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Old player trying to get started with 2E


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So my buddies and I used to play Malifaux a few years back.  We stopped playing shortly before ten thunders came out.  We haven't been keeping up on any of the 2E stuff till my buddy got the 2E rulebook a short time ago.  Needless to say it has been making rounds among us and we are interested in starting to play again.  The 2E rules seem pretty slick and the new models are certainly shiny.


We each have 1-2 factions and a fate deck.  What do we need to do/buy to be able to start using our current models and playing again?  I know some of the rules were in the rulebook, but not all of them (I used to play the Freikorps). 


It also sounds like there may be other cards than just the basic deck and the ones for the model?


Anyways, I would really appreciate it if anyone could point me in the right direction for getting started again.  Many thanks!

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Well, all the rules for all the 1.5E models are available either in book 1, or book 2: Crossroads. If you are getting back into the game go immediately and get the wave 1 and wave 2 Arsenal packs for your respective factions. The issue here is that Wyrd feels that enough time has passed  for continuing players to have acquired arsenal decks if they intended to, and they are shortly discontinuing the arsenal decks, which are all the cards for models in a particular faction from that respective wave. The arsenal decks also have the generic and model specific upgrade cards in them as well.


If you are unaware, one of the things Wyrd did in order to make the game more accessible for new players was to cut down on the rules on specific cards. A lot of the old master's abilities or new ones that were added were shifted to the upgrade cards. This allows new players to play stripped down versions of models, but also allows a degree of customization. For example your way of playing a master might not resemble mine, in how we choose and use those upgrades.


The only confusing part of the upgrades is that some cards and some model cards might be in a different deck if they are dual faction. For example Jakob is both TT and NB. Wyrd didn't want to put a copy of Jakob in both Decks, and so even though he is NB you won't find him or his upgrades in the NB deck, they are in the TT deck. A good rule of thumb if you need to know what deck a particular card is in, look at where they appear in their respective book.


As an aside, just like last edition, there is a rules manual available, which just has the rules of the game, and not the model rules and story. Additionally Gen Con is this week, and one of the new releases premiering there is a starter set, with all new models, a number of linked games which slowly add the rules of the game as the series progresses, and a code for a digital copy of the rules manual. If you are all getting back into the game it might be an idea to look at as well.


But the immediate concern if you already have a collection is to acquire the needed arsenal decks before they are no longer available.


I hope that helps, and welcome back.

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All you probably -really- need is the 2 arsenal decks for whichever factions you played before. the big ME2 rulebook has all the stats for the wave one mini's, so you could skip them (wave one arsenal decks) if you wanted too, but they come in handy anyway.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am in the same boat but have a slightly different question. I have the arsenal decks, so I see how that works I believe. However I have a bunch of metal models I want to continue using. Some of the new box sets have new models that do not seem to be available without buying the entire new box set. Is there any way to get these new models without buying a new box set? The models I am thinking of are Barbarosa with Lilith and the Nanny with Molly.

Another question, my primary reasons for quitting before were balance issues and constant rules changes. Do people believe these have been addressed?

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Another question, my primary reasons for quitting before were balance issues and constant rules changes. Do people believe these have been addressed?


All bias aside, I think that M2E is actually one of the better balanced miniatures games on the market right now. All the masters are pretty good and playable against most of the field, and I don't think there are any truly worthless models. A few masters and models are probably a bit stronger than others, but it's nowhere near a foregone conclusion like it was in 1E.

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The models I am thinking of are Barbarosa with Lilith and the Nanny with Molly.

Barbaros is impossible to get - he's really good and there's lots of people in the same boat as you in that it is the only model they would want from the starter. Luckily getting a proxy should be pretty easy if you aren't looking to attend too tight tournaments.

Phillip and the Nanny is theoretically possible since it's one of the weakest models in the game but it too will be really difficul to get.

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