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What to add to Sonnia's crew on a budget?


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Hi all

I've picked up Sonnia's box and have a remaining budget of $50-$60, that I would like to spend on 2-3 smaller boxces. Looking at the contents of her crew box, I am guessing that I am best off playing using a burning crew to start with.

I've read her 'Guild on a Budget' article, and listened to the Schemes and Stones Podcast. I'm not sure that I want to jump in and pick up the Perdita crew right away - I am drawn to the Witch Hunter aesthetic and don't really fancy the distraction of a second master - though I could be persuaded otherwise if that is clearly the best option.

What would my budget be best spent on if I want to build a burning crew?

I was thinking maybe Austringers, Witchling Handlers + something else; probably Malifaux Child (do I really need a second totem this early in my Guild experience?), more Witchling Stalkers (for summoning), Brutal Effigy, or Sue?

Anyone have any better ideas?


- Mercury

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You could start with:

- Brutal effigy 

- Austringers box

You will use the 3 with quite a few masters ?

- the malifaux child is the best totem for her,  but you won't use it with more guild masters

This month if you spend 60 dollas in a local gaming shop wyrd sends you a free alternate Francisco sculpt (looks awesome) 

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You could get something like


50 SS Guild Crew
Sonnia Criid + 6 Pool
 - Cherufe's Imprint (1)
 - Counterspell Aura (1)
 - Expert Sleuth (1)
Malifaux Child (3)
Samael Hopkins (9)
 - Expert Sleuth (1)
Francisco Ortega (8)
 - Wade In (1)
 - Hermanos de Armas (1)
Guild Austringer (6)
Guild Austringer (6)
Witchling Stalker (5)
Brutal Effigy (4)

 (exported from CrewFaux)


It's not the most competitive list,  but it requires to invest not too much money. 

  From here you  can mive to the scheme and stones infamous list

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No, you don't need another totem to accompany a single Guild master, but I got one at a similar stage in my Malifaux buying just because I wanted one. ^_^Mine I have paired up with Hoffman, and very rarely McMourning (the zombie chihuahua is too useful to always use the child instead, but the idea of the child as off-flank buffer worked as well for the doctor as it did for the engineer).

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As getting the limited Francisco certainly is awesome for any budget build, I'd say try to archieve enough buys to still get him this month:
http://www.wyrd-games.net/where-to-buy (October promotion)
http://www.wyrd-games.net/promotions (Form)

Apart from that I think the Sonnia box is one of the more expensive ones to expand with because certain pieces are not always the most required in a crew build. For example I think that Sam is tough to make work 'easily' and generally the Totem and Witchling Stalkers are best used in very limited quantity 0-2. The Witchling Stalkers will serve a purpose offcourse because Reincarnation can be rather awesome.

Back to budget buy advice:
- Austringers, always a great buy
- Brutal Effigy, always a great buy
- Malifaux Child, often a very good choice for Sonnia
(- At this point try to get limited Frank if you can)

Later advice:
- Latiago box is amazing with her because of Frank and Papa Loco
- Lady J box is very cool with her because of Judge and Death Marshals
- Brutal Emissary seems very good with her because of SPD and Burning synergies

Hope it helped a bit, I think more Witchling Stalkers arn't really needed as soon as you expand your crew. Usually I'll include 1-2 in a build but usually lose 1-2 and summon 1-2. Which means 3 often cover the most of it as summoning is still quite specific and only becomes a more reliable tool with the likes of a Brutal Emissary in my opinion.

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4 hours ago, mercury said:

I was thinking maybe Austringers, Witchling Handlers + something else; probably Malifaux Child (do I really need a second totem this early in my Guild experience?), more Witchling Stalkers (for summoning), Brutal Effigy, or Sue?

If I was to re-order these:

Brutal Effigy - Fantastic model in general and any killy master loves him. 
Austringers - Great
Malifaux Child - The main totem isn't particularly great; the Child really helps make her a 3D master by enhancing her board control abilities with the flame walls.  A bit more Sonnia specific than others on this list though.
Handlers - You'll only ever run one and they're a little expensive for what they do.  Not terrible if you run all 3 stalkers, but even then a little underwhelming.
Sue - He's an all around good model but nothing so particularly special I'd buy him on the first pass.
More Stalkers - It's not a bad buy but I'd skip it on a budget.  The thing is, you'll rarely if ever make more Stalkers than you start with as Reincarnation generally functions by one of them dying and lighting something on fire for Sonnia to trigger the summon off of.

This isn't super helpful right now, but when Nellie's box comes out there's some potential there.  Reporters are fantastic scheme runners and Phiona is an interesting Francisco alternative, with the ability to get Sonnia out of combat and further enhance her denial with her own terrain generation.

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To be the devil's advocate I don't think the Child is required. Unless your meta is hyper competitive and encourages the bests lists all the time, you can make do without him for now. Some people see Sonnia as a NPE and double flame walls really hammers that home, especially if they are new and don't expect to get blasted off the board. Since you won't be using him with anyone else in Guild, it could wait. He's a cheap buy though, so it wouldn't hurt you either. I suppose it depends on your regular opponents. Tournament regular? Bring it on. Casual beerfaux? Take it easy.


