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Parker; a Fuller Picture


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2 hours ago, Erorior said:

That's one of his 0-actions, yes. Nunorod was probably speaking about his other 0-action, which places a marker (not belonging to the strategy) up to 6". :) 

Yes that's it. One 0 it's a generic marker, you could even move the "Haze of Bullets" cloud (the one from the upgrade). So Aionus can be 6 of a marker and place it 6 away, so thr marker can travel something like 12" (more or less). Picture Parker putting a haze of bullets marker and Aionus placing it on top of enemies.

Regarding the discard. When I play Aionus the first turn is basically putting those low/medium cards to use and make minions around Aionus FAST to reposition or just give them a good head start. In the first 2 turns Aionus can has an extra AP to move, so he can position forward. So I can see Aionus pulling or throwing markers to Parker and then he can do whatever he want with it.

The other 0 Action only affects friendly markers which Parker can convert and Aionus can replace them ALL 2". It may be of some use.

Just theory of course... can hardly wait to have the book.

But Aionus, looking at the new book and it's forces, really makes a lot more sense as I expected.

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6 hours ago, nunorod said:

Yes that's it. One 0 it's a generic marker, you could even move the "Haze of Bullets" cloud (the one from the upgrade). So Aionus can be 6 of a marker and place it 6 away, so thr marker can travel something like 12" (more or less). Picture Parker putting a haze of bullets marker and Aionus placing it on top of enemies.

Not exactly. Aionus places the marker within 6" of it's position not his position. 

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I do agree with this assessment. Aionus Will be useful, not only because of the markers , because the cheap bandits getting fast. Though, the other parts of Aionus won't come into effect so often(slowing and bury). Then there is his cost. Aionus would probably be a good pick versus some ressers or maybe arcanists. 


The envy with Parker , that is a fantastic idea. I Will now have to include him in the Parker paint scheme .

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I have used Aionus a bit in my outcast games, and I find that the mere threat of the fast-aura can be enough to give knowledgable opponents pause in their positioning. You won't (and shouldn't!) use it every turn on every activation since you need to get the most out of your cards, but a key activation where a Convict Gunslinger or Johan/na suddenly get's fast can be devastating and easily worth the 7-8 you discard for it. Aionus brings really nice options of movement and flexible threat ranges, not fast to all models all the time. His other tricks are good as well, with decent damage, Ca vs incorporeal and a nice slow with bonus area to slow/drain cards. I won't bring him every game, but I will often consider him. :)

I believe that Aionus might be nice with with Parkers crew since his Bandidos are cheap (and therefore cheap to give fast) and due to his marker shenanigans (since Parker will mostly shine in marker-based scenarios). He won't be an auto-include, but most models (except exceptions like Johan) are. :P 

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So far I have had moderate success with parker. He seems to function best as a midrange master. Using survivalist+ totem is a great way to keep him alive and he is not a pushover on the defensive stats. I have been running with 2 bandidos and it seems to do the trick, but I could almost justify 3 as they are so good as scheme runners. They have a higher survivability than I thought due to their defensive trigger. It has kept mine alive in multiple situations by pushing out of range, LOS, or into cover. 

Mad dog has been a mixed result, but he is also a medium range model. He destroyed an executioner (burning +4, 1st trigger 2 damage, 2nd trigger shotgun-> push) and then the burning finished him off.

I haven't gotten good use out of the totem yet, but I am not used to playing with heal. His hard to would was good but sometimes I wanna use it on a model at risk but unharmed.

I have very much enjoyed using the exploding marker trick. Parkers other upgrades I am still getting used to. do not discount his ability to push friendlies (or himself) and his 0 to make others attack. He is a fantastic "commander style" but is versatile enough he can be Killy. I brought the tally sheet-effigy combo with him and it is super good in relation to killing minions and some enforcers. 

The unconventional movement is where this crew shines. Against a lady jay crew he couldn't keep me locked down (as long as I didn't die from the initial encounter). Add in a durable beatstick/front-liner and you are gold. I don't proxy but I can easily see the raiders being highly useful for him. The undead bandits seem ok, but not necessary. 


Overall he has been flexible and useable with lots of different crew options 

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I'm planning on running Parker alongside Hamelin for most schemes/strats. Parker's mobility and potentially nasty burst damage seems very solid. I think Envy is almost an auto-include with him and the Effigy also seems solid.

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