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Mexican Standoff: Guild vs Resurrectionists


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I still need to get games in, (just finished moving) so any of you feel like stepping up for a game on Wednesday?

You should take this offer. Nicodemic is an extremely nice and pleasant opponent. Also he sings about what he does, take it as a minus or a bonus.

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Well I should be getting a game in this evening against the Resser who beat my Sonnia. That is if he can drag his sorry ass out of the house for once! This time I'll be playing with a Master I'm comfortable with and going for the throat! 


Well my attempts at arranging a game have fallen flat on their face. Alas, no game this evening. It's looking unlikely I'll have the time to get that game in at all this month. :(

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Do you play on vassal?


I have dabbled with Vassal playing zFiend from time to time, my home PC is basically a paperweight at this point so it's not ideal. Finding a location and probably opponent too isn't my issue. It's just finding the time to actually do it. I'm planning for a wedding which is less than 2 months away whilst also juggling a full time job. I might be able to sneak a game in Thursday night after work. I often pop to my LGS and do some demo's but I could challenge one of the vets into a game. Depends if I can get a permission slip signed by the Mrs. :D

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Just tell her the honor of the Guild is on the line.


Also, tell her that I will crash your wedding if I have to buy Molly. I might bring zFiend, so he can witness my shame.  :D


You obviously don't know my Mrs. She not only doesn't care about the Guild's honour (poor woman!) but she will probably hulk out and smash stuff (including all of us) if you guys turn up at the wedding. Also... good luck getting zFiend through British customs! They wont have him across the boarder and you know it! :D


or failing that, do as the ressers are doing and make it up!  clearly that is what they must be doing as there is no way they could have won that much!    ;)


Tempting... VERY tempting! ;)

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Finally got another game in via vassal. He ran Molly and I went with McCabe. That's right... my third game of the month... guild v ressers. thought it fitting, and I kicked his ass.


35ss game, He had Molly, Phillip, some upgrades, crooligans, and one of the students. (can't remember which) I had McCabe, Luna, 2 hounds, 2 guards, the lone marshal, and a witchling.


Took line in the sand and distract and our strat was reconnoiter.


It was kind of a brutal game. had a lot of fun. Crooligans... wow don't underestimate them. I wrote them off as useless and that aura they can emit is a kick in the ass if you let it go, and they are always on the move (hehe) which can get a little out of hand if you're not careful. Molly seems cool, but I think you need to lose a few games with her. I will admit, I've played McCabe many many times, this was my opponent's first game with Molly. so I had a leg up. but hey, all's fair in Malifaux... right? XD He did snag 3 points for an amazing late game murder protégé on my lone marshal that he announced and I forgot about. :P I totally walked into that too... *facepalm* He had enough stuff to spread out and try to get recon off, but he stayed pretty clumped to keep everyone under that aura. leaving my two mounted guys to run around and get a head start on LitS and reconnoiter. only got distract to stick on one turn, but it slowed down the crooligans a little which probably lead to me winning at recon anyway. so i'll take it!


final score: 8 to 3 in guild's favor. (woot)

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I still need to get games in, (just finished moving) so any of you feel like stepping up for a game on Wednesday?

I have already played my games for the month, but I could be up for a rematch if you feel like it. The time difference is pretty brutal though.
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So I counted again. This time, I counted in a nice, comfortable table, so we don't have to argue what counts and what does not. And I'm happy to say that the Guild is pretty much in the lead now, like the true superior faction.


Here is a link to the online version:




The Ressers are missing some games (Guild does too, but only two). Lets hope they use the last days of April wisely.


P.S. ZFiend hasn't reported the Master of his third game, and neither the VP of his opponent. Thus, they look better than they are at the moment. :D

P.P.S. Myyrä and Nicodemic, you didn't report the Masters of your first Vassal game. Who did you both play?

P.P.P.S. I realize that's an editable sheet. I have an offline copy, so no meddling that isn't reported in here, as well. The Guild is watching!

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P.P.S. Myyrä and Nicodemic, you didn't report the Masters of your first Vassal game. Who did you both play?

I played Lucius and Nicodemic played, surprise surprise, Nicodem.

Edit: Nice table you have there. I noticed I have played all my games with different masters. Maybe I should continue the trend next month...

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Thanks on the report. I think unplayed games should count as 0 - 0 ties. (which they kinda are) or should be counted as unplayed. 


I hope I get another game in this month, but chances are slim. Maybe the stars align somehow. 


Also, we should try to rezz our 7th player that didn't play anything yet.

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Thanks on the report. I think unplayed games should count as 0 - 0 ties. (which they kinda are) or should be counted as unplayed. 


I agree, but they will be locked in that state at the 1st of May. You can play your games till the last minute.

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Thanks on the report. I think unplayed games should count as 0 - 0 ties. (which they kinda are) or should be counted as unplayed. 


I hope I get another game in this month, but chances are slim. Maybe the stars align somehow.

If VP difference were used to determine the winner, it shouldn't even matter that much if some games are left unplayed.
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