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Tactics for Dealing with Viks (and other combat Masters).

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OK, almost certainly going to be playing against the Viks again this week and wondering what strategies people have for dealing with them?  I have played with them and one game against them so I know that generally trying to keep out of their range works or feeding them chaff if possible but does anybody have any specific strategies or good ways to counter them?  Or any models that are particularly effective against them?  I'm thinking maybe Luring one of the Sisters out of position though Luring a Vik towards you is rarely a good idea!  Or maybe just trying to deploy my own Beatstick to take one/both down before they can cause carnage (however, their manoeuvrability can scupper this too).  What have you guys done against Viks or other combat orientated Masters?  I've got a tournament this month but realised that I don't often play against combat Masters.

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Yeah, that's what I was thinking with regards to stopping the Slingshot but then you still end up with one of them in your face and the extra damage works across all Sisters (plus my evil opponent gets Hannah to copy that so the Viks don't have to spend AP doing it!).

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The Hanged are the bane of the Viks. Prevent them from healing and they do not last long. The one time this happened to me was the only time I've ever been so pissed off with Malifaux I rage quit. My entire crew was dead by the start of turn 3. Subsequently this is the reason I now think Whispers from Beyond is OP and anybody who uses the Hanged is lame. 

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A lot depends on how your opponent plays the Viks,

These are a few of their Favourite things

Healing - so use the hanged or decaying Aura and stop it.

ignoring Damage reduction - Drowned have resiliance, which they don't ignore.

Hitting things - Nurse and Hans can stop them taking Ml actions (or in the case of the nurse, paralyse, or stop non Ml actions).

Not being hit - Flesh construct is a huge bag of wounds, Izamu gets to hit back if they do kill him.

Charging - Ashigaru cost them 1/2 wounds

Being together - Belles and doxies ruin the posiitioning game.

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They don't always run together, a common misconception. Just because they do well with the slingshot doesn't mean it's their only trick. I often run them apart as the Sisters buffs cover the entire board. Blood is more deadly when away from other Sisters. So long as she has LoS to gain her Melee Expert. They become more deadly when seperate and more defensive when together thanks to their (0) actions. The sweet spot is around 4-5" apart, they cannot gain their Df bonus or Ml bonus because it's only a 2" aura but they are close enough that they do not gain the  :+fate to Dmg or Attack respectively. Also pay close attention to the cards in the players hand. Blood is harder to kill early in the turn (4+ cards in hand) and Ashes becomes more difficult later (3- cards in hand). Target the Viks accordingly and watch them melt. 

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I play against the Viks pretty frequently, and have found success using many of the things already mentioned.  The Hanged makes their (short) life miserable, nurses can work great if you can get off uppers on Vik of Blood (she's not very scary when she's happy on drugs!), and things you don't mind dying early (such as guild autopsies and flesh constructs) are great to try and use to create a piece trade for Vik of Blood.  I don't really mind losing 10 pts or so worth of models if I can remove either Ashes or Blood from the board in retaliation, especially if playing a summoner.  


One more thing that can be useful is a "slingshot" type move of our own.  With both Mcmourning and Kirai I've been able to either inject a rogue necromancy then charge or swirl spirits Izamu into one of the Viks and proceed to beat on them.  Works quite well if the opportunity to do so arises.

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I'm probably going to be using Nico as practice for a tournament (depending on the schemes that show up as I might go Seamus) so my main concern is a Vik in the face early doors messing up my plan.  Though as Nico can still summon in combat summoning a Fast Punk Zombie will bring the pain train if Nico can survive the initial assault.  But I'm also concerned about devoting too much attention to combating the Viks and not concentrating on the schemes (strat will be Stake a Claim).

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I've never lost a game to the Viks with seamus. Vik of blood universally never manages to kill seamus if she goes for him, thought it usually costs some stones and the hat, and then she gets to be paralyzed for the rest of the game via a nurse.


If I remember correctly, you're pretty fond of Vik-baiting with your Master. Well, Seamus seems like a good choice for it.

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