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Painters Challenge - 2015!!!!!


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Ok, here's the picture:



From the back left:


War Pig

War Wabbit (ltd ed)


Bayou Gremlins x4

Som'er Teeth Jones

Bayou Gremlin (ltd ed)

Slop Haulers x2

Hog Whisperer


Skeeters x2

Metal Taxidermist

Metal Skeeters x2

Metal Bayou Gremlins x4

Metal Young LaCroix x3

Metal Francois

Metal Rami

Metal Raphael

Metal Pere Ravage

Metal Piglets x3

Metal Stuffed Piglets x3


Ten Thunders for shaking things up with Mei Feng

Katanaka Sniper (ltd ed)

Chiaki the Niece




Plastcraft Malifaux Mausoleum

Plastcraft Malifaux Graves x5

(Don't know if these count for anything, but technically Malifaux...)





Miss Step (ltd ed Howard Langston)


Johana (ltd ed Johan)



Rail Workersx3

Metal Cassandra



Jacob Lynch


Miss Ery (ltd ed Teddy)



Mr. Graves

Mr. Tannen

Beckoners x2

Illuminated x3

Terror Tots x3

Metal Nekima




Hollow Waifs x3

Desolation Engine

Rusty Alyce

Abominations x4

Void Wretches (ltd ed translucent smoke) x3

Metal abominations x4

Ashes and Dust (sculpted)

Ashen Core (sculpted)

Dust Storm (sculpted)


Hope these self-sculpts count, but ok either way. They should be Gaining Grounds-legal. Read more about them here:



Von Schill

Freikorps Librarian

Freikorps Trapper

Steam Trunk

Freikorpsmann x2

Strongarm Suit


Corps Markers x15

Scrap Markers x10



Ok, that's the complete list I think. Should be 92 minis altogether, not counting terrain and markers. If I get even close to finish this I'll beat my previous record of minis painted per year by a factor of about ten, but you never know... I have several other projects tucked away and not built/really low on priorities list, if I get close to clear this stuff away before the end of the competition I'll bring stuff out and take another shot...

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You can keep buying stuff and adding to your stretch goal for the end of the year.

Example. I have a tone of stuff still in box....As I paint stuff, i'll also be assembling. When they're done assembling i'll post more pics of more models and paint those aswell.

As I finish them i'll score more points.


Nothing can be painted before June 1st. I'm going with an Honor system right now and trusting people will stand by my word and not paint until then.

If I feel like something's afoot, I will withdraw points and or the pirzes.


I'm implementing this competition to help people get motivated in painting.

The only thing I'm not scoring is terrain...there's no way for me to allocate points per building size

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You know, I've been meaning to have a word with myself about getting some painting done and I think this is a great way to do it!


Count me in :)


I'll have to have a look at everything waiting to paint and upload a pic - it's a LOT :huh:

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I'm in!


I'm going to go one step further. I'm going to expand on the general competition and add in models bought/models painted for 2015. I will do this in the points system, ie 1,2,4.


List of stuff (photo's to follow over the weekend):



3x Terror Tots

2x Young Nephilim

1x Nephilim

1x Pandora

3x Sorrows

1x Poltergeist

1x Candy

1x Baby Kade

+(in transit from the new Wyrd Shop - cant supply Photo's of this but I can supply tracking receipt photo's etc)

1x Zoraida

1x Voodoo Doll

3x Silurid

1x Bad Juju

1x Dreamer

1x Lord Chompy Bits

3x Daydreams

1x Coppelius

3x Alps

1x Nekima

1x Teddy



1x McMourning

1x Zombie Chihuahua

1x Sebastian

1x Flesh Construct

1x Canine Remains

4x Nurses

1x Nicodem

1x Vulture

1x Mortimer

3x Punk Zombies


Stretch Goal 1:

1x Sonnia Criid

1x Samael Hopkins

1x Purifing Flame

3x Witchling Stalkers


Stretch Goal 2:

1x Alternate Perdita

1x Miss Terious


Stretch Goal 3:


1x Tara

1x Karina

1x The Nothing Beast Nightmare Edition

3x Void Wretches




Models Bought this year [Points Wise]:



Models Painted this year [Point Wise]:




Do I need to send a PM as well?

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I'll be judging the points. And as for models.....its anything you do after June 1st....so you can buy models each day until then end of the year but as long as you paint them you'll score points then.  You can buy models and assemble them but I wont give you points if they're not painted.

And this I wanna see current photos of your stuff.

If I see painted stuff, then those models wont count!

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Kirai Ankoku

Lost Love

2x Seishin


2x Onryo

Yan Lo

Soul Porter

Chiaki the Niece

Izamu the Armour

2x Nurse

2x The Hanged

On the sprue we have Bob, the victim from Children of December. Word on the street is that after an embarrassing misunderstanding involving a Wendigo he is about join the ranks of the undead... (insert spooky music).

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And here are my pics of the stuff which is to be entered into the comp:












Stretch Goal 1:



Stretch Goal 2: I forgot to photo these. They are still on sprue at the moment. If I get this far, I will snap some pics before I start on them


Stretch Goal 3 - Nightmare edition Tara:


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Here are my models.




The Models are.

The Kin Box

 - Ophrlia LaCroix

 - Rami LaCroix

 - Raphael LaCroix

 - Pere Ravage

 - Francois LaCroix

 - Young LaCroix x3


War Pig



Piglets x3

Merris LaCroix - She wasn't assembled yet and is in the Box


Zoraida Box

 - Zoraida

 - Voodoo doll

 - Bad Juju

 - Silurid x3


I have Whiskey Golem on the way.





Edit. In the back you can see the 2 Box for TtB that I got today with Merris. I'll be probably painting them as well at some point :)

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I'll throw a before pic edit up in this post when I finish assemble marcus and seamus boxes (might do that after work tonight) and i'll be adding a translucent kirai crew and my tara box, whiskey golem and carver when they arrive from the wyrd store

Also, when you say prime, I have some models that have some colour prime as well as black and white etc, that count as prime or that count as base coat because colour? I just prime with a few different things and mixes :P 

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