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The "Super Creative" Future Model Brainstorming Thread

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I am throwing this out there for a friend of mine. He is a very stubborn and picky individual with specific tastes.

He likes the Malifaux rules system, but not any of the models in particular. Reason being is that none of them are knights. He likes shining, heroic, human knights and not much else athestically. His pickyness goes further in that said knights have to be officially supported in the setting, and therefore proxy is out of the question because he would feel they are out of place.

So I would like to see a crew of a knightly order dedicated to some such task or another, just to get my friend to play :) .


I totally get your motive, but knights would be... not very fitting. There are reasons their combat style wasn't in favor anymore in the 19th century.

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I totally get your motive, but knights would be... not very fitting. There are reasons their combat style wasn't in favor anymore in the 19th century.

Well, yeah... but the Malifaux knight would be the great decendant of a templar knight who inherited his prestigious grandaddy's trousers. His mind was elevated with stories of times past. Feeling that he was cheated out of glorious battle and should have been born in an era before his - he is coming to Malifaux to find his fate in the most spectacular fashion possible.

He'd have a pissed off merc ramshackled look draped with with a battle standard to contrast his bright shiney armor and obnoxiously large rectangular shaped blade.

Think Gatsu from Berserk! with a Malifaux twist. :D

Fuck yeah.

Bonus points for crossbow arm.

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Mother of god. I just talked myself into it.

Prepare yourself. Soooo if I happen upon some spare young lacriox or bayou gremlins I'll swap heads with Freikorps and turn them into midget psychos to proxy McM's canine remains. I'll get lots of tattoo practice on those suckahs.

Currently my Freikorps is slated for a Hammer Legion paint scheme and my gremlins are going to be voodoo zombies mutant rednecks but if I get spare ones - this is happening (I have spare Freikorps heads from conversion).


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How about right after I'm done with IP 2015? Creating a bunch of undead dogs is lame - my McMourning creates cannibal mutant midget psychopaths - much better. :)

Now I just need to win an Ophelia/Somer Box at a convention or trade for it.

I hate buying dubs of models if I can help it - that's what proxies are for. B)

I suppose I could still use the midget psychos as zombie mutant redneck gremlins anyway though - couldn't I? >8)

Ugh so many different ideas and projects - so little time. :/

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Been thinking a bit about Kirai's summoning, and it feels a little off, themewise, that the Flesh Construct should be such a go-to for her since it's a big self-healing pile of wounds. I think it'd be nice to have a spirit that can add some healing to the crew, as well as playing nice with Spirit Molly (since her summons come in damaged) and somewhat with Yan Lo (has a bit of a healing subtheme going on in his thematic crew).


The spirit would be themed as some sort of benevolent spirit, known to sooth agitated or angry individuals. Or maybe a protective spirit. Incorporeal, obviously. It would have an Ca action that would do one of two things:


1) Heals in a pulse around it, including itself, for 1 damage. Friendly only.

2) Heals for significantly more to a target, say 3 damage. Maybe 1 to itself as well.


I also think it would have some sort of on-death trigger that would benefit friendly models acting against the killing model, or give the killing model a debuff.

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Not sure if I mentioned this before but this game could definently use a shaman master. Get rid of some of those dually masters, maybe?

I'm thinking it would be like a WoW shaman - and an antithesis to Jack Daw. The totems provide buffs for friendlies or debuffs for enemies. They would be like Clockwork traps but with a 0 action buff/debuff in addition to a (1) aura ability. You could drop one in the middle of an enemy group and it would root them or nearby to give out fast to your models, for example. Multiple totems buff each other for a combo in aura with each other. If the shaman takes damage he can blink away sacrificing a totem within range (Collette scheme marker style).

Just think of the totem possibilities.

Tick for dmg/heal.


Chatty/(0) Interact

and so on... so many options.

He could take an additional two upgrades (like Daw) so long as they are totems in addition to normal cap of 3. Three totems and two upgrades or maybe just take the full rack of totems.

I remembered this thought because I bought Iron Hawk with the totem pack from the Outlaw 4th of July sale and a master like that would be sweeeeeet.

It would kinda be like the way Marcus should of been. Or maybe a Shenlong that doesn't suck... right Aaron? :D

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I would love to see an Arabian crew join the 10T. Make them all academics and theme their magic around mathematics and astronomy, give them all buffs/debuffs based on activation order and relationship with other friendly models. Maybe introduce a Ritual mechanic where certain actions can drop Ritual markers and the master and henchman have an ability to discard all ritual markers within a pulse and the effect is based on the number of markers discarded.

Two cents.

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The thing I most wanted was a twisted carnival / carnies and now it's here. I am kinda sad that such amazing and beautiful sculpts went to being "just alternative" for a master I will never wish to play but that is a minor complaint as the box set is a thing of beauty and then there's the fan made rules in the works.

Also I wanted more McMourning type deranged doctors and boom those are coming out too. So for me the Gencon will be a few dreams come true. :)

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So then, what's next for the desires of zFiend? Personally, I'm throwing out ideas but I'm happy with Malifaux, as is... there's nothing that desperately needs to be done.

Annnnnnnd I wanted a dark carnival theme too (like Clive Barker's Infernal Parade - if you've ever seen those delicious bastards) annnnnnnd I have every desire to exploit the shit out of Colette - so double bonus!!!

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The thing I most wanted was a twisted carnival / carnies and now it's here. I am kinda sad that such amazing and beautiful sculpts went to being "just alternative" for a master I will never wish to play but that is a minor complaint as the box set is a thing of beauty and then there's the fan made rules in the works.


I wanted a dark carnival theme too (like Clive Barker's Infernal Parade - if you've ever seen those delicious bastards) annnnnnnd I have every desire to exploit the shit out of Colette - so double bonus!!!

Let's have a chat. ;)


While entirely unofficial by official terms, the fan-made crew rules for Mr. Cooper are in a high-profile playtest in the crew's own right. I formally invite both of you (and anyone else interested) in playtesting these rules to see how we can improve on them! It's also a good way to see how the workings of a playtest figure when the internal testing becomes purely external :) And there is no real rush - not till maybe 3-8 weeks from now, anyway. I've allotted 20 weeks total for this testing session so anyone is free to pop in or out as they need, so long as someone is there to do a bit or testing in their place.


And I am almost certain that with 20 weeks of testing, this process will end up being tedious, tiring, and perhaps even boring. But, when it's over? Good things will be in place (even if Bad Things Happen, lol).


Myself, I am a bit bummed that the rules will have no place in the Wyrd Chronicles, but I do wonder if I can glean some of the individual art of the crew for the purpose of putting it on the unofficial stat cards. :)


~Lil Kalki

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Kalkris I've read the thread you've had and I've wondered about the possibility to join the testing with all the time I can. But as I'm kind of OCD about my models I need the crew to play it as it is.. So I'm limited to Vassal. :P 

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So then, what's next for the desires of zFiend? Personally, I'm throwing out ideas but I'm happy with Malifaux, as is... there's nothing that desperately needs to be done.


I agree there's nothing that desperately needs to be done.. Apart from psycho midgets for McMourning and the Krieg Gunline? Also I think we need Krieg styled master a total psycho who wants nothing but utter destruction. :P Also klowns, more insane klowns. :P 


I know you want a talking knob. :D 

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