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Typical upgrade configurations for the viks - and hannah with the viks?


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I am about to get painting on my Viks box - and although I have had a look through the cards and upgrades it's not clear yet where the synergies are etc. Although I know there is no substitute for just playing with them, what are the typical upgrade configuartions to get me a solid starting point? I assume that mark of shezuul goes on blood, synchronised slaying and sisters in fury on ashes? Also, with Hannah's ability to copy ca abilities, how well does she fare in a viks crew?

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Speaking of viks...

  • 2 Oathkeeper for the babies are a must
  • I often give survivalist to the boss
  • Mark of shezul is very strong vs resser and arcanist
  • Syster in fury is strong if you hire a malifaux child

Speaking of Hannah...unfortunately is a bit overpriced in my opinion.

The 2SS upgrade requires a symbol, so I often give her only oathkeeper or I pay better in case of focus required

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Hannah can do well in a Viks crew.  Having her cast sisters in fury can be entertaining.  I find myself favoring Vanessa over her though.  

As far sas upgrades go, Vik of Blood always Mark of Shezuul, and occasionally Oathkeeper.  Vik of Ash gets Sisters in Spirit, Sisters in Fury, with the third being somewhat variable.  Survivalist is a popular third choice.

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So far my upgrades for my Sisters has been fairly constant.

Ashes, Sisters in Fury, Sisters in Spirit, Synchronized Slaying, Malifaux Child (he's a 2 stone upgrade that saves Ashes an AP)

Blood, Mark of Shez'uul, Oath Keeper

However to squeeze Survivalist onto Ashes I'd drop Sisters in Fury and the Malifaux Child, and probably take the Student instead. Student can help with positioning to get Blood and Ashes into combat, and while Fury is good, often you won't have time to cast it before you have to activate Ashes or Blood to attack (at least that's my experience). Accomplice from Sychronized Slaying, and places from Sisters in Spirit, are probably more useful overall.

Remember that Sisters in Spirit can be used to pull Blood out of a combat if she's in over her head, and Accomplicing her afterwards can allow you to create more space or engage another target.

50ss Crew

Viktoria Of Ashes -- 7ss
 +Sisters In Spirit - 1ss
 +Synchronized Slaying - 2ss
 +Survivalist - 1ss

Student Of Conflict - 4ss

Freikorps Librarian - 7ss
 +Oathkeeper - 1ss

Freikorps Trapper - 6ss

Freikorps Trapper - 6ss

Hodgepodge Effigy - 4ss

Vanessa - 8ss
 +Oathkeeper - 1ss

Viktoria Of Blood - 0ss
 +Mark Of Shez'uul - 2ss
 +Oathkeeper - 1ss

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Blood - Mark of Shez'ul & Oathkeepter

Ashes - Survivalist & Sisters in Fury 

Pretty much every time. Child is almost always in the crew. I will say that Sisters in Fury is not used as often as I would like and I'm thinking about permanently dropping that one. 

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I like to take Malifaux child over Student - I'm not a huge fan of the 3 model slingshot anymore, but it's good to have the flexibility for Ash to pull Blood up.  With accomplice, sometimes you can make good use of their expensive move that pulls all sisters in as well to attack, good way of moving Blood up to about 8" or so.  companion is great for the sisters.

Blood - Mark of Shezuul (it's expensive, and to be honest it usually doesn't come into play, but when I don't take it I'm guaranteed to miss it.  But I will ditch this if I'm tight on AP), oathkeeper maybe (if I've spent a bunch of AP buffing her, I want her to have an extra AP to use it in case I get unlucky and waste all that AP)

Ash - survivalist (too squishy otherwise, and the + to healing flips is sweet), fury (min damage of 5 - I've had times where big models have withstood quite a few hits because I kept doing min damage), synchronized slaying (only for accomplice - another + is fairly pointless on blood, though it can help on Ash).  Not taking Spirit as much these days.

