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Crab Clan Yan Lo


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Some of you are asking WTF right about now. Allow me to explain.

I love the Game Legend of the 5 rings and have been missing the ability to play the table top war game.
So upon spying Yan Lo and his Ancestors, all of his mechanics, I decided to build a Crew reflecting the time I started to play my favorite clan from my favorite game.
I have a buddy who has offered to paint my Crew up to reflect my Beloved Crab Clan from the Clan Wars Era, when we allowed our Clan to use Oni, Undead and other such Vile creations of darkness.

My only Question is, Besides the Ancestors, what other models does a Yan Lo Crew need?

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If you're running him as Ten Thunders, you have to use Ototo. When I first saw that model, I immediately thought of Hida Kisada and Hida Yakamo.

The Ten Thunders Archers fit into the theme, painted as Hiruma Archers, most likely.

I assume you'll have Yan Lo painted up like Kuni Yori, before he fell to the Shadowlands.

Yes, I played L5R a very long time ago, from Emerald Edition until the start of Gold Edition.

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I think you should bring the Thunder Bros, even if they are being proxied by other models that fit your theme better.  Reason?  They have "Dance of Our People:  Crab Clan".

Maybe not verbatim :P  But close enough!  Also I know nothing about L5R, so I can't help in that respect.

But if you're asking from the synergy aspect in Malifaux, then you're in luck!  And the answer is even simpler than you might think.  Bring what ever you want.  A big beater or two helps with Lightning Dance, to toss the foe to their clutches, but easily the 10T have strong models no matter where you look, so it's as simple as fitting them to your theme.  Of course some are geared towards certain roles (Scheme Running or the likes), but those choices will be dependent on your Scheme Pool once you're picking crews in the match, assuming you play with enough models to utilize that aspect of the game (I often just play crew boxes with friends who don't have terribly many models, so it's not mandatory you have full access to enjoy the game :) ).

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Ototo is the perfect Crab warrior; massive tetsubo, tough as nails, weak willed. Thankfully he fits pretty well into a Yan Lo crew, as old uncle touchy can lightning dance stuff into Ototo to be flurried to death rather nicely.

The shadow emissary is another great addition to a Yan Lo crew, and currently has no model; building it as a massive Oni warrior might be an idea.

I'm more of a Dragon clan guy myself, and have painted my Samurai in that regard, actually. I'm planning on getting my Shenlong and Yu painted up as Ise Zumi, and while I already have a lone swordswoman proxy, I'd love to do another in the style of Mirumoto Hitomi.

Edited by BigHammer
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Just want to say thanks guys! I did not expect such an outpouring of support. I think I may have actually found a new home. :lol:


I found exactly the same when I joined a few months ago - a really nice community.  By all accounts the Malifaux tournament circuit is notable for it's quality of people, it's something the community can be very proud of.

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Scorpion Clan = Best Clan!




The Left Hand of the Emperor needs no-one's accolades.  We desire only your compliance.

But yes, we are the best.

Mason on the Wyrd staff is also a huge L5R-phile as well.

Don't discount the rest of us staff :P

Edited by Brian Gresham
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I'm confused, are we starting a L5R game now, or still playing Malifaux :wacko:


He is building an L5R crew in Malifaux. Go Shadowland. I am waiting for a full cav army that I can paint purple other than Leveticus, looks like I might have to go Guild grumble grumble.

10T McCabe infiltrating in Mounted Guardsmen, convert them all up to be lance-wielding Unicorn Bushi?

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I'm confused, are we starting a L5R game now, or still playing Malifaux :wacko:


He is building an L5R crew in Malifaux. Go Shadowland. I am waiting for a full cav army that I can paint purple other than Leveticus, looks like I might have to go Guild grumble grumble.

10T McCabe infiltrating in Mounted Guardsmen, convert them all up to be lance-wielding Unicorn Bushi?

But there are so many more options in pure guild. Though I do get Yin in 10 Thunders....Dark Moto could be a cool feel.

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Just got My Crew in the mail today. I am going to a buddies house to assemble and paint. I cannot wait to field these guys!

Careful with that beard.

Such a tiny part :wacko:

And I totally destroyed my Yan Lo's staff, but I replaced it with metal rod, so it'd be more sturdy on purpose, no loss there.

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Just got My Crew in the mail today. I am going to a buddies house to assemble and paint. I cannot wait to field these guys!

Careful with that beard.

Such a tiny part :wacko:

And I totally destroyed my Yan Lo's staff, but I replaced it with metal rod, so it'd be more sturdy on purpose, no loss there.

Seriously, I hate Yan Lo's beard. Lost the piece in carpet, had to get an entire new box to replace it, lost that piece too. Had to assemble a new one out of green stuff.

Yan Lo's beard is a one man discrimination campaign against stubby fat fingers like mine.


Regarding Oni, you're in luck since we're due to get several in the next wave of Minis (sadly not THAT soon but soonish), including a hulking standing demon and a Spider demon. Plus, we're getting Tengu who are pretty efficient scheme runners, which although not out for a while you can pre-purchase through the upcoming Black Friday sale. Also, although not an Oni Yin the Penangalin is a suitably horrific monster that combos very well with Yan Lo, since if you can give her even +1 Chi through the Soul Porter or Chiaki passing it to her (she is an ancestor) her casting actions go from solid to downright punishing.

Other models wise, a benefit of Yan Lo is that he can work well with most models so you shouldn't have too much trouble taking the stuff you want and still making him work. His primary trick is Lightning Dance, so the key is to Focus on a two tiered approach. Closer to the front you have smaller defensive models, Ten Thunders Brothers would work great here and look good in a L5R motif, and then farther back you'd have Ototo, Oni, or an Undead beater like Izamu or Toshiro. Send the enemy toward your small guy which is standing in charge range of your more fragile beater. 

Synergy Wise, Yan Lo can either play the solo game by focusing on upgrades like Brutal Khahkkara and grabbing the 1 and 3 Ascensions for survivability and Curse/Assaults, OR with he can look for the 2 Ascension which provides extra action economy for spirits, which is unfortunately more of a Resser strategy since Ten Thunders don't have a huge range of spirits to choose from. If you go that direction, you can infiltrate in Ikiryo from Kirai's crew box (they are Retainers), and pass out Spirit to one model a turn, and then basically spam spirit actions.

Also, as suggested above, proxying in for the Shadow Emmisary would be an excellent way to include a large Oni, Bushido has some models that would fit that task quite well, as do more than a few others.



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Synergy Wise, Yan Lo can either play the solo game by focusing on upgrades like Brutal Khahkkara and grabbing the 1 and 3 Ascensions for survivability and Curse/Assaults, OR with he can look for the 2 Ascension which provides extra action economy for spirits, which is unfortunately more of a Resser strategy since Ten Thunders don't have a huge range of spirits to choose from. If you go that direction, you can infiltrate in Ikiryo from Kirai's crew box (they are Retainers), and pass out Spirit to one model a turn, and then basically spam spirit actions

Quick note - Yan Lo can't hire Ikiryo, because that model is specific to Kirai - he CAN, however, hire Onryo, which I assume is what RarerMonsters was actually talking about...


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