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McMourning against Marcus- Getting massacred every time


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So I have recently played 2 games of Malifaux against a brand new player on Vassal.  That player is using Marcus with a typical beast crew (Sabertooth, Myranda, etc).  So far I have gotten massacred each time, and am not sure how to handle him.  The first he ran around me, used a raptor to ensure that I could not get interference points without having a two point advantage, and took advantage of my inability to cover the whole table to crush me.  The second was  squatters rights and corner, and he used leap to put a Blessed and sabertooth on the outside, grab those two, then just pincered my inner models.


I'm  just starting with doug, but getting killed against a beginner when I generally win more than I lost against the people I play has left me not trusting him.

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The first time was a small 30 point game, and I ran sebastian, the zombie chi, the exorcist, and 2 nurses.  


The second I ran sebastian, 2 lawyers, 2 nurse, 1 performers, emissary, 

EDIT: I honestly am kind of flailing when it comes to building to schemes with him.  I just finished a 20 game stretch of Dita playing, and I think I am trying to play him too much like I played perdita, where she solved so many problems for me.

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What models do you have available?

This is what I'd be aiming for, but that's based on models I have.

50ss Crew

McMourning -- 5ss
 +On The Clock - 1ss
 +Evidence Tampering - 2ss

Zombie Chihuahua - 2ss

Executioner - 9ss

Francisco Ortega - 8ss
 +Wade In - 1ss

Freikorps Trapper - 7ss

Freikorps Trapper - 7ss

Nurse - 5ss

Sebastian - 7ss

There aren't many upgrades worth taking in Guild, so I went for boys over toys, and I like the Executioner so that's why he's there. I don't have Riflemen but I do have Trappers, so there they are. Focus and shoot anything that is too mobile to catch, or weaken bigger models before Doug or the Executioner makes mincemeat out of them.

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I'm playing him on Vassal mainly when I face Marcus.  Otherwise I have a pretty good selection of guild models.  I have the Master Boxes for hoff, sonnia, metal lucius, perdita, lady j (-1 DM), and McM.  I have 3 wardens, a peacekeeper, an executioner, an extra lawyer, daschel, 2 extra guild guard, abuela, 3 pistoleros, 3 riflemen, 2 austringers, an emissary, the effigy, and a handler.  A performer is my only merc.

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I like McMourning with at least one other fast beater - Ryle or Grimwell typically. The nurse/stalker combo is a must, and then I like some ranged support that can shoot into combat, usually an Austringer or two or Hans. 

The Brutal Effigy is great at maximizing healing.

I usually leave McMourning's poison models at home and run him with Moonlighting, Evidence Tampering, and Plastic Surgery for the free pushes.

He isn't the model removing machine that Perdita is, but he's extremely fast, independent and flexible both as a damage dealer and scheme facilitator.

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I play McMourning different than most people I know. I see him as a jack-of-all trades type.

He is more durable than Lady J, but fills the same role for me. But McM is more of a solo master than Lady J in my opinion.

The Nurse/Witchling Stalker combo while good is not necessary to what makes him awesome. Removing the Paralyze after healing with the Nurse is great.

McM's Plastic Surgery/Judge combo is good, but I've never gotten it to go off.

McMourning's poison output in Guild is not as high as rezzer and he does not have any summoning. His main compensation for this is the ability to fling out Ignore Armor, but he does well with just on his own. The Emissary and Sebastian help immensely with this.

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11 minutes ago, LunarSol said:

The biggest problem with the Judge combo is just that the min damage isn't at all enhanced and its tricky to get to work in general, let alone get it to work without being on a :-fate

Focus and Cast maybe? That should get to a straight hopefully.

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Loco is love. Loco is life... 

Give that judge something to hold onto and his cast is suddenly a lot better. If no enemies have the decency to turn undead you can just use the quite nice moderate damage on the ml attack. With the built in crit you hit 5 damage for a cheated 6 or 7 value card, or 6 damage if you also had a ram in your duel total. The Judge almost doubles his damage when going from weak to moderate which isn't half bad.

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