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Titania and the other Neverborn Masters fluff speculation (Spoilers from TTB Nythera)

Da Git

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In the end, I couldn't and bought myself the Nythera TTB Campaign book to get as much info on Titania as I could.

First of all, TTB looks like it could be a lot of fun.  Anyone into RPGs should definitely check it out!

Second of all, it really got me wondering about Titania and the other Neverborn Masters.  just a quick warning:

Here Be Spoilers!

So, Titania is the queen of the Fae and ruled the Neverborn (not sure if these are the same thing and the different branches evolved after her imprisonment) during the war against the Tyrants.  Apparently, things weren't going so well and she betrayed her people to make a deal with the Grave Spirit in return for the power to defeat the Tyrants.  However her people found out what she was up to and imprisoned her within Nythera.

So, with her freedom, how do you think the other Masters will react?  Was Lilith around when she was imprisoned?  From the Heyreddin fluff, we can assume she really doesn't like the Grave Spirit, so would be diametric opposed to Titania.  But what about Nekima?  Do you think they will find common cause to take down Lilith?

Then there's the others, I'd say Pandora & Zoraida would probably take Lilith's side as they seem to be doing everything in there power to deny the Grave Spirit.  On the otherhand, they're desperately seeking a way to stop the Tyrants, whom Titania has direct experience in combating so might be able to be used again. 

Nytemare (the Dream I could imagine doesn't care less...), being a tyrant himself (whether or not he knows it himself!), I guess would also love to see Titania gone.

Lynch & Collodi probably wouldn't really care.  Although as a product of Old Malifaux, that may depend on Collodi's memories and Huggy would probably just try to lay low. 

The only other one is Luscius, and really, who knows what he's up to!

Titania was portrayed as "arrogant, entitled and utterly detirmined to have her way in all things".  So I can't really imagine Titania being too subtle in her "negotiations" for her people to kneel before her again as she reclaims "her" world or wishing to avenge herself on those who imprisoned her.  Could this be the start of a Neverborn civil war?

Could be some really fun times ahead!  What do you guys think?

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Pretty sure Lilith, Nekima and Pandora would have been around when Titania was imprisoned. I wouldn't be shocked if some of them were directly involved - particularly Lilith, who has a massive distaste for the Necromantic, so unleashing the Grave Spirit would have particularly rubbed her the wrong way. It's definitely going to give the Neverborn fluff a nice shakeup.

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The ones i could see taking a stance are Lilith, Luscius, and Zoraida. Lilith has already stated that they use the magic of life when she let Hayreddin live so she could find the old queens very presence offensive similar with Lady J and any undead. Luscius, o Luscius my favorite of the scum bag manipulators, I would love for him to see more story time almost as much as I would love to see his hand in this poker game of fate. I am not even sure he knows what he is trying to do but it is something.... his poker face is just to good. Zoraida will try an manipulate the Queen.

As for the others:

I am never really sure about Lynch being a "master" to begin with or his factions. I have read all the fluff he just is an odd duck to me.

Dreamer is like the honey badger, he just does not care. Chompy will leverage her vs the other Tyrants.

Collodi and Pandora will be fine if they are left alone to there devices.

Nekima will try and use the Queen to deal with Lilith and then try to kill the Queen.

The real question I feel is how Titania will deal with Molly and the resurs.... Also I am glad she is not a dual faction master, though Hayreddin might try to get in good with her.

Interesting note, there are undead Nephilim in under quarantine.

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I actually see Pandora and Zoraida standing with Lilith on this matter.  While it is true that the Neverborn under Lilith are desperate to stop the Tyrants, it honestly seems like they have something of a plan, just not one they are willing to share in case knowledge as it might hinder their plans.  Now that plan might be a half formed hail mary play but Zoraida seems to be trying to guide the direction.  As for Pandora, while she likes messing with Lilith I do not see her liking Nekima or likely Titania much.  Nekima would be less tolerant of her 'fun' and the two likely would conflict even more over humanity *Nekima wants them DEAD and gone, Pandora likes playing with them, and Lilith while she hates them acknowledges they might be the key to the war with the Tyrants*.

I imagine that Lilith will want to oppose Titania and if anything holds her back it will be Zoraida if she sees a way to use Titania's return to further their own plans.  I see Nekima also opposing Titania but possible willing to agree to some sort of arrangement along the lines of "We kill Lilith then settle who is the true Queen of the Neverborn" deal.  Not allies but not fighting each other.

Collodi, Lord Chompy, and HD will be kind of out of the loop, though I imagine Zoraida would have a better time tapping those resources for her ends then the other masters.

Lucius... he is a hard one to predict but I imagine it will be him dancing to his own tune... and one no one else can hear.


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Slightly off topic
Is it a forum joke to miss-spell Lucius' name? 

