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Questions (all over the place)


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So my wife had our first official game (one where no one else was around to guide us) and we had a blast!  In order to continue delving into the game, I would appreciate having some questions answered:


1: I am using secret weapon miniatures bases for both my Marcus crew and my wife's Misaki crew.  Since they are resin, I have been told that I absolutely need to pin the models to them (I guess super glue doesn't get them to stick quite as well).  However, I cannot find small enough metal rods in order to pin things like my Jackalope (I removed him from the head he is sitting on) and my wife's Torakage.  Any thoughts on where I could find such small rods?


2: So I was planning on following this guide for my Marcus bases: http://fromthewarp.blogspot.com/2012/06/making-wood-themed-bases-is-easy-to-do.html.  However, secret weapon has stopped offering the brown leaves (in my opinion) the most important part of the bases.  Anyone know where I could purchase some or where I could find a guide to making brown leaves (preferably with images-I am a visual person)?


3: How much space does a single terraclips box cover?  Are terraclips even worthwhile?  Would it be better to just buy a playmat?  Any suggestions on malifaux playmats?


4:  What is the average game lengths for 25ss and 50ss games?  We were only doing a 25ss game and it still took forever (because we are very new).  I am just curious as to what we should be striving for.


5: How many scheme markers can a model place per activation?  I seem to recall hearing about only 1 but I can't find that anywhere and so I am pretty sure I just made that up.


6: I was considering picking up one more crew for my wife and I to swap between just to shake things up.  Any thoughts on a master that is both pretty different strategically when compared to misaki and marcus and who doesn't make games lopsided?  I know the obvious pick would be Mei Fang, but I was hoping for something a little more interesting.



I know that is a lot and it is a bit all over the place so thanks for bearing with me.

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I can't answer all of them but I'll give it a shot.


1. I always leave part of the sprue where possible and use it as a pin.


2. -


3. -


4. It all depends on your knowing of the game. We usually take 3-4 hrs on a 50ss game with familiar crews. With unfamiliar crews it usually takes 4-5 hrs. It's a long game. 


5. There is not limit on the amount of markers only that they need to be 4" away from another friendly scheme marker (some rules may modify this but it's then usually mentioned). 


6. McCabe is a good addition to Misaki. A really good addition as he brings a totally new playstyle and likes the Misaki box a lot, it doesn't go quite vice versa but still. Marcus is a tough one as he really likes Beasts so there aren't really many to compliment him. So pick up any box you like the look of. 

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1. I'd actually say you don't absolutely have to pin plastic miniatures to resin bases. Metals are a whole different thing though... If you really feel that you need to pin the plastic mini to the base, you can drill a relatively large hole and put a piece of sprue in it. Then you can use plastic cement to attach the mini to the bit of plastic, and it will most certainly stay stuck there.

2. Dunno.

3. Depends on Terraclips box. If I remember correct a single sewer set covers a bit over half a Malifaux table. The newer ones tend to cover less.

4. If both players actually focus on the game and know their crews and the rules it can be done in around 2-3 hours. Otherwise what zFiend said.

5. What zFiend said, except the 4" limitation is only for placing scheme markers with (1) interact action (which is the typical way for a model to place scheme markers.)

6. I guess ranged crew or summoner would be most different, but playing against ranged crew is maybe more difficult and summoners aren't really all that balanced in small games. I'd recommend picking something you like or something that you can use well with the other crews you have. If I were to give an actual suggestion, I might go with Zoraida box, because she is definitely a very different master than Marcus or Misaki, and Marcus can really use the Silurids.

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1. Myyrä's advice is solid but: If you have a modelling shop (like model railways and such) those are somewhat likely to have brass rod in various thicknesses. I have brass rod that's 0.5mm and that is as thick as my thinnest drill piece (you can't really drill metal with it but it can be used for plastic).

2. Those brown leaves are just birch seeds. So if you have birches around they are very easy to procure :) If you don't have any birches around I suppose your best bet is to contact someone who does since I believe they are mostly sold in quantities that are way too large for minis work.

Here's a random tutorial on them:


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@1: Wait, part of the sprue?  How does that work?  Is it really thin enough or are you chopping it up to be thin enough?  I normally use paperclips (or my wife has some old jewelry making supplies) but even those are too big for a couple of the models.  I think the jackalope will be fine without pinning (it has two points of contact) but the torakage standing on one foot really needs it.


@2: Thanks Math!  That is perfect!


@3: Ok I will find a play mat then.  I have a lego castle (epic nostalgia impulse purchase) that I can use for terrain, the mat will just make setup faster/easier.


@4: Oh wow, this game is a lot longer than I expected.  Still, I feel less awkward postponing the game until later as it takes up far less space than warhammer.


@5: Thanks, just being a noob  :)


@6: I can't stand the flavor of McCabe.  I have no idea why.  When researching the game, he was the first Master that I noticed that I had no desire to play with.  Zoraida seems pretty cool.  I will look into that.  It is too bad that the 10 thunders don't have more boxed crews as I could just get one for each of us and be done with it for a bit.  


Thanks thus far!!!

