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The "I'm Waiting For the Soapbox to Re-Open" Excessive Glad-Handing Thread!

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Sooooo, since the soapbox got shitdown (due to some unmentionable posts that I didn't get an opportunity to even read /poutyface ). I started brainstorming on how I would be able to achieve creating community drama while at the same time satisfying my desire for an evil satirical edge to my Malifaux internets experience - but in a positive way. Is this possible? Hell no... but I feel I got close.

What if we took the idea of the soapbox and 180'd it in the opposite direction on the spectrum?

So I ask of this community - is there anyone that you feel the desire to call out to and just utterly gush all over in an obnoxiously ridiculous fashion?

Consider it a community building exercise.

No haters allowed! :D


zFiend - My internets man crush. You're my boy, blue. You're my boy.

Malifaux's Most Wanted - My favorite Malifaux podcast. I met you guys at Adepticon but did not connect the dots until I listened to more podcasts. Suffice to say, I know who I'm hanging out with next Adepticon! Super cool crew, but I feel sorry for Cheryl having to put up with you goons. Patience is certainly her virtue.

If you don't listen to this podcast by now you probably shouldn't because you are likely too sensitive to handle it. If "A Wyrd Place" is the soft side of Malifaux - this is certainly the "hard" side. It's the mistings of malifaux. It's like getting your 4chan and malifaux fix in one go. Awesome stuff you fucking klowns.

MWM Rudy - One of my favorite podcasters - sounds like a down to earth chap - can't wait to meet you IRL. Mostly because you seem like a fun guy. But mostly because from what I understand you sport mutton chops that I wish to stroke. :D

Dan from BefWeBeg?!? - Ah, yes... my background noise for painting. Whenever I feel the need to catch up on the details of a master this is where I go. Mostly because I'm too lazy to actually read the book. But mostly because hobby is more important than gaming and I'm not going to waste my time researching and scheming when I could be painting. Getting sick of your Crooligans crap but I would be oh so greatful if you were to teach me the ways of Nicodem, my sensei.

My favorite part of his entire podcast was when he said that he doesn't believe in swearinng because he thinks its lazy and he wants to utilize a larger vocabulary and then immediately after, in the next episode, he refers to Marcus' Shillelagh as a "Shah-lah-lah." I lawl'd a bit.

Matt Stanley - Awesome all around guy, very smart and has extremely nice hair - so plus flip there.

CheatedFatesJoe - If you're on par with this guy you're probably the world's greatest henchman. One of my favorite Malifaux personalities. See you at gencon!

"The Super Fantastic Person Who Gave Me a Fucking 2/5 Rating in my Forum Profile" - you're probably a swell person and we should hang out. Please PM me or give me your personal information so we can get in touch. I have lots of really nice things to tell you. And cookies. ;)

I'm honestly surprised its not a 1/5 so I guess that's a small victory.


I probably missed a few of you more important scrubs but now its your turn to tell Nathan and Justin just how excessively you adore everything about them and how your lives would be nothing without this game... all in one convenient place.

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Hey cool thread! Also right back at ya brah. Also open that goddamn painting thread already.

I like the community here as a whole. I think this place has gathered really good people and the mods do a fair job keeping the place clean.

If I have something to open up about it's the constant "can I break the game if I rules lawyer about this?" threads. :P but it's a minor complaint.

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Me neither... now the next question... does it actually DO anything...

Well it hurts my feelings. Just kidding, I don't have any feelings.

zFiend - I will totally start a painting thread super soon - hopefully not like how I told people I was going to start an open facebook page for all my painting stuff like a year ago and still haven't. I need to move my IP WIP thread to the miniature showcase before they bahleet the IP Subforums, anyway so that'll be the first thing I do. You will be gettig a taste of zombie pigs with inbred mutant voodoo gremlins soon enough.


To keep on topic I will also glad hand the shit out of Eric - who always seems to be a shadowy figure not in the limelight. You deserve more recognition! Or, maybe you don't? Not entirely sure. Hey, Nathan, care to weigh in here? >8)

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I loves me my playtesters, brainstormers (stormtroopers?), and card formatters! Y'all make me so happy each and every day that we have done something about Mr. Cooper's lack of official rules (beyond Colette proxy duty). Only 19 weeks to go! XD


I loves the staff and moderators on this forum. They are so interactive and awesome. They're like... Hands on! It's great! :D


I love A Wyrd Place. They may be a bit stringent on keeping to topic, but I can't say that's even a bad thing. Kudos to Crissy DuBois, and the rest of her mods on facebook!


I love *you*! Thank you for giving up some time to read my gushies. :3


~Lil Kalki

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Dirial and zguild. I really enjoyed the guild vs resser thread also the third of the unholy trinity MD keeps me entertained whilst derailing threads with the other 2.


Thanks for the flowers. Although we don't derail threads with any regularity any more.


Well, someones heads are gonna swell.....


I absolutely adore Absolution Black and his pendent for only leaving the Off Topic Thread if he can make fun of other people who visit the Off Topic Thread. :D

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I love reading Myrra's frozen hearted tear downs of people's misinterpretations or misunderstandings of the rules. It borders on the robotic, and I suspect it's a Finnish thing. My personal favorites have been "you really should read the card", and "you are". You're my hero, Lemming-bot!

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I love reading Myrra's frozen hearted tear downs of people's misinterpretations or misunderstandings of the rules. It borders on the robotic, and I suspect it's a Finnish thing. My personal favorites have been "you really should read the card", and "you are". You're my hero, Lemming-bot!

The problem with writing over the Internet is you can't see his authority invoking moustache. When he says those things when we play live there is simply no questioning that 'stache. Captain would be jealous is all I'm saying.

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