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Good Guild lists against Resser


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Sunday I go to a local tournament,I want To try Guild,surely I’ the one with it.

With Guild I’ve Win a lot against al lot of masters,but against resser I’ve a problem...

The problem is that now Resser=Reva=Win.

I’ve never win against Reva (nor with Guild,nor with arcanist).Yesterday I’ve tried a list with ‘Dita but at turn 2 Francisco was Dead and Dita paralyzed...

It’s finished very bad for me...

How you play against resser,when resser is Reva?I cannot found nothing to deal with her....

Fire longer than me,charge long than me,average damage higher than me,she heal herself,with 13 Wd and cache4.

What you suggest?I’ve losed against her always with ‘Dita and always with Nellie...

Can I try Hoffman or Justice ?

Hoffman can be good but I need to play all in a bubble,so I’m too prevedibile and she has too range to kill all my pieces.

Lady Justice probably dies in a single charge of Reva(no reduction,no prevention,no healing on Ca 6 on her Def5 )

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Lady J is the default answer vs. rezzers imo.  High min damage is great and vs. their generally low defense you can get critical strike with most of the rams in your deck.  I don't see how Reva is a threat to her at all.  She should be DF7 with Franciso's buff and even if she is not 3/4/5 is not going to kill her in 1 activation without a RJ and even then every attack needs to hit.  On the flip side Lady J can easily smoke Reva on the charge, especially with swordfighter.  She can also take that one upgrade to allow her to destroy corpse markers for a (0).

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I haven't played against Reva herself, but Lady J does indeed fare well against the undead (how about that). Take the Judge also. Both don't allow corpse markers to be placed and as noted earlier Lady J herself can easily nuke corpse markers while the Judge can take Flames of the Pit to really mess with the opponent. If you are worried about life drain take the Scales of Justice and it shouldn't be a big issue. Brutal Effigy will keep Lady J alive and take a few pine boxes to keep the big enemy hitters honest.

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LJ seems like the obvious choice. Also note that death marshal recruiters don't prevent damage, they make the dead model not dead and heal back so Reva can't kill Judge or Justice near one of those unless you're forbidden from healing.

McMourning's new upgrade makes him discard the corpses he drops himself which is also nice. 

Hoffman should work well wis his new upgrade trumping Reva's ability to ignore armour. Having constructs also gives her less corpses if things go badly.

Whichever master you play I find Judge solid because of the no markers thing. Having someone like Ryle is also good, his height allows him to block LoS to corpse candles. I also believe anyone 40mm+ can block LoS if they stand on top of a marker which makes it easier to handle dropped corpses.

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10 hours ago, Fazza92 said:

Lady Justice probably dies in a single charge of Reva(no reduction,no prevention,no healing on Ca 6 on her Def5 )

Matching cards Reva probably does about 10 damage to Justice. Its quite a spike to get to 14. Yes, you can possibly get a screaming death to give Reva 4 attacks,  but that needs your model to be placed right. And bad cards vs her Df will mean that she has a chance of hitting you on your attack. (I've Charged Justice with Marcus before, so a 6 vs 5 stat line and I took more damage than Justice did) And then thats using all  3 of her upgrade load out. Justice does about 12-15 damage to Reva, and is potentially more likely to spike on the damage thanks to the critical strike (and if you're happy to burn stones than you are lookign at 15 minimum damage on 3 hits), but can't stop soulstones preventing. Badge of office will stop one of Revas attacks, so Justice should easily live. And if she hasn't activated, that means she is doing straight damage flips in return, so ought to easily kill Reva.

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4 minutes ago, Ludvig said:

I think the badge reduces the damage to 1 so I don't think you can use that against Reva. Reva would still need a considerable effort and lucky cards to take her out.

You might be right, but it does then force her to never use the bonus damage trigger. and I think it can be used against Life drain if  you need

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There’s problem with Justice,she has a charge range of 9”,Reva has a charge Range of 18.

Justice has range 2 in combat,Reva 3.

If opponent has a brain,Justice is impossible that can Charge Reva Without moving...

Yesterday my opponent has Charged Francisco (he was at 18 inch by Reva)with Reva at second turn,Kill it in a single activation,pop Bete noire,paralyze my Perdita...

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Reva has a charge range of 13, and a threat range of 21" as far as I can tell. I may have missed something in one of the upgrades, but she has a Cg stat of 10 and a 3":melee attack. Yes, she can attack through corpse markers but they won't help her during the charge. 

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At the start of his activation her place a candle within 5,then with (0) action place herself in base contact with it.

