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Your favorite Zoraida beatstick


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It would be 7/8/10 I believe.  The starting damage code is 1/2/4 if I remember correctly, so +2 from Nurse, +2 from being engaged with another model, and +2 from Sweetbreads for a total of +6 damage.


Wow, that's a whole point of severe damage more than what Samael Hopkins can achieve all on his own. I'm impressed!



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just a question: Zoraida really needs an expensive beatstick?

i think not.


with a lot of action, indirect damage via doll and so many dirty tricks i think she not need a heavy hitter.


i play Z with gremlin and, when i need to hit hard, i use taxidermist, that, by the way can do a lot of other things..


the one thing i love of Z is her flexibility, nad, in my opinion, taking a specialized beatstick is a good way to limit her endless adaptability.


and also: sammy lacroix... with Z he can do quite everything!!!

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I tend not to go down the beatstick route with Zoraida. If I were the two models that would be prime candidates are Bad Juju and McTavish. With Bad Juju being able to deploy from the shadows and then obeying him to walk means he should be in position to flurry turn 1. McTavish is interesting because I prefer him in Gremlins with Cute Critters but he can work well in neverborn as he helps make Waldegeists even tougher. 


Another model to consider if you are after something that can cause lots of damage is the Wild Boars as they get  :+fate when being obeyed to make attack actions.


(If playing Zoraida in Gremlins the obvious heavy hitter for me is the War Pig as you can obey them to charge.)


I already own Bad Juju, because he comes in The Swamp Hag - Zoraida Box Set.

At first, I didn't really like the model, but after reading his lore and actually playing him, I completely changed my mind. I was surprised how much damage he was capable of inflicting, especially while engaged with multiple enemies. But what surprised me even more was how durable he is.

Due to his very low Df 3 and average Wp 5, most of the Attack Actions that target him will be successful, but that is somewhat compensated by Hard to Wound +1 Ability. An average Wp stat would be 5 and an average card value is 7, which makes his Terrifying (Living) 13 Ability above average. And he has Regeneration +2 Ability.

His Actions have defensive mechanisms as well. (0) Landslide Tactical Action can inflict Slow Condition in :pulse 3 (TN 13 Wp Duel) and :crowQuicksand Trigger on (1) Dirty Claws Attack Action can inflict Paralyzed Condition (TN 16 Wp Duel, which will in average require at least an 11 to pass).

I haven't tried Eternal Fiend Upgrade yet, because in the game I played, other Swampfiend models that I had were Zoraida, 2 Waldgeists, which are very durable, and a single Silurid, which was supposed to score some Victory Points from Plant Evidence Scheme, but tragicaly died in the Round 2.


My initial intention was to play Zoraida in Gremlin faction, but the more I read about her, the more I lean towards Neverborn.

The only time, when I felt like anouncing Gremlin faction would be benefitial (When I was doing the excercise I described in the initial post.) was, when Reconnoiter or Reckoning was the Strategy and only because I do not own Spawn Mother or McTavish (or another beatstick) yet, or when I really wanted Dirty Cheater Upgrade or to hire Francois LaCroix.


War Pigs and Rooster Riders are models that I am strongly considering. They can both be hired in Neverborn faction via Zoraida's Enthrall Ability as if they had Mercenary Characteristic.

They have Pigcharge/Roostercharge Ability so they can (1) Charge and their :melee Attack Actions have :ram Stampede Trigger, which allows them to suffer 1 damage and Charge another model which they are not engaged with. This means that you can get up to 4 (1) Attack Actions out of 1 Zoraida's Obey.

But Warpig's great disadvantage (in Neverborn faction at least) is its Set'er Off Ability.




just a question: Zoraida really needs an expensive beatstick?

i think not.


with a lot of action, indirect damage via doll and so many dirty tricks i think she not need a heavy hitter.


i play Z with gremlin and, when i need to hit hard, i use taxidermist, that, by the way can do a lot of other things..


the one thing i love of Z is her flexibility, nad, in my opinion, taking a specialized beatstick is a good way to limit her endless adaptability.


and also: sammy lacroix... with Z he can do quite everything!!!


Only certain combinations of Strategy and Schemes made me feel like I need an expensive beatstick. For example when Reckoning was the Strategy, deployment made A Line in the Sand Scheme more difficult and the rest of available Schemes was mostly combat-based.


Would you kindly tell me more about Taxidermist? Are there any models that you find yourself typically playing in conjunction with him in Zoraida Crew? What would be some Schemes or Strategies that make you consider hiring him over another models?


I really like Sammy LaCroix' art and initially she was one of the models that I was determined to buy, but after playing Zoraida (As I already said, I have played only a single game so far.) I felt like Zoraida's support is all the support I will ever need.

