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Strategy against the pigapult


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Any tips for dealing with the pigapult?  I usually play Molly or Tara.  I'm looking for some kind of strategy to deal with it that doesn't necessary involve hiring too specific of a model as a counter.  Been playing a lot of 35-40 stone games with newer players, so I usually have to keep my crew builds tight.

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Fairly easy with Tara I would have thought, since any shots at her can be nulified through the hole in her chest (I honestly don't know how a pig would fit through that hole without damaging her on the way through but that is by the by)

Best things I've found are getting engaged with it so it can't shoot - Val is good for this if you have her, or Tara can drop someone in via bury. The other option that has worked for me is to kill its supply, once it is out of pigs it can't do anything shooty. 

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Also, playing at the full 50 isn't that much more and won't be as lopsided. The smaller games can be unbalanced by certain models quite easily. I know you are demoing, but then you may want to control the demo game builds a bit more. Once they are comfortable with general rules, move to the 50SS so that balance issues aren't as great. 

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Tara bombs killjoy into 20 odd stones of support pieces, gives him fast, and pops back to her deployment zone laughing.

Replace Killjoy with Bishop or your nasty beater of choice.

Honestly, Rezzers have a lot of good models to deal with it - belles/doxys can accelerate your beaters into position, night terrors or necropunks can lock it down for a turn...

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Molly bomb or, in my case, I use sebastian, whit doble :-fate:-fate to :ranged, and you can move he with the belles/doxys to cover the friendly miniatures in 8. Sebastian is not only a counter, he can use the corpse of molly to summon canines, and give ss, and card with the 0, and have a lot of sinergy with the poison (horror rules)

Edited by Adro
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If you are certain to Face the pigapult, then Bete is usually a great way to stop it down for the entire game, as she will pop once it sacrifices a Pig to shoot, and so you can place her engaging the Pult, making it unable to shoot, and most probably wont be able to disengage her too on its own, so call it an activation lost (and your opponent lost a Pig too!).

On Bete's activation, kill its Pig ammo,  or any other juicy targets while still engaging the Pult (Slop Haulers/Taxidermist...). 

Your opponent will now have to waste resources on his backfield to get rid of Bete, slowing him down. Bete is not the most durable model in the game, but as Gremlins most usually target Df, she will be able to absorb some attacks before going down, unless your opponent uses one of his best models on her. Either way, it's a win-win situation. 


Just be sure to hold a 10+ on your Hand, in order to bury her when she goes down, and then repeat the operation the next time the Pult wants to shoot

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Best things I've found are getting engaged with it so it can't shoot - Val is good for this if you have her, or Tara can drop someone in via bury. The other option that has worked for me is to kill its supply, once it is out of pigs it can't do anything shooty. 

I agree somewhat with targeting its pig ammo supply, but not so much with the just engage it suggestion.

The Pigapult is a Gremlin model so can always just Truffle out of engagement via a nearby un-activated piglet. Even targeting its ammo supply is a bit difficult if Lenny happens to be near, he can provide an almost endless supply of the piglets via his trigger (especially true if Som'er or a Skeeter is there to provide the required suit). If this is the case then my best recommendation is to weather the storm (durable models) and be prepared to strike as soon as the Pigapult is vulnerable, i.e. after it has sustained some friendly damage. Once you see it vulnerable (around 2 Wds) kill it in a single turn or it will likely heal back up (requiring substantial resources to take down).

Bette could be a decent option (due to her Severe Spine Trigger) but Gremlin's have plenty of methods of dealing with high Df models that get in their way, especially when they can target a very durable nearby friendly Pigapult to bounce blast markers off of (trading 1 damage on the Pigapult for 2 damage on anything touching the blast markers). If Som'er is leading the crew, you also have to consider the likelihood of having the required card in your hand when she dies. I would say Killjoy is the better option, better engagement range, better damage track (so you might be able to inflict more than one damage per successful attack), Black Blood (irresistible damage) and potential for Onslaught trigger.

In general if you see the Pigapult, Lenny and Som'er, my recommendation (as a Som'er player) would be to kill the Slop Hauler first. That model does a lot of work for the crew and its removal gums up the works quite substantially. After that, focus on the other models that are bothering you.

Edited by Omenbringer
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