5”+2”(from his huge base)+10” charge+3” of range.


But I’m thinking to take Justice With Coffin to kill Bete noire when buried .

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Just now, Fazza92 said:

At the start of her activation she place a candle within 5,then with (0) action place herself in base contact with it.

5”+2”(from his huge base)+10” charge+3” of range.


But I’m thinking to take Justice With Coffin to kill Bete noire when buried .


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11 hours ago, Fazza92 said:

At the start of his activation her place a candle within 5,then with (0) action place herself in base contact with it.

5”+2”(from his huge base)+10” charge+3” of range.


But I’m thinking to take Justice With Coffin to kill Bete noire when buried .

Just to clarify, she has to discard a card to place the Corpse Candle (and it can go within 8"), then her (0) Action places herself in base contact with a Corpse (could be her Corpse Candle) within 5". 

Reva does have an 18" Charge threat range if you do this, but throwing her in like that means your opponent is exposing her to a lot of risk (and likely has balls of steel). Her Df is 5 and she has nothing else to keep her alive. She *should* die (especially against Guild) to any decent counter attack after having Charged you.

The terrible Df score on her Corpse Candles, and on Reva herself to a lesser extent, means that your Austringers can convert every :mask in your hand to discards from your opponents. This is a generally good use of masks anyway but it's particularly good vs Ressurectionists since Ressurs are littered with lots of bad Df models, have lots of TNs they have to meet and they tend to crumble if Austringers can consistently bleed their hands dry.

Reva's base is 50mm and she's Ht 3 so she's hard to hide, so if nothing else works, you could try shoot her to death. Trappers, Riflemen, aforementioned Austringers making regular attacks... concentrated attacks of any kind make her sweat.

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LJ would be my go to against Ressers.  Id definitely try to slingshot her into the heart of the summonner/reva (strat/scheme dependent).  

Don't underestimate justice unleashed.  If you can slingsot her up, she can pulse away the corpse markers with last tired, or otherwise a triple justice unleashed for potentially 9dg per model ignoring armour and h2k, is good especially with the effigy buff.

Reva has a long threat range but of shes getting close shes putting herself in danger. 

Definitely agree with bleeding their hand, no hand=a sad resser player.

I found Nellie really good for anti-resser too.  I've out activated Nicodem before and had Taelor in their face turn 1 with welcome to malifaux up with Phiona and Bert just behind, which forces them to react different to what they want.  Taelor was paralysed for 2 turns after but meant I could pin them into the corner and burned some good cards to get it through.

My go to slingshot  list for justice

50 SS Guild Crew
Lady Justice + 5 Pool
 - Swordfighter (1)
 - Justice Unleashed (1)
 - Badge Of Office (2)
Francisco Ortega (8)
 - Wade In (1)
 - A Debt To The Guild (1)
Brutal Emissary (10)
 - Conflux of Judgement (0)
Abuela Ortega (7)
 - A Debt To The Guild (1)
Witchling Stalker (5)
Brutal Effigy (4)
Watcher (4)
Field Reporter (4)


The list I last used against Ressers with Nellie (vs Nicodem), it was designed to hold my 2 quarters with the effigy and mctavish (hes shooting and counter charging), Taelor and Phiona try to box them in the corner (where Nico is holding back) by being fast every turn and getting free hits from propaganda.  Id probably drop McTavish for the Judge or Jury next time and sub in Johan for the watcher.

50 SS Guild Crew
Nellie Cochrane + 4 Pool
 - Delegation (1)
 - Misleading Headlines (1)
 - Embedded (1)
The Printing Press (3)
Taelor (10)
 - Numb To The World (1)
McTavish (10)
 - A Debt To The Guild (1)
Phiona Gage (8)
 - Transparency (1)
 - A Debt To The Guild (1)
Brutal Effigy (4)
Watcher (4)
Field Reporter (4)


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Ashwood is solid if Tara is frequent in your meta.  Can help to stop the Nothing Beast slingshot if nothing else.

Thalarian are solid too.  Depends on what other guild masters you have.  If Tara and Kirai were that prevalent for me id probably go with Sonnia to cut through the incorporeal, with a sanctioned spellcaster as backup.  

If they try and tie her up to prevent the Ca damage, and shes got her upgrade to prevent soulstone use she can cut through anyone, with soulstone or a Papa buff, I've even taken Nekima out in 1 and a half activations before (in melee).

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Thanks but I’ve only ‘Dita,Justice,Nellie and Charles.And Sonnia is not very good against Kirai ,because Seishin blocks blasts.