Austringers and Effigy are great picks for everyone starting Guild. The Perdita box has a lot of good models you will use (hyper competitive papabox says hello) but that can wait for a little while too. The Brutal Emmisary is great with Sonnia and is a fantastic model, fitting the theme well. I'd pick that up as your next big buy.

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Austringers, Brutal Effigy, Perdita Box, Death Martials and Malifaux Child in that order.

Handlers are bad and a trap.

Standard list I run if you're looking for an end-game (sometimes I replace 2x Expert Sleuth with a Guild Pathfinder, or an Austringer with Brutal Emissary, also often a Watcher depending on Schemes/Opposition/Terrain):

-- Sonnia Standard --

Sonnia Criid
    Cherufe's Imprint, 1SS
    Counterspell Aura, 1SS
    Expert Sleuth, 1SS
Malifaux Child (Mercenary), 3SS
Franscisco Ortega, 8SS
    Wade In, 1SS
    Hermanos De Armas, 1SS
Brutal Effigy, 4SS
Guild Austringer, 6SS
Guild Austringer, 6SS
Papa Loco, 7SS
    Expert Sleuth, 1SS
Death Marshal, 6SS

Available Soulstones: 50
Total: 46
Pool: 7

Shared from MalifauxModels (geeksong.com/Malifaux, or Google Play).


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9 minutes ago, Surrealistik said:

Austringers, Brutal Effigy, Perdita Box, Death Martials and Malifaux Child in that order.

Handlers are bad and a trap.

Standard list I run if you're looking for an end-game (sometimes I replace 2x Expert Sleuth with a Guild Pathfinder):

-- Sonnia Standard --

Sonnia Criid
    Cherufe's Imprint, 1SS
    Counterspell Aura, 1SS
    Expert Sleuth, 1SS
Malifaux Child (Mercenary), 3SS
Franscisco Ortega, 8SS
    Wade In, 1SS
    Hermanos De Armas, 1SS
Brutal Effigy, 4SS
Guild Austringer, 6SS
Guild Austringer, 6SS
Papa Loco, 7SS
    Expert Sleuth, 1SS
Death Marshal, 6SS

Available Soulstones: 50
Total: 46
Pool: 7

Shared from MalifauxModels (geeksong.com/Malifaux, or Google Play).


Didn't this infamous list have a watcher? 

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The Sonnia list I'm working towards to looks a bit like this:

Sonnia Criid (3 SS) SS Pool: 6
- Cherufe's Imprint 1 SS
Malifaux Chid (Merc) 3 SS
Francisco Ortega 8 SS
- Wade In 1 SS
- Hermanos De Armas 1 SS
Brutal Emissary 10 SS
- Conflux of Incineration 0 SS
Papa Loco 7 SS
Guild Austringer 6 SS
Guild Austringer 6 SS
Brutal Effigy 4 SS

It's extremely likely the other lists are way better but I like any excuse to use a Brutal Emissary and do think it spices up the list quite nicely but does hand in on quite some Upgrades.

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2 hours ago, JDAntoine said:

The Sonnia list I'm working towards to looks a bit like this:

Sonnia Criid (3 SS) SS Pool: 6
- Cherufe's Imprint 1 SS
Malifaux Chid (Merc) 3 SS
Francisco Ortega 8 SS
- Wade In 1 SS
- Hermanos De Armas 1 SS
Brutal Emissary 10 SS
- Conflux of Incineration 0 SS
Papa Loco 7 SS
Guild Austringer 6 SS
Guild Austringer 6 SS
Brutal Effigy 4 SS

It's extremely likely the other lists are way better but I like any excuse to use a Brutal Emissary and do think it spices up the list quite nicely but does hand in on quite some Upgrades.

Good list!  Make sure you pick counterspell aura.  It a must have

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I would drop an Austringer and take a Stalker or something to give yourself some variety. Frank is a sexy, sexy trap. That's 10ss invested in not scoring you points that will be isolated and excized by a good player, and he's not doing anything actively for you. Sure, he's a defensive piece. Nine times out of ten this game isn't won defensively.

If you're intent on taking Loco, you either want a Marshal to bury him or one of Abuela/The Judge so that the Emissary can bury him out of activation and spit him out somewhere nasty at the bottom of the turn.

You definitely want Counterspell Aura, and I usually like Sonnia with a full cache. If you can sprinkle a couple copies of Expert Sleuth into the mix that helps nicely.

My two cents, just to offer another view.

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14 hours ago, admiralvorkraft said:


My two cents, just to offer another view.

Heresy! You can't play guild without Francisco and the papabox, that way madness lies! :D 

11 hours ago, yukonicus said:

IMHO you really need the papabox.  Without it you're pretty much on a negative to damage so you're not able to cheat and get those blasts.  Without them she's doing 2 damage to one thing.

Without Dynamite-daddy you will likely need to focus or hit a model with very low defence but it isn't impossible to live without. That combo is a lot of stones that could buy you some very capable models. 

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Yeah all of the above certainly seem great options aswell. Thanks for the advice, I will certainly play those pieces aswell. The Brutal Emissary is also part of just testing new pieces and trying to find new grounds for Papa Loco combinations. Not only am I looking for 'hold this' synergy but also ways to transport him from the Emissary from the core of the crew to several schemes. 

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