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On a serious note -- if you can, come to the NOVA Open. We'll have 3 of us Wyrdos around, happy to talk and whatnot. I don't think there's going to be a better convention to sit down and talk with all of us!


This is true.


And you can witness in person Mason trying to convince me that all instances of "Oni" in the last book were typos that should really say "pony."

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The wife and I will be there.  I'm registered for both story events and the championships, so no time for washing other peoples hair.  Hanging out I'll make time for though.


And you can witness in person Mason trying to convince me that all instances of "Oni" in the last book were typos that should really say "pony."


That would have been quite amusing.  Quick Mason, break into Justin's PC and fix his auto-correct.  Something is obviously wrong, I mean even in this quote there is a red squiggly under Oni, it must have been pony, it's the only thing that makes sense.

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In a fit of total badassery, the NOVA Open Charitable Foundation (a 501c3) pulled a proper ABC license, and converted Hyatt Suite 1850 into a bar. Like, for reals. With craft cocktails and beer. But cheap. For charity.


Just so you don't have to actually even go anywhere to find fine drinking establishments.





I also think it has a shower somewhere in it. For hair washing.



For charity?

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For those who are close cut on the budget, we have done a lot to make NOVA pretty cheap from a con / travel perspective (located next door to DCA in DC, free shuttle to hotel, $91 roomnights, tons of awesome and cheap food trucks right out front for breakfast/lunch/dinner, etc.). I know that only goes so far when we're talkin' a few hundred to attend either way, though!

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Sigh... I was signed up and had everything scheduled then decided to drop out two days ago. Two reasons: (1) Work related involving a ton of OT (all about the Benjamins) and a "no vacation time" policy for the next 4 months and (2) the fact that Tough Mudder Alberta is going on the same weekend and requires me to take no extra time off at all.

I've done two major conventions this year but only one TM.

That's the way she goes... I consider it balancing my life. :D

Have fun everybody - wish I could do both. :(


MVBrandt/Mr. Matt Stanley - Will my "store credit" (that I got from dropping events) transfer over to next year when I actually can go? I'm not getting a response from novaopen@gmail.com. Thanks.

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