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Guild's Strategy: Interference/Recon... How do you do it?


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So my club/store/bar has put up the scheme/strategy pool for tonight and its Interference. Of all the Strategies Interference seems to be the hardest for Guild to pull off.

I've got Nellie and a few other possibilities for tonight, but I still find that Interference is difficult for the following reasons:

  • Limited Summoning within Guild.
  • Lack of durable low SS cost models.
  • Strong emphasis on high cost Elite models.

Now there is something to be said about just killing your opponent's models and deny them that way, but I've found time and time again that Summoning Crews can usually make up the losses easily.

How do you guys handle Interference? Has Book 4 changed how you go about getting VP for it?

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Summoning crews with a bunch of night terrors... Ugh...

I wish I could help but I suck bigtime at interference too. I'll be following this thread with interest.

Here are some theoretical angles that I have failed to realize in an actual game. 

Hounds and other cheap stuff protected by a scary gunline to hold your own quarters but doesn't deny the enemy and has trouble scoring a lot of schemes. Plus a lot of lists can neutralize a gunline without any trouble.

Killing their stuff: combos well with hunting party but will often lead to you getting swamped since the enemy crew is killing your models about as fast but regaining three models from summoning each turn resulting in a net loss for you.

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From my limited experience, Reconnoiter is just such a loss I mostly ignored setting up scoring points for the entire game and, once I figured out that some scheme pools just can't be denied, rushed the summoner instead with one elite strike force for a decapitation strike. It does decide the game early, I'll grant you that. Sometimes it even works. Literally. *gives Howard Langston cookies for the triple kill turn--it was glorious--heads and other body parts bouncing everywhere*

Interference is a little more achievable. What shapes my thoughts here are denying early turns' points and scoring early turns' points for myself (our games run over time, every time) at the cost of tactics which would certainly crumble in the later turns. I set up the tarpit and/or unignorable killing machine of choice in one quadrant just behind the 6" bubble and make enemies have to take their charge lanes through the no-score zone in order to deal with it. If my opponent hugged the table edges they could ignore it, but to date, they haven't. Also like to bring the longest ranges of engagement that will fit on the table and park one just over each centerline to try and hold the line. Not a gunline. Tanking, so if they can lock down two or more opposing models into not scoring per end-of-turn, they're doing their job.

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The way I've tended to do it involves putting cheaper models like Guild Hounds and Watchers near the lines that split quarters, and then skipping them between quarters depending on what I need where.

Best way to keep these alive is by spending the rest of your stones on in-your-face models that scare the bejeezus out of your opponent so they have to deal with them. My favourite for this used to be Lady Justice with Judge and Francisco - 3 hard as nails models that are difficult to kill, can redeploy each other with pushes and pulls, and can tear the heart out of the enemy crew given half a chance.

Recently I can't see past McCabe in these strategies. His ability to reactivate those cheap models for rapid redeployment is priceless, along with his ability to tie up significant chunks of the enemy crew. Austringers remain your friends, and in conjunction with Luna and 2-4 Hounds give you a chunk of models that can cover huge swathes of the table. I also like to take one of the hammer bearers, Taelor or Johan - not only do they have a 3" reach, but the Badge of Speed gives them Nimble and Taelor's Welcome to Malifaux can put summoners on the back foot immediately if she's in the right place.

Don't get me wrong, these strategies are nightmares for a Guild player. I still hate seeing them, and if I think I can get away with it, I'll look at Sonnia or Justice for clearing house rather than trying to keep up and outnumber. But if there's a summoner possible, it has to be McCabe for me.

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6 minutes ago, PanzerHarris said:

The way I've tended to do it involves putting cheaper models like Guild Hounds and Watchers near the lines that split quarters, and then skipping them between quarters depending on what I need where.

Best way to keep these alive is by spending the rest of your stones on in-your-face models that scare the bejeezus out of your opponent so they have to deal with them. My favourite for this used to be Lady Justice with Judge and Francisco - 3 hard as nails models that are difficult to kill, can redeploy each other with pushes and pulls, and can tear the heart out of the enemy crew given half a chance.

Recently I can't see past McCabe in these strategies. His ability to reactivate those cheap models for rapid redeployment is priceless, along with his ability to tie up significant chunks of the enemy crew. Austringers remain your friends, and in conjunction with Luna and 2-4 Hounds give you a chunk of models that can cover huge swathes of the table. I also like to take one of the hammer bearers, Taelor or Johan - not only do they have a 3" reach, but the Badge of Speed gives them Nimble and Taelor's Welcome to Malifaux can put summoners on the back foot immediately if she's in the right place.

Don't get me wrong, these strategies are nightmares for a Guild player. I still hate seeing them, and if I think I can get away with it, I'll look at Sonnia or Justice for clearing house rather than trying to keep up and outnumber. But if there's a summoner possible, it has to be McCabe for me.

Sonnia with Taelor should be fun.

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