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lucius agressive crew


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Hi, has anyone found an aggressive melee crew comp that works on Lucius.

I was thinking something like


Secret service (I think its called)


2 hunters

2 wardens

2 lawyers


Use graves to guard lucius and help move him around, the become my main beater

Use the others as 2 groups of 3 on either flank of Lucius and hop from side to side to give his buffs and ap to whome ever can use it, its a bit of a small crew.

I might like to get stalkers in to remove paralyze if need be and they have good mi

Also with wardens and hunters some smaller Ss cost modles to drain activations might be an idea.

Any thoughts, what are you finding works.

I don't like the guild gunline its boring to play and to face so was looking for something more interesting

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The only issue I'm seeing as you have no healing/regeneration and no renewable resources/summoning to use devils deal which I almost feel is what brings Lucius up to par.

It seems to me all the complaining about Lucius could easily be fixed if we had a guardsman or mimic with regeneration or some additional healing outside of candy (as I doubt we'll see summoning).

Other than that If it's not derailing your thread I can post some experiences with Lucius as I plan to run him for a month or two due to the present complaints against his power level.

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Agreed for Devils deal Neverborn have the widow weaver and wicked dolls for renewable resources, teddy, juju and illuminated for regeneration and Candy for healing.


For share damage illuminated are great beat stick minions- sadly I refuse to use them with Lucius as I don't find them fluffy and don't really want to run Lynch's crew with Lucius. 

Personally I'm struggling to justify many fun choices from Neverborn with Lucius, the best I can do is a Midnight stroll with the waver, dolls, madness and Lawyers, following the explanation given in cross roads for what Neverborn do to humans minds the idea of a couple of new lawyers being initiated into the fold by induction via madness and terror sounds fun.

The other option is having an entourage of Neverborn watching over Lucius as he heads towards a secret "rendezvou" outside the city, for me this would be swampfiends but others may prefer Nephilim.

Sorry for going off topic.


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IF I ran Lucius as Neverborn I would justify it thusly - Lucius takes a group of handpicked guardsmen to accomplish some specific objective deep in the quarantine zone, due to a network of ancient and convoluted agreements, treaties, and favors elements from some other factions show up, agents given a specific set of duties to carry out for a leader they don't really no. None of the guardsmen make it back alive, with the exception of Dashel who knows well enough to keep his mouth shut about the horrible things that he has seen.

Lucius is the consummate networker, I'm sure he can pull in favors from anyone he needs favors from.

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I was thinking more about the guild angle but sure id be interested to see how you get on.

I finde lucias has a divide in his play style, most dual faction masters find a way to bring ideas from 2 factions together. Lucius however brings 2 clashing ideas


Like his wp stuff as they have wp buffs and condition cleanse

As he is slow he can buff ranged stuff easy


Can heal the damage he shrugs onto them

Can use the mi buff better

But guild cant realy get the most out of the mi buff and self damage, and nb cant real get the most out of the wp stuff(low wp and no buffs) and have no ranged attacks to benefit his slow 3 turn walk to the fight.

The only way to gain Bothe sides is to take the upgrade and both factions, but even then its weak

Have you ever tried sidir with him? And expensive pair could be sidir and candy, they can both heal, sidirs promises can make Lucius and candy tougher. Obviously there not minions and sidir isn't guardsman so its a bet eh

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I did think guild Lucius was better, I used to play nb Lucius and felt a bit hampered (I missed ranged attacks), but with what's coming in the beta test (possibly maybe never no) the hounds give him a cheap target that loves to be told what to do, and his conflux suite nb so much better, so I might go back to nb

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I think he gets more mileage out of Surprisingly Loyal in NB (more Guardsman models than Mimics, and more of them are minions).

I like him with Ryle, any time I can get a positive twist built into an attack I'll take it, as Lucius tends to burn through the cards I'd want to cheat with. I haven't tried Sidir, but he's always been great in other cases.

If you want to get the most out of Elite Training I've found Witchling Stalkers are the way to go.

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Yh, I'm thinking

Witchlings for melee and condition removal

Lawyers for plus flips

Then a self healing Hench to body guard lucias (candy, sidir, ryal)

Possibly hunters to position and punish early actions

For some unknown reason I sort of want to put pathfinders in, but that is not backed by anything

I do have a funny thought for Lucius getting stuck in melee with a ladyj esq model and swapping places with a trap so ladyj gets stuck, also traps are potential devils deal targets

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Here I thought you wanted a pile of models walking towards the enemy.

Guild Crew - 50 - Scrap

Lucius -- 5 Pool

+Legalese [1]

+Suprisingly Loyal [1]

+Watch My Back [2]

Captain Dashel [9]

Guard Sergeant [6]

Guard Sergeant [6]

Guild Guard [4]

Guild Guard [4]

Guild Guard [4]

Guild Hound [3]

Guild Hound [3]

Warden [6]

Focus everything shooting and walking and scheming and lucious(ing)

Will crush all the things. Or drop the warden add another guild guard and a hound. Nothing can stop the guild patrol.

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On the subject of no Dashel w. Riflemen, how are you lots' thoughts on Lucius without said combo?


I'm in the process of painting him up now, and might not have the time to get the Dashel/Riflemen combo in order before a local turney.


I've heard some good things in this tread about Lucius and other minions, non-static ones.


What would your Guild Lucius list look like - without Dashel/Riflemen - knowing the first game would be Turf War against Resser McM. with Bodyguard, Breakthrough, ALITS, Outflank & Make Them Suffer? Just as a list exercise.

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Well, I wouldn't take Make Them Suffer unless I'm packing Ryle or Sidir (or maybe Francisco). Note, I don't run Lucius when I know my opponent is a competitive player unless it's Squatters Rights/Reconnoiter and non-killy schemes


My core Lucius list is;



 Secret Assets

 Secret Objectives (it's so corner case it's basically a wasted stone, but it worked for me once and it was so cool that I just can't resist)

The Scribe (My primary Devil's Deal target, he pays his stones back, pads activation for 2-3 turns, and buffs Lucius)


Rifleman (You can sub in another Austringer if that's what you have, or maybe a Witchling Stalker)

Guild Lawyer (Auto include for his WP buff, all around one of my favorite minions in the game)

That's 22 stones, 23 if you're using 2 Austringers. For the strat/schemes/matchup I'd add in:
Ryle (for bodyguard and/or MTS)
Witchling Stalker x2 (For condition removal)

Which brings us to 42/43

I'd round it with a Pistolero for the Df buff, or 2 Guild Guard.

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