The problem is that if my opponent declare resser,9/10 I’ve a match against Reva,when Coffin and Thalarian have really less utility in game...I’ve think 2 list...

50 SS Guild Crew

Lady Justice + 5 Pool

 - Swordfighter (1)

 - Justice Unleashed (1)

 - Ashwood Coffin (2)

The Judge (9)

Francisco Ortega (8)

 - Wade In (1)

 - Numb To The World (1)

Thalarian Queller (6)

Guild Austringer (6)

Guild Austringer (6)

Brutal Effigy (4)

Watcher (4)




50 SS Guild Crew

Perdita Ortega + 5 Pool

 - Trick Shooting (2)

 - Fastest Draw in Malifaux (1)

 - Vengeance Bullet (1)

Enslaved Nephilim (3)

The Judge (9)

 - A Debt To The Guild (1)

Francisco Ortega (8)

 - Wade In (1)

 - Numb To The World (1)

Guild Austringer (6)

Guild Austringer (6)

Brutal Effigy (4)

Watcher (4)

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I have only seen Reva a few times, and always with Hoffman--emissary versus emissary, and very elite crews for both of us. Reva had to use her emissary and block LoS quickly, or my emissary would unbury something ferocious, fast and sometimes also nimble on her side of the board, after shooting the corpse candles (and then unbury a big base on top of one of the candles' corpse markers). I used Hoffman's push triggers on machine puppet more than I usually do, to stand on other corpse markers too.

I think the austringer idea may be solid. I brought Howard Langston and in the one game where he flipped a lot of rams on positive flips (I love mobile toolkit!), Reva had no cards in hand in a very short time. This was before the new upgrades, so I had room for Arcanist Assets.

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My biggest issue with Ressers has been Nicodem. A player in our local meta has been playing him almost exclusively and to great effect. He runs the Emissary and I believe Asura Roten. Basically he makes a bunch of mindless zombies that bog down your crew and can all constantly hit you since their melee stat goes up to some ridiculous number. They don't do a ton of damage but when you get hit 6-8 times by models that even if you get rid of he can just bring them right back, it becomes very difficult to handle. Anyone have any suggestions? I've run Perdita against it and tried to go after his key pieces(Emissary and Asura) as well as the same strategy with Nellie. I havent tried going hard into Nico yet and that might be the key, but hes a smart player and doesnt make it easy to get access to his master.

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It's usually not worth going after Nicodem unless you can propel something with enormous damage into his face. If you can't put him down in one activation he'll just heal up and summon the perfect counter to your offending model.

Zombies are Df 2 with Wd 3 without HtW, so :blasts should prove helpful in thinning a crowd. If you play Sonnia they are incredibly easy way to biff :blasts the board at other models. Try clean up Corpse Markers as soon as they arrive if you have models that can remove them.

If you can remove LoS between Nicodem and where most of the Corpse Markers are he'll struggle to get work done; again, Sonnia is useful here with those Flame Walls.

Try Monster Hunters. I only hear great things about them, and all the crutch models that this Nicodem build in particular relies on are 7+ SS, so Monster Hunters should be really efficient at erasing the likes of Asura/Phillip/Emissary/Mortimer.

I'm not 100% sure if Taelor's Welcome to Malifaux allows her to auto chain Charge multiple models that are summoned at the same time. If she is, and you position her appropriately, she can squish every single Mindless Zombie that Nicodem laughs up. None of those support models in Nico's build wants to tango with Taelor, so she should be solid at denying existing Corpse Markers from becoming a fresh wave of Mindless Zombies.

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Taelor is golden especially if you can get her in their face t1. Monster Hunters are now a staple in the 6ss slot for me, will tend to have at least 1.

Get rid of their resources. Emmisary,  Mortimer, gravedigger and Phillip would be my first targets, and the vulture.  Or something that can get rid of corpse markers, especially if he uses the vulture corpse taxi.

If you can drop something big in , going afer nico is no bad thing.  Removes los to the corpse markers, and if he's spending cards and stones in defence hes not using them to summon. Min 3 or preferably 4 damage is key there.



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I’First round I’ve won 8-7 against Molly,With Justice,Judge,Francisco,2Austringer,Watcher,Thallarian,Effigy.I’ve played bad my resources,and She had luck on sucker.

Second Round :I lose 5/7 ,Perdita vs Mah Tucket.

I’ve lose beacause I’ve interpreted bad a scheme...and Interference against 11 models,in a table with enormous los cutter is bad for Guild...

Third Round I won against Unix 8/5

I’ve used Perdita.Gremlins are always hard anyway...too much models with to much AP...

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