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How much Vertical Interaction is in your games?


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I think city boards can word great, just with most of the buildings being impassable terrain, a few that you can enter and shoot out of windows and such and a limited amount of climbable/vantage point terrain.


I just wouldn't do a giant city underhive and expect models to change elevation constantly unless you do as Omen suggests and house rule a few things. :)

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I think city boards can word great, just with most of the buildings being impassable terrain, a few that you can enter and shoot out of windows and such and a limited amount of climbable/vantage point terrain.


I just wouldn't do a giant city underhive and expect models to change elevation constantly unless you do as Omen suggests and house rule a few things. :)


I disagree. Provided you don't treat stairs as climbable terrain (and the rules specifically say you shouldn't), then provided your terrain has plenty of stairs between levels you can easily incorporate elevation changes in your games. If you have lots of blank walls with no way up or down them then you might as well be playing in a canyon, but cities have steps and stairs galore and so should decent city terrain.

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I also spent a lot of time making a pretty board with multiple levels. It's eye catching and gets a lot of attention but I don't use most of the elevations in it anymore, especially if I want a competitive board. It skews the balance of the game towards very particular crews. Pity as I much prefer the look of boards that use the 3rd dimension.

As Justin mentions you're best to go with a limited amount of high terrain.


I'm also a fan of cylinder LoS, seems to be the cleanest implementation of multi-level mechanics I've come across.

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The times I've really seen elevations used are either with from the shadows models appearing on top of stuff (usually balconies etc) or with hills.

Seriously when you put a hill in the center of the table and then do any of the line in the sand or similar "center" schemes/strategies the game changes quite a bit.

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Actually, I think that the height rules are janky and annoying. Height is always a difficult interaction that wastes time (tourney settings) and generally isn't worth it.

I fully support a 2-D Justin Gibbs style of game. I never throw snipers in towers (I want them mobile for scheme marker dropping).

From what I've seen most players do not like this, however, but I like a focus on simplicity of play to make things flow better.

What I hate is when I see people ruling terrain in a skewed way to specifically give them an advantage (pigapult shooting gremlins on buildings, for example).

You might say a good player would just bring appropriate models - and this is true (ama, valedictorian and watchers are great choices) - but more often than not that usually results in me playing a gimped game I'm no longer going to enjoy.

2D all the way.

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I never throw snipers in towers (I want them mobile for scheme marker dropping).

I hate the term "Sniper" being applied to any model in this game. Even from diagonals the range is not that great. In truth the scale range for Malifuax isn't even difficult for most barely skilled shooters to reliably hit. But that is a discussion for another thread.

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