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Jacob Lynch with Rising Sun unburying Huggy


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Greetings Wyrdos. I would like some help with explainin the rules about rising sun upgrade. 

When Hungering Darkness is "killed", I need to kill an enemy model that has brilliance and is within 6 inches of Jacob Lynch. Question is, can I use Rising Sun upgrade ability to unburry Huggy, if Lynch used on an enemy model without brilliance condition his Play for Blood ability using trigger to put brilliance on the target but killed it with the attack? The trigger says after succeding, I am not sure if it would be possible or not, since it says:  


After succeding: These effects are resolved after Step 5, and only if the model with this Trigger wins duel. 

I am sure it would possible to make if the trigger ha "after damaging" written there:

After damaging: These effects happen after Step 5 and only if the target suffers 1 or more damage from the action. These effects are resolved before the damaged model is removed if it was killed by the damage. 

It both cases it mentiones "after step 5", but will the trigger apply the condition before the model dies (and enable so Huggy to unburry) or is this an exception only for "after damaging" triggers?

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I don't have the wording to hand. 

If the Hungering darknes has the timing of "after an enemy model with Brilliance is killed..."  then  it won't work if you are using an after succeeding or after damaging trigger to add the brilliance, because they are killed before the trigger adds Brilliance to them. (In the case of an after damaging trigger, you do the damage, kill the model, but before you remove the model as killed, you get to do the trigger effect). 

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On 15.07.2016 at 6:55 PM, Kirby said:

This is the same reason it is sometimes difficult for Sonnia Criid to summon Witchling Stalkers.  She has to kill a model that already has the Burning condition, not kill it with an attack that also adds Burning.

Violetion of Magic works when target is reduced to 0 wounds. Thats why it doesn`t work.


32) When do “After Succeeding” Triggers occur?

A: They occur after Step 5 of the Action sequence, so after applying the results of the Action.


The after damaging case is explained in Adran`s post.

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