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The super-tough rat bastard tournament

40SS tournament using normal Gaining Ground rules but you can choose to enter either as a normal player as a super-tough rat bastard. If you enter as a super-tough rat bastard, you will need to use a Henchman-led crew in all your games. The tournament gives out a prize to the overall winner as well as the best super-tough rat bastard.


Now, why on earth. Simply because Malifaux is extremely skill-based and in small metas it can be seriously daunting for newbies to always know that the tournament killers will be there to whoop your ass when you go in. And on the other hand it's somewhat silly to expect the veterans to voluntarily handicap themselves since there's no incentive, no formal procedure to do so evenly, and all in all that's not really the point of a tournament (the point is to play as good as you can).

I figured that this would be the easiest way to go about and it doesn't force anyone to anything and it follows normal Malifaux rules. Essentially nothing changes except that you can choose a formal handicap and you will gain something from on a tournament level (as well as bragging rights) but the games will run as normal.

What do you think?

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If the game's TP were scored differently - say 3/1/0 for Master and 4/2/1 for Henchmen then there could be an incentive to handicap. The Bashers who take Masters might lose out (keeping VP diff and Total VP the same)


I just guessed the numbers  but it would look like a Master Basher could score 10 TP for 3 wins and a draw. The Super Tough could win 2 games, draw 1, and lose 1 and come out on top (11 TP). Perhaps tweaking the TP numbers is the answer (but not the ones I have described here)


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I think Maths view is that the top players with the henchman handicap should still eb competative against newer player with a master.

And therre is nothing to stop a good player showing up with a master. The only thing that enmcourages you to use the henchman is the braggign rights.


If you are looking at the event in isolation, then that might be enough. In the UK rankings, people might not want to lose ranking points for Braggign rights.


Krogans suggestion  to change scoring for the 2 is interesting, and might work, or be haorribly out of balance. It doesn't quite do what Math seems to be tryign to do, but does include more incentives to do so.


I would look at Maths idea in a localscene where you are trying to encourage new players to join in.

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I'd be down - this is actually a great idea - you could probably just leave it at fiddy stones - otherwise make 25. Why 40?

Obviously, unless your crazy, the henchman you'd be bringing would be Rusty Alyce. I've played many a henchman led game for fun with her and she's just damn solid and a fun choice. I bet fingers would be great too, but i've never played him - same with the Captain.

Hannah with trappers/librarians and ashes is ridiculously good and probably the best henchman led crew you could make (in my limited opinion). I'd have no problem putting that up against masters for handicap bragging rights.

It's surprising how some henchmen could easily be masters with a slight boost and other henchman are, well... Ototo? :D

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Shouldn't the price for the Bastard Cup be higher than the normal one to give an incentive besides bragging rights?

I'm guessing you mean prize :P

But yeah, that's a solid idea. It could also be something that is of particular interest to veterans like a coveted LE mini or something. 


I think Maths view is that the top players with the henchman handicap should still eb competative against newer player with a master.

And therre is nothing to stop a good player showing up with a master. The only thing that enmcourages you to use the henchman is the braggign rights.

And the separate prize but yeah. Exactly.


I would look at Maths idea in a localscene where you are trying to encourage new players to join in.

Aye, this is a good point. I wouldn't use this in the UK.


I'd be down - this is actually a great idea - you could probably just leave it at fiddy stones - otherwise make 25. Why 40?

40 because the rulebook specified that as the upper limit of a Dustup which allows both Master and Henchman -led teams. No real other reason - could be 50SS just as well. Might even be more balanced that way.


Obviously, unless your crazy, the henchman you'd be bringing would be Rusty Alyce.

Well, unless of course you play a faction other than Outcasts... so it really isn't any different from a normal tournament where you're crazy to choose someone other than Levi :P


It's surprising how some henchmen could easily be masters with a slight boost and other henchman are, well... Ototo? :D

Maybe there should be a third category for Ototo-led crews - the ultimate bragging rights :D

But yeah, on the wider point, I agree that Henchmen vary more wildly than Masters in competence and some are pretty solid. Still, even the best Henchman pales when compared to even the lowest Master (well - Hannah vs Lady Justice is a tough choice ;)).


interesting idea, but wouldn't Nekima just be the leader of choice in such an instance?

I'm not sure - why would she be? Her Cache is zero which in theory should make her balanced and since she is a melee Henchman, she is more susceptible to Assassinate than some others. Candy or Bad Juju for example might be a better choice then. And, in any case, I sure would prefer facing Nekima and her crew than Lilith and her crew including Nekima.
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I was waiting for your input SpectreEliteGaming :D

Yuuuuuuuus!!! B)

Math - All the henchman led games I play usually are 25ss (bare minimum for fastest game possible) - but at 25ss any summoning master would walk all over anyone else - Ramos especially, comes to mind. I would probably leave it at standard 50 for simplicity, but thats just me.

Rusty is strange because she pretty much takes all the Levi outcast choices and plays in a similar manner - no waifs to worry about but a ridiiculous 6 walk and 12 - shes like a smaller less desirable Levy, and my fav henchman. DE is an auto-take.

I've seen someone play a Nekima led crew and its not that impressive. I'm not too sure how I feel about Nekima, in general though. When you compare her to other models of similr SS she kinda pales in comparison. I forgot about Candy - she'd probably be a decent choice, and Juju would most certainly be a powerhouse.

One should not underestimate the Hannah and Co. list - librarian spam is scary.

Hiring options is an even bigger consideration with henchman led crews - I feel that Arcanist and Outcasts have the best most well rounded crew choices - Neverborn probably too but my experience with them is limited.

Henchman led guild could get really nasty by simply building around the henchman trio package. If you played guild Judge with Frank and Sidir would be a hard thing to say no to.

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