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Hannah or Lazarus?


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37 minutes ago, Patzer said:

Blessed, another controversial pick! I think its amazing.

Montressor, completely agree with you.

Hans, works in very specific crews.

Well, I have no clue on Blessed. A friend of fine - very good with Arca - said so and on a first look to me seems very poor.

Hans, poor him :P When do you think is gonna work better than a trapper or something else? Remember it's 8 SS and requires 4 cards to maybe do something ahah :D


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24 minutes ago, Blacks85 said:

Well, I have no clue on Blessed. A friend of fine - very good with Arca - said so and on a first look to me seems very poor.

Hans, poor him :P When do you think is gonna work better than a trapper or something else? Remember it's 8 SS and requires 4 cards to maybe do something ahah :D


No, he is not better than a trapper. But he can be very strong with Tara and Hoffman. 

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Hans can shoot into engagements, and it's the only outcast model to do so, that may be weighted... he is worth taking I pay better almost exclusively, and generally everyone else benefits... his higher sh stat makes him more likely to naturally succeed and the  cheat still likely causes a trigger to for liking!

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For me the biggest issue with Hans is that every single time they manage to engage him so no more shooting unless he disengages. But maybe that issue is mine for not knowing how to place him correctly (or leaving somebody behind with him to take care of those situations). 


Just a question, which one do you prefer for Levi, Lazarus or Ashes and Dust? I have only played him once and it was with Ashes and Dust and I found very useful the Rebirth tactical action, adding the non-chargeable ability of Ashes and Dust and the fact that he can rebirth everytime Levi kills him makes him a must for me, but after reading this I'm starting to wonder if maybe Lazarus is a better option (just for the sake of damage dealing). 

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28 minutes ago, Chou said:

Just a question, which one do you prefer for Levi, Lazarus or Ashes and Dust? I have only played him once and it was with Ashes and Dust and I found very useful the Rebirth tactical action, adding the non-chargeable ability of Ashes and Dust and the fact that he can rebirth everytime Levi kills him makes him a must for me, but after reading this I'm starting to wonder if maybe Lazarus is a better option (just for the sake of damage dealing). 

That depends what do you need.

If you need fast scheme runner with very good punch in melee then you take A&D.

If you need solid anchor with very good shooting - take Lazarus.

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23 hours ago, daniello_s said:

23SS in two models.... Only Levi can afford that ;)

Good thing Chou's asking about Leveticus! Johan(a) and a trapper makes it 35ss for 7 models, 4 of which could be anchors. Or dump Johan(a) or the trapper for Rusty Alyce and really go whole hog!

If nothing else it will teach you how the models work, which one fits your playstyle better, and really rub in that Leveticus gives you 2 or 3 free activations from his waifus.

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I suppose one thing I've learnt about the range of Outcast 10ss models is not to agonise over which one to buy - if you can only stretch to one, just go for the one that you think looks coolest or you'll enjoy painting, etc, 9 time out of 10 these guys will perform on and above their price tag. They're generally good with any master playing any playstyle, so whichever one you pick it is virtually guaranteed not to be a lemon.

At the end of the day things like Hannah, Laz, Bishop, Tealor, and the SaS are all excellent value and all have drawbacks too, none of which are so bad that you can't work around them, whichever one is brought to the table.

It's those 8ss ers that can cause the problems. The specialist/Hans/Vanessa are all ok in the right place at the right time, but if I can find the extra 2ss I'll take another of the Outcast Avengers, if not I'll likely take two 4ss minions or an extra trapper instead (with the exception of Sue, who is solid for 8ss).

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Thanks for all of your enthusiasm, Outcasts; as you are all very loosely organized, there may yet be a place for you in the Promised land.  You only have to swear fealty to the Oyuban.

I think I'm going with Lazarus.  My budget limitations combined with the need to pick up some last touches for the Thunders before Nova and now possibly this damnable Nightmare box combined with my love of ranged support in a melee crew... yea.  I will pick up Hannah one day but not for this grow league.

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