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Hi guys, I'm kinda new. I played a few games a long time ago with Zoraida, but never got any further than the single crew box.

With the updated rules and new awesome plastics, I really want to get back into the game and always had a soft spot for Seamus.

What I intend to buy is,

Shadows of Redchapel boxed set, Bete Noire and the Crooligans set. I have no idea if this will make a good crew, but it's what I like and what I want to paint. I have also got no idea of how much that is in SS or anything about the updated rules.

My main criteria with this crew is to learn the game, properly this time, but also to have a crew that makes sense in the background. I picked the Crooligans because, as well as having a Jack the Ripper, Dr Jekyll\Mr Hyde feel to him, Seamus also has a bit of a Bill Sykes feel to him too. I picked Bete Noire mainly because she is a serial killer and think her and Seamus would have fun playing together. Whether any of that will make the crew better in game, I honestly couldn't say.

So that's why I'm here asking you guys the following questions.

Does this crew make sense, background wise?

Could it do well in the game?

Is there anything else I should add?

Thank you for your time and see you on the other side.

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Good choices, thematic and game-play wise. Of course, for competitive play, you'd want to add and change some things, but for learning the game, your choices are solid.


I'd advise against buying Crooligans, though. Buy the Molly box instead. You get additional models that can't be bought outside of the box, and you don#t want 6 Crooligans in the future. Never buy Minions that are included in box sets!

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From my perspective, and don't get me wrong I love Molly and the Crooligans, if you are starting with Seamus you'd be better served buying the McMorning box instead of Molly's, and Yin instead of Bête.

A nurse is almost auto include for me with Seamus, and while Crooligans are very good, with Madam Sybelle your belles are going to be able to serve almost as well at scheme running as Crooligans would.

You will find some people who love bête with Seamus, others who hate her, and honestly I'd proxy her and test her and make up your own mind before buying her as you don't want to get scarred off from her if you are one that will like her, but you also don't want to get stuck with her if you are one, like me, who doesn't think she is a very good buy for Seamus.

On the other hand I've never ever regretted putting Yin in lists that she works for. It took awhile for me to slot her in because of how slow she is, but man has she been effective for me.

Ultimately though you should make your own mind up on anything said here as we can only offer personal opinions which may differ ultimately from yours.

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From an effectiveness perspective, the two Resser players give way better advice than me. As starter models to learn the game, your choices are solid, and they are very thematic.


Depends what you want, but in general, I'd weigh the two filth mongers' opinion above higher than mine. I am no Resser (yet).

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Theme is more important to me than effectiveness in game, but with that said, I don't want to hamstring myself in the process.

I like McMorning too, as a Master. Love his whole Frankenstein vibe. My intent is to buy quite a view Resser Masters and use them against each other. Just thought Seamus first.

I like Molly, but I also really like The Nurses and Flesh Construct too. Maybe I will leave Bête just now and just buy the 3 boxed sets along with the new rules. On that question. There is the Malifaux Second Edition Rulebook and there is something called the Malifaux 2.0 Rules Manual handbook. Will I need both to play?

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No. The rules manual is what it says on the tin, the rules, and nothing else. It's in a a smaller format to make using it during a game and transportation easier. The rule book it the rules, the fluff, and the stats on all he wave 1 masters and models as well as faction specific upgrades. You don't need both, but if you play a lot you might want both eventually, or perhaps neither if you have a large enough group.

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If you want to learn the models of the other factions, the big book might be better. Also, more fluff and artwork. The rules manual is sufficient to play, though.


Just buying 3 Masters is actually a very decent way to start any faction.

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I don't rate ever hiring punk zombies, like, ever, and Seamus can't summon them.

When you branch into Molly, if you go the horror route, which Yin is btw, then yes you will want punks.

So when I branch out from the 3 boxed sets I mentioned above. The Nicodem boxed set and Yin would be a good place to go?

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Sure. Yin is great with Seamus and Molly. Punks are great models to summon, but, in my opinion, very sub par to hire.

In general, unless you have absolutely no interest in playing a particular master, if you need minions that come with a master for the first time, it's usually a better buy to get the master's box that comes with them.

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I expect I will buy all the boxed sets eventually and whatever else I like too. I like Ressers overall and want as many of the models as possible for the faction. The boxed sets will just be an easy way of getting most of them.

You have an outstanding style and preference on models good sir.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I can't speak with as much authority as fetid or zfiend, but I went largely the same route they're suggesting now. I go the Seamus and McMourning boxes because as a Seamus player, it's a lot of bang for your buck. Unless you're playing 35+SS matches, you aren't going to use all three belles, and you'll have to make decisions in crew, and with McMourning, you have a beautiful nurse, canine remains, and flesh construct to choose from to add to your Seamus box crew. You'll be able to experiment with different upgrades plus different play styles.


Like people mentioned above, belles can get some crazy movement tricks, but you may not want to use them on just the enemy, because you want to throw multiple dead hookers at your enemy rather than deliver the message. Pick up a canine remains then because it's pretty decent for running schemes and strategies. Crooligans do that well too if you've already bought them.


If you don't want to do that, you could run a nurse to amp up a belle's walk, accomplice sybelle, who walks up and calls the belle, who will later walk up another 16" for essentially a gain of 26", ready to pounce on some unwilling person.


Plus, you're using a 50 caliber FLINTLOCK. Let that sink in--a 50 cal blackpowder pistol is firing at someone. 


I suggest buying the larger books, as they give you story, which I think may help with you getting a feeling on thematic elements, and they give you stat cards for models you don't own, so you can decide if you want to get them. You may not want to play competitively, but you do want to play thematically and enjoy the games, so the larger book will have the backgrounds for the minion models for your gaming experience.


E.g., dead doxy is essentially a singer turned zombie burlesque bdsm dancer in the same manner the rotten belles were turned, with hope, tragedy, and irony all woven into her story. 


Also, with multiple starters, you can play with friends, and you'll be using largely even crews if you just swap a couple models with each other so you have a lot of shared elements while still having unique elements, primarily your masters and henchmen. Oh, and a poisoned Frankenstein.

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