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Hamelin activations....


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Hi all, reasonably new to outcasts and i've been pondering something which seems pretty darned powerful. Hamelin can hire two stolen (2ss each) who in turn can "pop" into 4 rats, each rat can activate (well, only 3) and then they merge into a rat king. Rat king then activates and turns into a rat catcher and another rat who both get to activate. This is 10 activations for 4ss investment. Am i missing something here or is this valid.


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Hamlin can't hire 2 stolen. 

You are only allowed to hire 1 totem unless you have rules to change that. Hamlin doesn't have rules to change that, so whilst he can have more than 1 on the table, he is only allowed to hire 1 so the rest have to come from summoning

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It is almost impossible to out activate a Hamlin crew if they want to "pass". The solution to this that I normally apply is to try and prevent this activation control being an advantage after the first turn by trying to make sure I get models into a place where they are able to be a threat on turn 2. 

If you've forced Hamlin to activate early on turn 1 to gain extra stolen, then you have already removed one of the greatest advantages to the passing in tun 1. Obedient wretch and stolen getting you to 4 rats for 6ss, gives you the 10 activations. 

I don't like to sacrifice the first stolen unless I have the Black joker in my hand, as it ruins the summon, and hamlin with no stolen is relatively easy to kill. (well compared to him with them anyway). But that also  depends a llittle on the opponent, and do I think they will be a threat to him turn 1/2

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22 hours ago, Adran said:

It is almost impossible to out activate a Hamlin crew if they want to "pass". The solution to this that I normally apply is to try and prevent this activation control being an advantage after the first turn by trying to make sure I get models into a place where they are able to be a threat on turn 2. 

If you've forced Hamlin to activate early on turn 1 to gain extra stolen, then you have already removed one of the greatest advantages to the passing in tun 1. Obedient wretch and stolen getting you to 4 rats for 6ss, gives you the 10 activations. 

I don't like to sacrifice the first stolen unless I have the Black joker in my hand, as it ruins the summon, and hamlin with no stolen is relatively easy to kill. (well compared to him with them anyway). But that also  depends a llittle on the opponent, and do I think they will be a threat to him turn 1/2

this was how i see me playing him. Yes, he should be able to get some damage in on the oppo in turn 1, but it's more about setting yourself up for a monster turn 2 if it's gone well enough. 

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This is pretty much how you play him. Turn 1 I hire 2 rats. move those rats up a bit, toss rats at them with the wretch.  I don't always turn into a catcher, unless I want to do more interacts over denying schemes. Then often AFTER I've summoned 2 stolen, I will blow up my other stolen so that I have rats going into turn 2 to use to help get up the board and count to give Kade his damage boost. 

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Hire Obedient Wretch and Stolen, sacrifice Stolen for Rats. Throw Rats at Rats in order to get more Rats (hope I have two :crow in hand). Turn into Rat King. Hamelin tries to summon two Stolen for the next turn. Between Hamelin and the Obedient Wretch it's theoretically possible to get 5 Rats turn one (two from the Stolen, two from Throw Rat, one from Obeying Obedient Wretch to Throw Rat). 7 Rats turn two. 7 Rats turn three. 7 Rats turn four. 7 Rats turn five. That's eight Rat Kings just from them. Of course there are many other ways to get more Rats.

That said the resources committed to it would be overkill. Rat summoning happens almost automatically where Hamelin is concerned so while I like having two or three Rat Kings on the table, they're not something to be fanatical about.

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13 minutes ago, Freman said:

Hire Obedient Wretch and Stolen, sacrifice Stolen for Rats. Throw Rats at Rats in order to get more Rats (hope I have two :crow in hand). Turn into Rat King. Hamelin tries to summon two Stolen for the next turn. Between Hamelin and the Obedient Wretch it's theoretically possible to get 5 Rats turn one (two from the Stolen, two from Throw Rat, one from Obeying Obedient Wretch to Throw Rat). 7 Rats turn two. 7 Rats turn three. 7 Rats turn four. 7 Rats turn five. That's eight Rat Kings just from them. Of course there are many other ways to get more Rats.

That said the resources committed to it would be overkill. Rat summoning happens almost automatically where Hamelin is concerned so while I like having two or three Rat Kings on the table, they're not something to be fanatical about.

Rat Kings are pretty sturdy and hit very decently even on Df 6 models. Can't have too many of them, they are a toolbox for their cost (which is soulstones and cards usually).

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