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GenCon Nightmare "The Wild Ones" - in-theme additions?


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I'm really struggling not to order this box right now :D


Just in case I get weak and will buy it ... who knows ... has anybody here already made plans what they will add to the crew?

The theme is imo a mix of Steampunk and Mad Max (gorgeous btw), but I haven't really come up with any cool ideas what could be some cool additions to add in there.


Ideas are highly welcome ;)

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This is my problem. I like my stuff to be in theme, which is why I find it hard to run outsie of a themed crew. This box was fantastic, but nowhere near a 50ss list, so there's lots to add to it. But Guild doesn't have much that fits the mad max theme. At least for the Dark Carnival they teased the Nightmare Coryphee, which brings it to a 50ss list, and Angelica fits in visually as well. Maybe they will tease an addon at Gencon for Black Friday, like the Nightmare Coryphee?

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8 minutes ago, -Loki- said:

This is my problem. I like my stuff to be in theme, which is why I find it hard to run outsie of a themed crew. This box was fantastic, but nowhere near a 50ss list, so there's lots to add to it. But Guild doesn't have much that fits the mad max theme. At least for the Dark Carnival they teased the Nightmare Coryphee, which brings it to a 50ss list, and Angelica fits in visually as well. Maybe they will tease an addon at Gencon for Black Friday, like the Nightmare Coryphee?

Guild Hounds would fit alright, same with the Pale Rider, and both are quite good with Guild McCabe afaik.

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