Sammy LaCroix was actually one of the reasons why I wanted to play Zoraida as a Gremlin Master. At the moment, I do not own a lot of models. The Swamp Hag - Zoraida Box Set, 3 Waldgeists, The Kin - Ophelia Box Set and 2 Slop Haulers. Original plan was to play Gremraida and wait for McTavish and Sammy LaCroix, but now... there are some models that I am determined to purchase, models like Spawn Mother and Gupps and very likely McTavish. Well... determined at the moment. The purpose of this whole topic is to generate a list of models that I want to try out (Either by borrowing the models from my friends or by proxing them in friendly games.) and potentially buy.

So when would you recommend hiring Sammy LaCroix?

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I will start a "Taxidermist is pure love" movement!


7SS... a bit expensive i know.. but it's an enforcer and so can take the dirty cheater upgrade, gaining an auto healing capability that is missing

reckless: take 1 damage to have an extra AP... activate, cheat, heal via dirty cheater -----> reckless without taking damage

attack with Ml 6 and 2/3/4 damage with build-in trigger to have + on damage flip and placing a corpse marker... not a real beatstick, but very interesting

(0) to summon stuffed from corpse (corpse placed via trigger)


so why people don't love him? :D



about sammy: yes, bigZ brings a lot of support, but she have to choose between animal shape and crystal ball... sammy brings the ball and Z can rven form freely!

and he also trasmutate enemy scheme markers in stuffed piglet :D

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I have zero experience with Gremlin Taxidermist and Stuffed Pigletts and I am affraid that I might be biased due to some posts that I have read, but...


In Gremlins Faction he costs 7 SS, 8 with Dirty Cheater Upgrade, which is Rare 2 and there is usually a lot of candidates for it. In Neverborn Faction he costs 8 SS and can't take Dirty Cheater Upgrade. I feel like that for the same price there might be better models. Under which circumstances do you consider hiring him? Or do you play him often because you like the model?

I think that the main purpose of his (1) Hide Scrapin' Knife Attack Action is to place Corpse Marker or to summon a Stuffed Pigglet more than to do any damage at all. :+fate to the Damage Flip is nice, but since there is minimal difference between low, moderate and high damage (2/3/4) it is not that useful, as it would seem at first sight.

On the other hand, he has the greatest Ability there is... Reckless and has Wk 5, which is nice.

Not sure how durable he is. He has Armor +1, Df 5, Wp 4 and Wd 6.

To me he seems like very situational pick, but as I already wrote, I have zero experience with the model and I might be biased, but this is my first impression.

But I must say that his illustration looks awesome and I quite like the idea of Gremlin Resurrectionist :D so comme on, Rubbe, try to recruit me into your 'Taxidermist is pure love' movement. I went ahead and made logo :D


Taxidermist is pure love movement logo




Regarding Sammy LaCroix, both Animal Shape and Crystal Ball Upgrades cost 2 SS each and I feel like Animal Shape is needed only when Schemes like Assassinate or Entourage are in the pool.

But I will definitely consider her, because I do not like Nurse.

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Does anybody please have any experience with Zoraida and Stitched Together or Wicked Dolls?


I've been running a campaign that started with Vasilisa and two Stitched Together and worked up to Zoraida as the leader, and it's a really strong combination.  Since Zoraida can draw so many cards, you can generally out-compete your opponent with Gamble Your Life, and Obey lets you use it often. If you can work out a way (Nurse maybe?) to bring in some healing, the Stitched will be extremely difficult to take down.  I've found the key to using them is to make sure you win the Gable Your Life duels, and all the extra cards Zoraida draws really helps in this regard.


For only 6SS each, I think the Stitched make a really nice combo with Zoraida. However, I haven't tried Wicked Dolls with her yet.

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no, you can't play taxidermist in  neverborn crew... this is why I play Z with gremlin ;)


maybe it's me, maybe it's our meta, but my two taxidermist survive till turn 5, maybe one die in  the game, but never both...

i play a lot on movement and evading engagement by enemy models, trying to keep violence away (waldgeist true love) and controlling the board..

animal shape for me is the upgrade to take, a 15" PLACE help to get anywhere anytime even if angaged by that giant beatstick of my opponent.


did not tried yet the dolls (not swampfiend), but seems good in a beater crew giving poison to everything been hit within 2"



anyway i will look to get back to prague for a tournament so we can bring the taxidermist love movement to life!! (yes, i'm the italian guy who came to prague last year!!)

