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What do Jack and Levi both like


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I'm looking to add some things to my missus' Outcast collection, potentially for Christmas if they show up in time (the alternative is jewelry for the third straight year -_- ). She currently plays Levi, but really likes the prospect of picking up Jack Daw; I wish to acquire the yellow transparent set whilst it's on offer.

My question to you , is what small box(es) are worth it for both of them?

I'm leaning towards Dead Outlaws (who seem groovy with Parker too, a distant-future prospect for myself), but what else works well for these two?

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Having to spend a 7-9 for copying the action then having to actually get it off... None for me. Its nice to have, but not efficient.  But that is not why we are here! Models for Jack and Leve! Dead Outlaws (at least how I play them) are too speedy to be anchors. Yet, they are good with Daw. Sue, Johan, Trappers, Lazarus, are all good choices for both though.

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Any model that is both Tormented and Undead can potentially find a place with both Leveticus and Jack Daw. Hanged are a reasonable choice, although some believe they're overcosted for masters who have to hire them, compared to those who can summon them. The Crossroads Seven provide some more Tormented models for Jack, and Pariah of Bone Leveticus can hire four of them (Pride is Outcast, Sloth is Undead, two others can be hired as mercenaries (Lust and Envy can be handy)).

Leveticus also likes models that are both Constructs and Undead, Necropunks, Flesh Constructs, Students, Valedictorian, as they're never wasted regardless of Pariah choice. Flesh Constructs are very solid anchors for his Waifs. As Nukemouse says, McMourning's box provides models that are useful to both Leveticus and Jack.

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