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Okay, i play a fair bit of Pandora but always found Sorrow's to be a bit meh. Probably because i face a lot of Gremlins and if not Gremlins, Guild. Despite Incorporeal they get shot fairly easily. DF3 is toot.

However, i was wondering whether 5-6 sorrows, Barbaros and Pandora would be quite amusing (for me, not the oppo) against a non shooty crew. In "the bubble" Pandora is getting 7 damage each time a model fails a WP test. Pretty savage all told. For Turf War or similar is could be fairly tough.

What do people think of this and Sorrows in general.


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I rather like them. With all the Wp NB can put out, why not get a little extra damage out there.

I like the combo of insidious madness + sorrow. If you can cheat in Misery Loves COmpany, the IM's faster Wk can get the sorrow up the board fairly quickly. Be careful of magic spam; incorpreal can be misleading.

Try them with Lilith, things can get silly.

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As a lot of people have pointed out, other models would probably improve your list more. As someone who regularly plays Sonnia however, I think you should play only sorrows and never anything else ever!

Even with turf war as your strat and a favourable matchup this list seems one-dimensional and you will probably need at least 2 models concentrating on schemes and not contributing to your bubble. How are your sorrows going to accomplish power ritual or breakthrough?  Add in that a competent opponent will usually try to block off the auras or stay outside the range of some of them and you are probably only using 2-3 sorrows effectively anyway.

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 Use Sorrows with a model (another Woe) that has the Depression upgrade. It gives them an attack to use from range while forming the Foreboding Configuration of Misery Doom (tm). In addition, it the conditions Depression spreads allows you to control enemy activations, which can be quite powerful.
 Take the Widow Weaver or Vasilisa with the Sorrows to reduce the enemies Willpower. This is very impactful, not to mention they have their own control abilities as well.
 Take a beefy model or two that has some WP shenanigan. The Illuminated are Terrifying to Living, Widow Weaver and Teddy for everyone ;) The former and the latter also like to beat face (physical damage). A friend also uses Nekima with Pandora and Sorrows, making the opponent make tons of WP duels from Nekima's triggers. I prefer taking them with Lynch, to spread Brilliance for 2 +1+1+1 from the Misery, at otherworldly Ca of 8. Huggy can Obey enemies and make them target another model and FAIL the ensuing Wp duel. Manipulative? Six different instances of 1 damage each. Terrifying in range? 6x1 damage and Paralyzed. Quite evil :)
 In addition, not all crews can take out the sorrows quick despite their low stats, while the latter can tie up enemies well. In the mean time I am free to do the other things I wanna do with my other models. Actually, Sorrows can be great for schemes themselves as well despite their abysmal walk of 3. Teleport on a friendly and drop a scheme marker. Teleport on an enemy and distract/cursed object them. They won't be able to remove this until they get rid of the Sorrow. Honestly, it all depends on your imagination at using the tools you are given ^_^ 

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I like Sarrows, especially for the little annoyance they cause to models with from the shadows. Misery loves company have really effected my games either getting me points or by keeping shooters out of being able to shoot. Also because it is tactical action there is no resist which works great if you have a five in your hand.

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