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Facing The Dreamer, HALP!


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So third game ever this friday, probably facing off with the Dreamer and Chompy. 

Im always in the business of reading up on what Im facing as not to get caught completely with my pants down even though im a beginner. Since Raspy is the crew i own Raspy is the crew I will play regardless.

So in the matchup between Raspy vs Dreamer, what should I watch out for and what are my main targets?

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Watch out for Chompy eating your face and letting the Dreamer summon tons of models (if he has the summoning upgrade). It's not easy to know what you might be up against in regards to other models without knowing exactly what your opponent likes to play but Stitched togethers are brutal and do a lot  of damage. Also note that you don't want to bring them down to hard to kill without being able to finish them off since they get reactivate. If he summons them you should try to target them before they get to activate and heal.

Raspy can do some nasty damage to the Dreamer since she ignores his main defenses (incorporeal and pushing attacks onto other nightmares) with her blasty magic attacks. As long as you don't get bogged down in melee you should be able to make short work of him with Raspy. If your opponent built their list to facilitate summoning that should make it crumble. 

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Hmm, Dreamer is definetly ht 1 so you should be able to at least put a scare in him. If you keep the wendigo back and bait Chompy into charging something you might end up in range to devour the Dreamer when he comes back out. Note that the Dreamer can put attacks targeting him onto other nightmares nearby so he might set it up so he has a patsy to shove the devour onto.

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10 minutes ago, GrimmMJ said:

I might be opening up for a lengthy explanation about Dreamer but in cliffnote-form how does Dreamer and Chompy appear/disappear? How far from where Chompy is will Dreamer re-appear?

Pretty sure it's 6" from chompy. It could be the Dreamer that gets to place Chompy 6" away and comes in base to base... Been too long and I don't have Crossroads at hand.

The Dreamer basically builds up his "waking" condition and when he hits 4 Chompy comes in. One limited upgrade promotes the chompy-version and one limited upgrade promotes summoning. The summoning Dreamer usually tries not to bring in Chompy too fast.

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Bring along Johan. Put that :+fate:+fate damage flip on the relic hammer to good use to drop chompy in an activation and force the dreamer back on the board with slow; then like an under-qualified teenage babysitter slap that child silly. (obviously you'll have to come to terms with the fact your killing a slow child...)

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6 minutes ago, Bengt said:

Dreamer and Choppy are not living. Neither is anything with the Nightmare characteristic.

I think Gaki are the only models that ignore the restrictions for devouring models. I'm sure their card states ht1 or paralysed - but doesn't have living as a pre-requisite... 

Useless information for a Raspy game, but as GI Joe used to say: 'Knowing is half the battle.'

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2 minutes ago, MR TORGUE said:

I think Gaki are the only models that ignore the restrictions for devouring models. I'm sure their card states ht1 or paralysed - but doesn't have living as a pre-requisite... 

Useless information for a Raspy game, but as GI Joe used to say: 'Knowing is half the battle.'

Ama No Zako has the same Action (Swallow You Whole) and she's a mercenary. That doesn't work on leaders though and can be blocked by discard two cards/SS.

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In this particular case I dont have any issues with slapping children silly hehe. But thanx for all the input. Now I know alot more of what im facing. When Chompy has not yet arrived, what are the prime targets? Any use killing of his dreams or just go for the mission?

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What model pool do you have to work with for Rasputina?  What you have to work with can greatly change recommendations on tactics vs dreamer.

Models that are strong vs Dreamer are silent ones (magic damage with blasts, healing), Snowstorm (mobility, melee threat, mirror point), and December Acolytes (card and AP control, mirror, scheme running).  I also recommend running 1 ice gamin for the bite of winter aura.

As far as upgrades play whichever limited upgrade you are more comfortable with.  I personally prefer Shattered Heart but that is a different debate.   The only upgrade that I feel is mandatory is Cold Nights for the ice pillars.  They will not stop the large number of incorporeal models from moving but they will block LOS which can be game winning.

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Raspy is indeed the best way to go after Dreamer. Ca is the Dreamer's bane. She can also blast models he summons, which means that you probably want to let him go first then blast them off the board before they get to activate. Be careful though as Dreamer likes to take advantage of incorporeal and hide behind terrain that is hard to access. Raspy also scores on being immune to paralyze as Dreamer's nightmares tend to have Terrifying as a lot of their resilience.

Caveat: If he runs Chompy Dreamer he might take Blood wretches who are solid beaters and love the fact that he hands out Fast. Be wary because they can make sure he gets the perfect hand to lay waste to you. More than likely you'll see Lelu and Lilitu as well. Good thing to remember is that if Raspy paralyses one she gets the other one too, bad thing is that he gives them fast and Lelu can lure 3 times at a pretty decent Ca. Also no matter which Dreamer you see, Teddy will be in the crew. Fear the Teddy and kill it with...well Ice or Johan.

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18 minutes ago, Munindk said:

Read at least the first 2 posts in this tactica:


Good point. Tacticas for masters are usually the best way to take them apart. There are probably some podcasts on the matter.

I hate it when the weaknesses aren't real weaknesses! "Requires a large model pool" - because you will be summoning so much! "Every move requires consideration" - because most masters do well when you waste their AP for no reason? :D

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Well its nice someone takes into consideration that models actually costs money (Malifaux seems "relatively" cheap though), but not a real weakness no ;)

Since its my first game against Dreamer it will be watch and learn, stay out of Teddys way and make good use of Johans hammer. With Snowstorm and a Blessed I should have som mobility to counter his boardcontrol and be able to get some nice angles for mirroring. Johan would be totally unsupported if I field him but with his hammer he should get things done anyway.

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The Dreamer has 2 main ways of playing. One of them involves summoning lots of models on 1 wound and then healing them up asap. The best way to answer this is having area damage. If you are killing things that the dreamer has spent time and cards on summoning for less resource than he used, then you're doing well. 

His other way generally involves boosting the capabilities of several good models. 

one of his greatest free buffs is the aura about him that heals. Its much better if you completely kill a model in 1 turn, rather than plink away at it over several turns. 

You don't have a particularly quick crew, so if you end up  doing a board quarter game, you might be best to focus on holding 2 quarters, and just hunting anything that try's to steal them. If you are playing a hold the centre game, then you are probably in a good place as those are Rasputinsa strength, puit a lot of force into a small area. 

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Both Johan and Hans would be useful against Dreamer... Sniping out those scheme-runners with Hans and bashin Teddys stuffing out with Johan... But as previouslt stated Rasputina seems like a good match for Dreamer as long as I can keep my self from plunging headlong towards him and rather going for scenario and being protective.

I will definetly listen to Schemes and Stones ep.

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I find the dreamer players I play tend to do a summoning list and they hide the dreamer.  I found it was important to me to have the shattered heart upgrade on Raspy.  I needed to get models in good positions to mirror and actually hit the dreamer.  The other thing to be aware of is that the dreamer heals all of his models close to him when he activates I believe and that can be a problem if you work on hurting them and then they get healed up. 

Another strategy I've used is to take child of December.  I find Dreamers will have 2 or 3 upgrades on them.  You can get a model in range and try to paralyze him.  Then use the child of December upgrade to do shatter and with the right trigger it can do a static 6 or 9 damage based on the number of upgrades on the model.  It's a riskier strategy because freeze over only has a 6 in range.  It is a quick way to stop the dreamer though.

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