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No Stop Terrain



We have some houses with very steep roofs we use for terrain quite frequently.  We've been designating them a Impassable, but we really aren't following those rules.  A better description would be "No Stopping" terrain.  Because of the difficulty of placing a model on the roof you can't end your movement there, but flying and Incorporeal models can fly over/pass through freely as long and they can clear the building in a single movement (e.g. 1 walk, 1 charge, etc.).  You are also not able to enter the buildings. As far as I can tell there is no combination of terrain traits that achieve what we want for the buildings.  Is there something I'm missing or should we just create a house rule for "No Stop" terrain?

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I get it now.  Impassable says "Models cannot enter impassable...  ...includes moving through..."  I was taking this to mean they couldn't enter the terrain, so how could they pass through even if the didn't end in terrain.  Incorporeal will ignore the terrain during movement.  So even though they are not allowed to enter or move through the terrain, the ignore it as if it isn't even then while moving.  Flyers will pass over the terrain without entering it.

Thanks everyone, I was being really thick on this one.  :lol:

Impassable - Models cannot enter impassable areas of terrain, which includes moving through the walls of a building or into other solid objects.


Edited by MrDeathTrout
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You can do any of the trait the combination of traits.  But impassable does work well.   If you want to allow them access to the roof but not enter in them, you can give them, Enclosed and certain spots on the building as Climbable.

I'm assuming that since they are houses they are also Blocking.  You will not be able to charge over a Blocking house. You need LOS to the target before you can charge.

access to the roof would be covered by Impassable. Impassable only means you can't move physically inside, not be on top of. Enclosed would be if you did want to allow them inside.

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You can do any of the trait the combination of traits.  But impassable does work well.   If you want to allow them access to the roof but not enter in them, you can give them, Enclosed and certain spots on the building as Climbable.

I'm assuming that since they are houses they are also Blocking.  You will not be able to charge over a Blocking house. You need LOS to the target before you can charge.

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You can do any of the trait the combination of traits.  But impassable does work well.   If you want to allow them access to the roof but not enter in them, you can give them, Enclosed and certain spots on the building as Climbable.

I'm assuming that since they are houses they are also Blocking.  You will not be able to charge over a Blocking house. You need LOS to the target before you can charge.

access to the roof would be covered by Impassable. Impassable only means you can't move physically inside, not be on top of. Enclosed would be if you did want to allow them inside.

Enclosed - Models without the Incorporeal ability which begin their movement outside of this terrain may not use Abilities or Actions to ignore this terrain if they
are ending their move inside of it. Models without Incorporeal lose any Abilities and Actions which allow them to ignore terrain while moving while inside of this
terrain. However, models act normally while on top of this terrain and while ending a move on top of this terrain. (For Example: A Nephilim may fly over a building or take flight from its rooftop, but may not teleport through the wall.)

Impassable - Models cannot enter impassable areas of terrain, which includes moving
through the walls of a building or into other solid objects.

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