11 hours ago, Trample said:

Blood - Mark of Shez'ul & Oathkeepter

Ashes - Survivalist & Sisters in Fury 

Pretty much every time. Child is almost always in the crew. I will say that Sisters in Fury is not used as often as I would like and I'm thinking about permanently dropping that one. 

At a recent tournament I discovered how useful it is to increase the minimum damage rather than simply increasing melee....had I used Fury more, it would have turned some of my games around.

I try to have 6-7 SS for these two - between reducing damage and whirlwind (or reflipping initiative/cards if they're in a precarious position)


These days I like to have Vanessa hiding somewhere or dealing with minions out of the firing line and Child near here, so he can just heal Vanessa to heal the others.

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ashes - sisters in fury, sisters in spirit, syncronised slaying - have to have the last one to get blood off before your opponent can react and min damage 5 is also great. losing any of these 3 will effect your slingshot in some way (either less damage, no calling blood to you or no activating blood straight away)

blood - mark of shezuul, oath keeper

malifaux child (to cast fury)

taelor - oath keeper


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12 hours ago, CapnBloodbeard said:

At a recent tournament I discovered how useful it is to increase the minimum damage rather than simply increasing melee....had I used Fury more, it would have turned some of my games around.

Oh, I absolutely agree and that's the plan when I set out. I find so often however that other things will take priority over casting Fury early in the turn. A recent tournament game a played the Viktorias and  in turn 3 or 4 I need to activate Blood right away (before Child or Ashes) since she had something in melee range from the prior round (I think Blood had been charged after she activated). Following that my next best activation was Ashes who did a walk and then charged Hans. So, no Fury. I could have waited but if I had each of those enemy models would have had an activation. 

That sort of thing seems to happen a lot. So, I love Fury but I find myself using it 2 rounds a game or so, one of which it is sometimes overkill. I haven't dropped it yet since 5 minimum damage is brutal, but I have been considering it. 

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If you have Accomplice and Ash is in range of blood then this will fix some of those problems....of course it's not always practical or beneficial to keep them that close to each other.

I haven't used Fury at all almost - I mistakenly went for the additional + flip.  I've learned that the difference between + and ++ is negligible, and a bad move if the black joker is in the deck still.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Survivalist gives Ashes Hard to Kill and a :+fate Healing flip. It's great to force your opponent to spend 1 more AP to finish her or risk healing right back up. You can get the card from the Generalist upgrade pack or Outcasts Wave 1 Arsenal

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Blood - Shezuul and Oath

Ash - Fury and Oath

Lazzy - Oath

IF I take Hannah (I pay better) though I've been taking Rusty Alice lately.


I may play a wierd viks list though, I play very heavy guns (lazzy, 2 snipers, rusty, librarian, child) and my viks are generally disposable.  To clear the gunline and threaten anything that comes close.

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On 5/18/2016 at 3:19 PM, crimzzen said:

Blood - Shezuul and Oath

Ash - Fury and Oath

Lazzy - Oath

IF I take Hannah (I pay better) though I've been taking Rusty Alice lately.


I may play a wierd viks list though, I play very heavy guns (lazzy, 2 snipers, rusty, librarian, child) and my viks are generally disposable.  To clear the gunline and threaten anything that comes close.

I like it. I've been using Angel Eyes a bit with I pay Better. Not as well rounded as Rusty, but that ability to shoot into melee is nice. Same cost. 

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On 18/05/2016 at 6:19 AM, crimzzen said:

Blood - Shezuul and Oath

Ash - Fury and Oath

Lazzy - Oath

IF I take Hannah (I pay better) though I've been taking Rusty Alice lately.


I may play a wierd viks list though, I play very heavy guns (lazzy, 2 snipers, rusty, librarian, child) and my viks are generally disposable.  To clear the gunline and threaten anything that comes close.

How do you actually run the Viks on the table?  Fairly close together or pretty independently?


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