something good from another Allegiance or simply because adding Thrace or Binh gives you a lot for 3 script.

Anyway, sorry for going into my soapbox, what I want to make clear is that the game is not in a good state, at least when it comes from player morale. We had a solid start here in Madrid, but some distribution issues that happened soured things, model quality, mostly due to the material has also annoyed more than a few and then M3 stole it's thunder completely. Again, I understand Malifaux is the bread winner (M3 is looking mostly fantastic, so a job well done indeed) and that your guys are a small team, so it might just be a "well, that's how things went and not much that could have been done to avoid it", but The Other Side undeniably is considered a dead game in most stores and they won't have much interest in restocking unless something with a bang gets announced to revitalize it, and well, we know it's not this GenCon, so that means it stays dormant till possibly Christmas.

Anyway this whole spiel started as a reply to the idea that it's fault of the community from another poster for not keeping interest up, and my reply to that is still that it's hard to keep interest up in these terms. If you guys prove me wrong, well by god, I will eat crow with a gigantic grin, because I want this to succeed, I'm just skeptical after reaching this point.

Anyway, thank you again for taking the time to address my issues.

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On 7/24/2019 at 8:58 AM, Razhem said:

Before anything, thank you for responding directly to me and my worries. I believe this are also some of the worries from the people in my local community. As for the quoted part, I don't mean Fields of Glory, I mean this paragraph inside Fields of Glory:

Anyway, thank you again for taking the time to address my issues.

These have been issues i have noticed and fully agree with. I am glad to see any kind of  response, thanks@Kyle

@KuVenet my FLGS community has dropped all wyrd products for the most part, I'm the only guy semi-actively looking for TOS or malifaux games and generally have to travel to find them. Anyone who used to play plays warhammer or infinity now, a big part due to them being supported better.

Lack of player base and releases that i'm interested in has made me start considering selling my stuff off with the bulk of my malifaux that doesn't see use anymore.

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