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Facing Sonnia


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well the rail golum is immune to burning

so any crew that can take it

I should say it doesn't take damage from it

Makes a hell of a beacon for Sonnia to blast upon from complete safety though.

Arcane effigy is good for its condition removal.

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If you are suffering low level burning issuues from Sonnia allowing her to ignore LOS, then remember that you can do a (1) interact to lower the burning condition of a model within 2" by 1. Often not worth it, but if your opponet is workign hard to put that on you, and you can jyst get rid out it easily, then you can eb safer from Sonnia

If its the damage output from burning, then you're probably beign Hopkins'ed a lot. Hide and be more than 1 " from cover, and he can't burn you out.


If you do have a rail golem and your opponet is Sonnia. Don't keep your Golem anywhere near the rest of your crew, she doesn't do very much damage to it by itself, and if she can't do blast damage to anything else, its probably not worth her effort to target it.  


I not going to pick a master to face Sonnia, because I'm not in the position to know what master my opponent has picked before I pick my list. And really it doesn't matter which master you have picked, they can all deal with Sonnia if they need to.

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If you're running Arcanists then a Malifaux Raptor or two will make your life a lot easier against Sonnia. Take to the sky turn one and set up conservatively, unbury engaged with Sonnia and then rush her. Try and get Rake the Eyes off if possible but mostly just try and waste her second turn activation dealing with the birds.


Wise use of cover is the other thing. Sonnia can blast models 8" away from her target on severe, but she still can't place blasts outside of the target's line of sight. These days there's probably a DM and Papa in her backfield which means relatively few models that can reach out and touch you on that second turn. So you've got that going for you.


I would imagine Marcus plays well against her, and games between Sonnia and Rasputina are by turns tense and hilariously destructive. Ramos games end up with more scrap on the board than you would believe possible but that doesn't mean he can't win. I imagine Sonnia v. Kaeris would be interesting but I have no idea how I would play it as Kaeris.

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kaeris can actually help your crew heal from the burning. you just have to increase the burning on them if she has shot them after setting them on fire.

Haven't played that matchup myself so far, but right now I have no idea how this would work out.

Kaeris, especially with healing upgrade, loves to set stuff into fire, just much as Sonnia does.

Anybody played such a game yet and would share his/her experience?

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Kaeris vs. Sonnia is an all right match.  It's actually one of the few times that Kaeris can use Truth in Flame effectively, and a themed Sonnia list (Witch Hunters) is actually reasonably vulnerable against Kaeris herself, although Counterspell Aura and Disrupt Magic can be a pain.  That said, the Guild rarely runs in a single theme, and Sonnia herself is difficult for Kaeris to target effectively (both of her primary attacks are suited).  There are definitely better picks if your opponent declares Guild and you sniff Sonnia in the offing.

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Sonnia doesn't like Raptors too much, and she dislikes Armor. Her crews tend to be on the slow side. This sounds like a pretty good Ramos matchup. The Spiders won't be damaged by Stalker explosions, Ramos can do his thing while staying back, with a Raptor he can occupy her until he gets a big beater in her face...


I think, Ramos might do okay. (At least, I don't like facing him with Sonnia too much. Well, Sonnia can deal with anyone okay, but Ramos is at least not easy.)

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