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Experience playing against Brew as ressers?

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I have been reading up on Brewmaster and he looks really powerful. Has anyone played against a proxied Brew as ressers? What did you find wasn't and was effective against Brew, and what did Brew do that wasn't and was effective against your crew? Some of Brew's triggers and abilities are just brutal.

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Oh... ignore my post, please. I misunderstood your post, I thought that you meant that Brewmaster is Gremlins/Resurrectionist master and posted links to Brewmaster as Ten Thunders master threads.


It's 5:50 a.m.


I am Sorry :)

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its tough for sure- a good way to stop the brew is by range blasting him down- and we don't have those resources- I've played against him a couple times and I do end up getting stuck in the brew ball. Its difficult to deal with. I would say keep a couple belles in your pocket when you go against gremlins or 10T as he may be played and lure your own models out that you need to activate. Some stuff will still get stuck.

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its tough for sure- a good way to stop the brew is by range blasting him down- and we don't have those resources- I've played against him a couple times and I do end up getting stuck in the brew ball. Its difficult to deal with. I would say keep a couple belles in your pocket when you go against gremlins or 10T as he may be played and lure your own models out that you need to activate. Some stuff will still get stuck.


Yea I guess this is where I feel brew is hard for ressers. We don't have great shooting, and once in that 6" bubble of poison/willpower pain, it's all ogre. The belle is a good idea, and maybe hiring in some ranged merc firepower?

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Brewie needs to activate first so that his not flattened by his party guests. After he does, use Belles to drag said guests back out of the bubble so they can activate as normal.

Secondly, McMourning with Plastic Surgery. Thats the stuff will push him out of "the party", upon which he will Rancid Transplant the brew master and expunge.

We have game against him, just not shooting in the traditional sense.

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Brewie needs to activate first so that his not flattened by his party guests. After he does, use Belles to drag said guests back out of the bubble so they can activate as normal.

Secondly, McMourning with Plastic Surgery. Thats the stuff will push him out of "the party", upon which he will Rancid Transplant the brew master and expunge.

We have game against him, just not shooting in the traditional sense.


McMourning is one master I thought might be good against brewmaster. Being able to move that poison and expunge is quite scary for him. Also, flesh constructs might be able to devour him with a bit of luck.

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Also, flesh constructs might be able to devour him with a bit of luck.

He is Ht 2, though, so you'd need to Paralyze him first. Also note that if he has his Aura up, then Flesh Constructs can't really do anything at all with their Wp 2.

The only Ht 1 Gremlin Master is Ophelia.

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He is Ht 2, though, so you'd need to Paralyze him first. Also note that if he has his Aura up, then Flesh Constructs can't really do anything at all with their Wp 2.

The only Ht 1 Gremlin Master is Ophelia.


Ah ok, didn't realize that (don't have book 2 with me). I assumed that because he was a gremlin he was Ht1. I really can't think of many ways that ressers can deal with him. It's even harder when you consider that in a tournament scene you have no idea if someone is bringing him in or not. The only thing that would be good against Brew that you could always consider bringing against Gremlins is Rotten Belles (This was mentioned by someone else here already). This is quite tricky.

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There is plenty of ways of dealing with him. What master do you play? Its easier to tailor an answer if one knows some background.


The entire Resser faction (including Yan Lo) except for Tara, which I will  be purchasing soon.

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Range is pretty neat against Brewie. Hanged, Seamus, CCK, Kirai, are all options here.


Tie him up before he can tie up your crew. Night Terrors are quick enough to get to him early, and cheap enough to not be sacrificial lambs. Lots of masters can summon stuff and just send it to him. Brewmaster can then get stuck in a place where he doesn't want to be. Your guys will not kill him, but he will not kill them either.


Another very important thing is to try and kill, or separate Wesley.


Sebastian and McMourning can make life miserable for Brewie.

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Range is pretty neat against Brewie. Hanged, Seamus, CCK, Kirai, are all options here.


Tie him up before he can tie up your crew. Night Terrors are quick enough to get to him early, and cheap enough to not be sacrificial lambs. Lots of masters can summon stuff and just send it to him. Brewmaster can then get stuck in a place where he doesn't want to be. Your guys will not kill him, but he will not kill them either.


Another very important thing is to try and kill, or separate Wesley.


Sebastian and McMourning can make life miserable for Brewie.


Great suggestions. I also have Hans, which might be a really good pick against him too. Even if Brew is engaged in melee, Hans can shoot him and make him discard those precious cards he needs to get his debuffs up. I think that since I often take Seamus against gremlins anyway (unless he is absolutely not the best choice for the strat/schemes), he will be my most common pick against Brewmaster. I can also see McM being really good though too. If Brew goes first and stacks poison on something, then during your activation transfuse that poison off. If you go first, then brew won't have his defenses up and you can attack him. I like your idea of using night terrors, as they are good against other gremlin masters, especially Wong.

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Some good suggestions above - a few things that I've found.


Just on the above I've had some horrid surprises when I've been had my hanged whisper from beyond Seamus!


The Ancestors have some good answers - Chakai can remove conditions and Izamui can ignore WP on his turn, both can be good additions to most crews.


I would also think about how you use movement tricks, using lure or fresh meat to pull everyone out of the bubble can be good to get away from him and then pull apart the crew in pieces. 

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