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Enforcer Brawl

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So quick rules questions. The enforcer brawl format, where everyone

lays an enforcer, control hand of three, solid 5 turns, get 1 pt per turn your guys alive, 1 pt per kill, 1 pt per assist kill, and neg 3 pts per time your enforcer dies ( min 0). Your enforcer comes "respawns" on your turn if it died.

So my first question is this. Should you still get assist points if your guy is not currently alive?

second. How should turn order be decided whith 4 plus people?

lastly. Is bete as broken as crap? You know, with the getting points for surviving the turn buried, and then not dying with a 10 in hand.

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I don't think so.


First, there isn't a fantastic chance she gets the 10 that she needs to hold on to (which is pretty huge in a hand of 3). Second, she needs something else to die to come back. Third, she just isn't that offensively out there. I consider her better as a threat and assist piece than as a killer, which is what matters in a solo game.


I think a strong, well-rounded enforcer like Lazarus is a lot more threatening.

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What about turn sequence and assist points?


I've played a few 4 way games in the past and we've always determined activation order the same way as normal. Just do a 4 way initiative flip where people that draw re-flip against each other. 


As for assist points I'd say if you are dead you aren't around to claim them so no joy there. Seems only fair and of course gives you an incentive to keep yourself alive! 


As for my Enforcer of choice I'd have to with Lazarus, Killjoy, Strongarm Suit, Bishop or maybe even a Freikorps Librarian. Not that I'm a massive Outcast fan or anything  :D. Ashes and Dust could also be pretty funny. 

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Howard Langston is ridiculously broken with his decapitate trigger in this format.


Well... With only a 3 card hand it does limit the the chances of him reliably being able to get said Trigger however if he does it's game over for sure!


How would people deal with the Witchling Handler and her ability to summon Witchling Stalkers in this format? Or the Riders for that matter (Specifically thinking of the Mech but Pale could also be a bit of a problem)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I only played this once.  The Mature Nephilim, I found, was like that joke "Where does an 800 pound gorilla sit?  Anywhere he wants!" was a very apt description.  Then again I was fighting a player who chose the Witchling Handler, and another player that chose the Strongarm Suit.  So only one of them was really a threat at any given moment.  

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I regard the formats as different ways to play MALIFAUX, but are about as balanced as a story encounter. If you are looking for a balanced game, don't play them, they aren't that bag. They are for mixing the game up so players don't get jaded.

For my money then I really don't mind if any one model or two are OP. if it matters the TO can just ban them.

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