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Whilst pretty much true my beloved Viks at least have some internal crew synergy and movement / buff support, Misaki can help her crew but often just runs around murdering stuff.

Why yeah. That's why they were on the to a point part of my sentence. :D they do have stuff lady Justice dreams of having.

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Errm. That was a really short abstract of what Lilith does. In fact, she has a card control mechanism baked in, has great battlefield control and manipulates models via Tangle Shadows and Rooted, even before you consider her summoning upgrade. Lilith is one of the most versatile Masters in the game. In fact, I have seen people putting her on the shelf becasue they couldn't cope with the amount of choice she brings to every activation.


Lilith is so much more than just a run around and smack things Master. That title belongs to Lady Justice. Lilith has area denial, movement tricks and denial, badass offense, pretty sweet defense and great synergy with many MANY neverborn models and has a fairly unique form of summoning at her disposal. She is so incredibly versatile that there are very few scenarios she wont be able to handle. 



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Aaah give me a break man! It's 9.30am here, I don't read every post every time, especially at this time in the morning. 


Just teasing you. I agree on all your points about Lilith, Viktorias and Misaki, and even Justice. Besides her Minion buff and condition removal, she just beats face.

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Just teasing you. I agree on all your points about Lilith, Viktorias and Misaki, and even Justice. Besides her Minion buff and condition removal, she just beats face.


Besides, you beat everybody to the punch on these forums, technically every response after your first is plagiarism! :D


Also "buff" is a strong word for any interactions Lady J has with her crew, she can make some Death Marshall's move a little when she charges, that's pretty much it. What she does she does very well but she is a fairly simplistic Master. Sometimes you just want to smash in some face, other times not so much so she certainly and a place. Same goes for Misaki but the Viks are a little more complicated. On the surface they are the slingshot suicide Masters but in reality they are very versatile, not the most by a long shot but they definitely aren't a one trick pony. 

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Also "buff" is a strong word for any interactions Lady J has with her crew, she can make some Death Marshall's move a little when she charges, that's pretty much it. What she does she does very well but she is a fairly simplistic Master.


Why does everyone ignore that she gives out  :+fate to all Minions in a pretty large area?

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I begin to understand why you say she isn't good. Killing something is not that hard with Lady Justice.

Just kidding. I find it never comes into play because she usually isn't running with minions but rather with judge. And if there are minions they are death marshals who can charge with her and they are pineboxing stuff.

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I gotta admit I often do forget about that but then again it rarely comes up for me. I usually have Lady J leading from the front and Death Marshalls don't tend to last particularly long in the front lines so a lot of the time they are out of the way but I should really remember for the more resilient front line minions. 

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I gotta admit I often do forget about that but then again it rarely comes up for me. I usually have Lady J leading from the front and Death Marshalls don't tend to last particularly long in the front lines so a lot of the time they are out of the way but I should really remember for the more resilient front line minions. 


Try it with a Hunter some time. Pull things into her so she doesn't need to charge (or can finish something and charge after.)

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As the proud owner of two shiny fully painted plasty-hunters... the only gripe I have is that stupid tiny harpoon and... speaking of tiny... why the hell are these guys on 50mm bases?

It's true... this game was ingeniously made to make you want every damn master in it. Sometimes its better to just accept the way things are and not to question it. ;)

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To re-emphasize the Lilith comments above, she is a tool box master. If you want to play the hitty/killy game with her, feel free. I can honestly say that I've played over thirty games with her, a dozen or more of which she's never swung her sword, but people still died because of her (and the opponents still cursed me left and right....nothing like killing Waifs through walls :D )

Things she can do well:

Kill things
Hit and Run Tactics
Pin enemy models in place
Block LoS (With upgrade, but I always consider Beckon Malifaux an Auto-Include)
Box people in with terrain
Divide and Conquer the opponent
Solo accomplish schemes
Re-position herself, her crew, and the enemy crew to her advantage via Tangle the Shadows
Lure models out of position (with Upgrade)
Make her Tots and Young Nephilim grow into larger more dangerous versions of themselves (with Upgrade, though I don't prefer this play style personally)
High Defense model with a 2" to 3" engagement (with Upgrade) model that can act as a potential tar pit for the opponent's models
Can help cycle cards via her attack trigger and her Rush of Magic ability.
Can work highly independent of her crew, or can work with them to amplify their potential via maneuverability, protection, and offense

Main Weaknesses:
*...you hear the sound of crickets chirping...*

Ok, she has an average Willpower so that is an honest weak point for her
No inherent other defenses (such as armor, hard to wound/kill, etc) besides a trigger vs Melee attacks and a high natural defense
Average number of wounds (10).

--Stipulation to the above weaknesses though, Lilith is not a front line fighter. She is a guerrilla fighter who hits the opponent(s) on her terms, not theirs. She hits them when she wants, where she wants, and how she wants, and she can do so, if played correctly, with little to no threat to her own safety.

I've said it often before about her, but if I had the restriction of only being able to take one Neverborn master vs all 38 other masters in the game, with potentially all strats/schemes in those games arising, then I'd pick Lilith without hesitation or regret. To me, she is one of the few true Tool Box masters who can find an answer for just about any situation if needed.

PS - In relation to the earlier conversation relating to Ladies of Monetary Persuasion, I have to say Guild players named Dirial are prudes. :P

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PS - In relation to the earlier conversation relating to Ladies of Monetary Persuasion, I have to say Guild players named Dirial are prudes. :P


I take offense with that. I have nothing to do with the fact that the Guild has no prostitute.

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