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Wyrd - I want to give you my money but...


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Forever may be a bit of a stretch :-P

We know that production hasn't always been what players would like, but I think you'll find 2016 to be a really solid year for releases. In case you didn't see Nathan's announcement... 



Anyway, thanks for bearing with us. We'd love to get you models faster, and we'll keep doing the best we can. Thanks for supporting us and for always wanting more :)

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5 minutes ago, RussellYale said:

Did not appreciate the effort going into getting these models into production.  Will you ever move to 3D printing? 

where can I actually find release dates.  I sort of know what you are going to say but I have to ask.

Upcoming releases are here: http://www.wyrd-games.net/upcoming-releases

They're also generally listed in our monthly newsletter. :)

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54 minutes ago, RussellYale said:

thanks for the link.  I'll cut to the chase - when do I get my rooster riders so my Gremlins can claim their birthright and rule Malifuax  :) 

I can't answer that, but I can say they are sculpted, so you shouldn't have to wait too terribly long. I guess it just depends on the level of impatience ;)

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2 hours ago, Aaron said:

I can't answer that, but I can say they are sculpted, so you shouldn't have to wait too terribly long. I guess it just depends on the level of impatience ;)

On the one hand I want to give you more time, so I can catch up with my Gremlin force, on the other hand... ROOSTER RIDERS ;___; At least they are sculpted... *crosses fingers for april*

How far are we with the Stuffed Piglets, so I can summon them with Sammy instead of generic tokens :3?

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I think the regularity of the releases is actually good. Several seem to come out every month. 

I do find it a bit unfavorable that the books come out with models that are way off in the development cycle. Book 3 coming out while many of the book 2 models are still not available for example.

I probably would be fine with that as well if I did not have a distaste for the whole proxy thing. Having to buy a bunch of bits to make an approximation of a model so that in 6 months I can buy the actual model is a bit off. I know, "if you don't like it don't make proxies". I don't, but other people do so you end up at a disadvantage. But, I guess the same issue arises from people who just can afford to get all the models they want for their crews. So in the end, its all a minor issue. 

Anyway, keep making great models (just put a priority on Outcasts and Rezzers  wink wink nod nod).

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I think the release schedule is actually very good! There was a discussion on Warseer just before the crash about alternatives to GW, and claims were made that GW is the only gaming company able to produce more than a handful hard plastic kits a year. Wyrd delivers that handful every month!

I do agree that being a Wyrd customer would've been less frustrating if the lag between rules and models were smaller, but I believe I've heard announcements to the effect that quite a bit is delayed through manufacturing. This is part of what growth is, and a rather small nuisance compared to only a handful kits a year...

That said, I'd be happy for the release schedule of new (model) rules to slow down a bit, so there'd be less need for proxies and such, but a minor nuisance at worst.. 

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For some of these models listed (Whitchling Handler specifically) there are still metal alternatives available (that I am sure LGS are looking to move). At least the release pace seems to be improving, though it would have likely been a bit faster had the decision been made to start with models that were wholly unavailable, instead of those that already had metal crews available.

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