More on topic.
Certainly hoping for a ...I would say civil war....but I've already been let down by one of those lately, and I don't imagine most Neverborn to be overly "civil".

While this would obviously only be a fluff matter .... to some people .... I'm personally inclined to think that "fluff does matter".... So would really like to know who else Lucius is connected to apart from Waldgeist, Graves and Tannen who are to date the only Neverborn (off the top of my head) we have available who he has confirmed dealings with in the fluff.

Also really hoping Titania and other masters cause a divide in their factions politically/socially, but that's because I enjoy restricting my crew selection based on fluff/theme/"realistic" alliances etc.

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4 hours ago, Vorschlag said:

Slightly off topic
Is it a forum joke to miss-spell Lucius' name? 

It is in my username (and not a very good one, at that) but otherwise is probably more to do with autocorrect.

At least people seem to have largely gotten a handle on reszeurrectionissts. (Which, funnily enough my phone just changed to the correct spelling)

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7 hours ago, D_acolyte said:

Also because we already have some spoilers I will say that I really hope the minions of hers look like the Autumn Knights out of the Nythera Penny Dreadful.

Me too, that guy looks awesome!

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I can upload it (I just took a screenshot of it), I'm pretty sure it shouldn't be breaking any rules since pictures are taken of the artwork from the new books and posted all over the shop when Gencon comes around, but I haven't seen it done for TTB stuff.  Do you think it should be ok?  I'd prefer to stay on the Moderator's good side!

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2 minutes ago, Da Git said:

I can upload it (I just took a screenshot of it), I'm pretty sure it shouldn't be breaking any rules since pictures are taken of the artwork from the new books and posted all over the shop when Gencon comes around, but I haven't seen it done for TTB stuff.  Do you think it should be ok?  I'd prefer to stay on the Moderator's good side!

Wait staying on the moderator good side..... knew if forgot something. Hopefully no one is to mad this is from a commonly available source.

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2 minutes ago, D_acolyte said:

Wait staying on the moderator good side..... knew if forgot something. Hopefully no one is to mad this is from a commonly available source.

Think it should be ok...  As I said, heaps of stuff is posted around Gencon, and your not posting rules but who knows... ?



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Me too, these guys look pretty awesome, I have to wonder why they are some human-esque though?  These guys were supposedly around when the tyrants were kicking back, centuries, if no millennia before humanity really set foot in Malifaux.  Same for Titania really.  Why do you think they resemble humans so much?

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1 minute ago, Da Git said:

Me too, these guys look pretty awesome, I have to wonder why they are some human-esque though?  These guys were supposedly around when the tyrants were kicking back, centuries, if no millennia before humanity really set foot in Malifaux.  Same for Titania really.  Why do you think they resemble humans so much?

There is so much wrong there that it is unbelievable, but I would hate to spoil the fun of discovery anymore. I will state that your assumptions are incorrect.

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Haven't read any of the fluff related to Titania yes, but my literary background makes me want to throw something at the wall to see if it sticks.

Has there been mention of an Oberon yet? Titania, Queen of the Fae's husband goes by that name in the most commonly available sources (Shakespeare being the most readily available), so it would be safe to assume that he can't be far behind. He's also a bit of a trickster, and plays games with those around him (both mortal and fae), that they often don't even realize are going on.

So, is there any chance a certain masked master who likes to control and scheme might be Oberon under a different guise? As I said, I'm just spit-balling, but it's a fun line of thought.

Edited by Draco Aleksander
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11 hours ago, Da Git said:

Me too, these guys look pretty awesome, I have to wonder why they are some human-esque though?  These guys were supposedly around when the tyrants were kicking back, centuries, if no millennia before humanity really set foot in Malifaux.  Same for Titania really.  Why do you think they resemble humans so much?

For all we know the original inhabitants had a human like form Breachside, after all many things in Malifaux seem designed around a human like build.  Relic Hammers, the green snake ring that Kirai had, the size of Plague's Tomb, and plenty of other stuff have suggested they might have been very similar to humans. 

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Unless of course the entire world is a vampiric entity that feeds off the collective hopes, dreams, memories, fears and anxieties of its occupants and/or the occupants of worlds/realms that it comes into contact with.....

Alternatively it could be like star trek where most races are humanesque but with different coloured skins and different skin/bone ridges. 


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I see no reason we can't have badass faerie warriors in wooden armour with huge spears as combat minions, and weird flying glowing butts as Titanias Totems or scheme runners, and whatever else they come up with the the Fae. There's lots of inspiration to draw from when designing Fae units. They don't have to be, nor do I want them to be, as uniform as the Nephilim.

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12 hours ago, D_acolyte said:

Wait staying on the moderator good side..... knew if forgot something. Hopefully no one is to mad this is from a commonly available source.

Seems okay to me - it's from a released source, and you could claim it as fair use. If we get told otherwise, I'll let you know. :)

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