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Mexican Standoff: Guild vs Resurrectionists


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Thankyou Patzer, it took me about 10 games to get the Vulture to work, but I start to get him now! Earlier I have more or less used him as an extra corpse marker, since he always died. But now (and a few battles back) I realy have started to make good use of it.


And yes, Think with the Decaying aura I think Bag of tools is a better pick

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Another game in the books for me


Guard the Stash, Standard Deployment


ALitS, Breakthrough, Distract, Plant Explosives, Make Them Suffer


My list:

McCabe - Sabre, Speed, Promises




Pale Rider



His List:

Lucius - Hidden assets, Suprisingly Loyal



Guild Guard

Guild Guard






I took Breakthrough and Make Them Suffer declaring nothing


Opponent deployed first, splitting his force with the guard and beckoner in front of one stash, and everyone else in front of the other.  The turning point of the game came at the start of turn two where i was able to sling the rider across the board and jam up his guardsmen and beckoner, effectively locking him out of the strategy points.  I ended up scoring 9 (4 strategy, 3 Breakthrough, 2 Make them Suffer)  against his 4 (0 strategy, 3 spring the trap, 1 distract)

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What's the count looking like at the moment Dirial.  This thread has slowed down a lot, need May to start!


I'm currently trying to set up a spreadsheet with all the info. I'm not available for the weekend, so it might be next week.


Is there anyone who hasn't played all three games yet?

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Should be getting a game of some description in this evening, if so I'll report back to my tyrannical masters tomorrow. How are the current scores looking? 


As said, I don't know at the moment. Will count after the weekend.

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