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That said I have also played Zoraida plenty of times with out a true beatstick and instead a fair share of 7-8ss models.  I have had her Obey a Beckoner to use her promises against a target, Obey a Illuminated into the target, and obeyed a Nurse to give a Illuminated +2 to melee damage near the end of a turn where my opponent was almost out of activations and could not stop it.  Illuminated's first attack missed as it brought out a desperate 13 from their hand but the second landed with moderate damage of 8.


Really want to try something similar with Bad Juju using a Gupp's "Juvenile's Wail" now :lol:

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I have zero experience with Gremlin Taxidermist and Stuffed Pigletts and I am affraid that I might be biased due to some posts that I have read, but...


In Gremlins Faction he costs 7 SS, 8 with Dirty Cheater Upgrade, which is Rare 2 and there is usually a lot of candidates for it. In Neverborn Faction he costs 8 SS and can't take Dirty Cheater Upgrade. I feel like that for the same price there might be better models. Under which circumstances do you consider hiring him? Or do you play him often because you like the model?

I think that the main purpose of his (1) Hide Scrapin' Knife Attack Action is to place Corpse Marker or to summon a Stuffed Pigglet more than to do any damage at all. :+fate to the Damage Flip is nice, but since there is minimal difference between low, moderate and high damage (2/3/4) it is not that useful, as it would seem at first sight.

On the other hand, he has the greatest Ability there is... Reckless and has Wk 5, which is nice.

Not sure how durable he is. He has Armor +1, Df 5, Wp 4 and Wd 6.

To me he seems like very situational pick, but as I already wrote, I have zero experience with the model and I might be biased, but this is my first impression.

But I must say that his illustration looks awesome and I quite like the idea of Gremlin Resurrectionist :D so comme on, Rubbe, try to recruit me into your 'Taxidermist is pure love' movement. I went ahead and made logo :D


Taxidermist is pure love movement logo




Regarding Sammy LaCroix, both Animal Shape and Crystal Ball Upgrades cost 2 SS each and I feel like Animal Shape is needed only when Schemes like Assassinate or Entourage are in the pool.

But I will definitely consider her, because I do not like Nurse.



I play the Tax-man from time to time also. I usually use him to carve some corpses off of Pere turn 1. Then summon stuffed out of those. The problem i see with the Taxidermist is that he is there to make stuffed pigs, but isnt all that great at it. what he is great at is making corpse markers. If it was a mercenary I'm sure it would be in all the Nico lists! The problem is that gremlins dont do anything with corpse markers. So this guy is piling up the corpses for no reason at all. Just a chance at a new Stuffed.


You can use him in Neverborn with Zoraida for a turn 1 summoned teddy. Zoraida makes a voodoo doll of an enemy model. Tax-man goes reckless and attacks the voodoo doll 3 times for 3 corpse markers and 6 damage killing the voodoo doll and dropping a scrap marker. Then Widow Weaver summons up your teddy. And really, you can do this every turn as long as you have an 11+(preferably of masks) in your hand. 




Sammy can make stuffed piglets too, and it uses enemy scheme markers to do so. Sammy lets you get a stuffed piglet AND deny your opponent VP at the same time. Couple that with Animal Shape upgrade and Sammy just hops around the board eating scheme markers. 

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I play the Tax-man from time to time also. I usually use him to carve some corpses off of Pere turn 1. Then summon stuffed out of those. The problem i see with the Taxidermist is that he is there to make stuffed pigs, but isnt all that great at it. what he is great at is making corpse markers. If it was a mercenary I'm sure it would be in all the Nico lists! The problem is that gremlins dont do anything with corpse markers. So this guy is piling up the corpses for no reason at all. Just a chance at a new Stuffed.


You can use him in Neverborn with Zoraida for a turn 1 summoned teddy. Zoraida makes a voodoo doll of an enemy model. Tax-man goes reckless and attacks the voodoo doll 3 times for 3 corpse markers and 6 damage killing the voodoo doll and dropping a scrap marker. Then Widow Weaver summons up your teddy. And really, you can do this every turn as long as you have an 11+(preferably of masks) in your hand. 




Sammy can make stuffed piglets too, and it uses enemy scheme markers to do so. Sammy lets you get a stuffed piglet AND deny your opponent VP at the same time. Couple that with Animal Shape upgrade and Sammy just hops around the board eating scheme markers. 


I must try the Widow Weaver - Taxidermist combo next time I play Zoraida. Maybe toss in Vasilisa for some extra obeys to get the most out of those teddies.

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Nurse maybe?

Et tu, Moxypoo?


For only 6SS each, I think the Stitched make a really nice combo with Zoraida. However, I haven't tried Wicked Dolls with her yet.