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@1: Wait, part of the sprue?  How does that work?  Is it really thin enough or are you chopping it up to be thin enough?  I normally use paperclips (or my wife has some old jewelry making supplies) but even those are too big for a couple of the models.  I think the jackalope will be fine without pinning (it has two points of contact) but the torakage standing on one foot really needs it.

The idea is that you make a fairly large hole and stick it full of plastic (sprue works for this since you can cut it to fit the shape of the hole you made) - then you can glue the plastic mini to a plastic surface and the plastic glue will form a very strong bond between the mini and the base fusing them together.
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The idea is that you make a fairly large hole and stick it full of plastic (sprue works for this since you can cut it to fit the shape of the hole you made) - then you can glue the plastic mini to a plastic surface and the plastic glue will form a very strong bond between the mini and the base fusing them together.


Oh wow.  That makes a ton of sense.  Looks like I will have to go buy some more models (as I don't have any sprues left lol).

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Oh wow.  That makes a ton of sense.  Looks like I will have to go buy some more models (as I don't have any sprues left lol).

Admit it, you were just looking for an excuse.

It is too bad that the 10 thunders don't have more boxed crews as I could just get one for each of us and be done with it for a bit.

Ten thunders have 5 different plastic crew boxes released. The only 10T masters that haven't been released are Shen Long and Brewmaster. The ones that haven't been mentioned yet are Dark Debts (Lynch), Masters of the Path (Yan Lo).
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I pin everything - after a while you get used to it and pretty good at knowing where to pin and what angle - I pin plastic models too! (.50mm is perfect - i can drill metal with .50mm too).

When I assemble metal models every single seperate piece gets pinned and greenstuffed. Sounds like a lot of work but when you get used to it it really isnt that big of a deal and comparable to puttinng together plastic models with high piece counts (and which still need seams filled anyway:( ).

I've done a lot of metal modelling though...

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Viktorias is a good compliment to the Misaki box, and Ramos compliments Marcus pretty well. Those are the crews I would recommend, if you want to expand your existing crews/factions while adding ones that are playable from the box, considering what you already have.


Turbo edit: Our games usually take around 2 - 2½hrs at the 50ss range.

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Welcome, glad you are enjoying it.


1: I am using secret weapon miniatures bases for both my Marcus crew and my wife's Misaki crew.  Since they are resin, I have been told that I absolutely need to pin the models to them (I guess super glue doesn't get them to stick quite as well).  However, I cannot find small enough metal rods in order to pin things like my Jackalope (I removed him from the head he is sitting on) and my wife's Torakage.  Any thoughts on where I could find such small rods?


Plastic probably, as has been observed, does not strictly need pinning. Paperclips are a great source of thin rods if you do want to pin.


2: So I was planning on following this guide for my Marcus bases: http://fromthewarp.b...easy-to-do.html.  However, secret weapon has stopped offering the brown leaves (in my opinion) the most important part of the bases.  Anyone know where I could purchase some or where I could find a guide to making brown leaves (preferably with images-I am a visual person)?


Don't know, I have not much to add here.


3: How much space does a single terraclips box cover?  Are terraclips even worthwhile?  Would it be better to just buy a playmat?  Any suggestions on malifaux playmats?


Terraclips have been out of production for a while, hard to find. You need at least two boxes but better three for a 3'x3' area.

Mats are much better. Microart does mats, Deep-cut studios and Frontline gaming also, which work. I think I'd try a Frontline if I could. Buying a 3'x3' is great but a 4'x4' will do if you remember to reduce the actual battlefield area.


4:  What is the average game lengths for 25ss and 50ss games?  We were only doing a 25ss game and it still took forever (because we are very new).  I am just curious as to what we should be striving for.


Average length is really, really hard to say. Depends on players, experience, crews and scenario. Depends if you add in set up and pack up which is effected by location. So its a massive approximation, but I'd say 25ss is 1-2 hours and 50ss is 2 1/2-4 hours.


5: How many scheme markers can a model place per activation?  I seem to recall hearing about only 1 but I can't find that anywhere and so I am pretty sure I just made that up.


Many people have answered this, basically as many as you are able accounting for actions, placement restrictions and melee ranges or other factors. So probably one, occasionally two and very rarely more.


6: I was considering picking up one more crew for my wife and I to swap between just to shake things up.  Any thoughts on a master that is both pretty different strategically when compared to misaki and marcus and who doesn't make games lopsided?  I know the obvious pick would be Mei Fang, but I was hoping for something a little more interesting.


Yeah, you seem to be looking at one more crew for you and your wife to share. Tough question because I'd like some cross synergy with the crews you already have. An interesting outlier for Marcus is Zoriada, but no cross over to Misaki. McCabe and Mei Feng both are good with Misaki, but no cross over to Marcus. For something totally different in flavor I'd look at I think Freikorps (Von Schill) as it is a shooting force and its mini's can cross into any force. Ironsides or Ramos are nice Arcanist force.

Honestly if you are anything like me you'll fairly soon accumulate a lot of crews, they are not prohibitively expensive and they just.... gather?


Good luck

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A few additrions.

I generally don't pin plastic to resin, and haven't had problems. I do also use staples for some of my really fine pinning when I need to.


The Terraclips sets will cover about a 2 foot square. If you are happy with some of your table showing through, this can be enough for a game.

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