There is a guy, Nishi, in my gaming community that has a lot of experience with playing Collodi and this is what he wrote about Stitched Together and Wicked Dolls in Holly Collodi! thread:

they (Wicked Dolls) heal just for 1 wound hurting themself in the proces, but i often use this heal to pump my stitched together to 2 wounds "activating" hard to kill again. the additional buff also shares great synergy with collodis my will. Using my will on stitched together previously healed by wicked doll grants his attack actions double positive flip. Possible healing from Lucky Effigy buff is just bonus

Wicked Dolls have (0) All Sewed Up Tactical Action: This models suffers 1 damage to heal 1 damage on target other model within 2" and give it the following Condition until the end of the Turn: "Brand New Strings:  This model gains :+fate to any Attack flips it makes outside of its Activation."



anyway i will look to get back to prague for a tournament so we can bring the taxidermist love movement to life!! (yes, i'm the italian guy who came to prague last year!!)

Prague tournaments are my favorite part of playing Malifaux. Well... I have attended only one so far :D the last one, because I started with Malifaux only few months ago. But I will be attending next one this saturday (I will be playing Ophelia LaCroix, because I am still working on my Zoraida Box Set.). Such a shame that you couldn't make it. Hopefully next time :)



You can use him in Neverborn with Zoraida for a turn 1 summoned teddy. Zoraida makes a voodoo doll of an enemy model. Tax-man goes reckless and attacks the voodoo doll 3 times for 3 corpse markers and 6 damage killing the voodoo doll and dropping a scrap marker. Then Widow Weaver summons up your teddy. And really, you can do this every turn as long as you have an 11+(preferably of masks) in your hand.

To summon one Teddy a turn? Maybe I will try that when I get bored of things like having friends and such :D


Sammy can make stuffed piglets too, and it uses enemy scheme markers to do so. Sammy lets you get a stuffed piglet AND deny your opponent VP at the same time. Couple that with Animal Shape upgrade and Sammy just hops around the board eating scheme markers.

For some weird reason I didn't think of puting Animal Shape Upgrade on Sammy LaCroix, only on Zoraida to keep her safe or to score VPs for Entourage.

Raven Form Action is (2) though and Sammy LaCroix doesn't have Reckless Ability.


This thread has inconspicuously changed into "Zoraida vs. Gremraida".

Zoraida has Stitched Together and Eternal Fiend Upgrade. Gremraida has Sammy LaCroix and Dirty Cheater Upgrade. This... is not going to be easy decision.

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For some weird reason I didn't think of puting Animal Shape Upgrade on Sammy LaCroix, only on Zoraida to keep her safe or to score VPs for Entourage.

Raven Form Action is (2) though and Sammy LaCroix doesn't have Reckless Ability.


This thread has inconspicuously changed into "Zoraida vs. Gremraida".

Zoraida has Stitched Together and Eternal Fiend Upgrade. Gremraida has Sammy LaCroix and Dirty Cheater Upgrade. This... is not going to be easy decision.

Putrefy is a (0) action. It needs an 8 :crow for it to go off, but soulstone use can help with that. 

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Oh, you are right, Jeebus. I should have read Sammy's card more thoroughly. Another point for Gremraida. You seem to know a thing or two about Sammy LaCroix... Is she a situational pick or do you play her quite often with Zoraida?

With Animal Shape Upgrade she seems like a combination of Silurid, Gremlin Taxidermist and Hex Bag Upgrade.

Both of her Attack Actions inflict debuffs and will automatically be successful against Voodoo Doll, which is nice.

And her Winds of Fate Ability synergyzes well with Zoraida's Bewitch Attack Action and Crystal Ball Upgrade.

And she also...



This is terrible!


When I read CursingBulldog's Spawn Mother Tips I was sure that Swampfiend models are the way to go. Spawn Mother, Gupps, McTavish. Easy peasy.


Then Mrbedlam suggested Teddy as a beatstick and I realized that I should buy Teddy.


ZFiend's "Also how about Nekima?" incident that almost made me buy every Nephilim related model there is or ever will be.


And now I am "sure" that I want Sammy LaCroix, McTavish and Bayou Gators.


Oh wait, Stitched Together. Neverborn it is.


"Hello sir, do you have a moment to talk about Mancha Roja, Gremlin luchador that uses a Gremlin as a weapon?" "No, sorry, I have to... Wait, did you say that he uses another Gremlin as a weapon? No, stop, I do not want to hear that, I am determined to..." "Have I already mentioned that he has an upgrade that allows him to dual wield said Gremlins?" A moment of silence. "Alright, come in."


And then there were people like zFiend, who apparently in 50 SS game would play Zoraida with 8 Nurses.



Malifaux is not a game for a young man with Wp 2 :(

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