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Why Molly?

Kapten Vendetta

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Hi all, I was thinking of going with Molly (depending on strategy/schemes) for tomorrows game, but I can't for the life of me figure out what it is she's suppose to do. What is her strenghts?


Sure, she has a summoning mechanic which is unique, but I find that even a HtK model will snuff it farily soon after summons, and other models sooner still, which makes her summons a bit situational (aside from the short range and auto-slow on the summoned minions).


What say you of summons? Compared to Nico it seems a bit lackluster (vs. Kirai and the Spirit side, I have no experience).


Going offensive? She can make another model take (1)AP, but only once, which seemes to me - again - to be inferior to the ability of say Nico to give out Fast (which in essence is another AP). Reactivate is nice, but both are (0)'s, and only viable through the Gorgon-upgrade.


She can give negative flips and hand out slow/paralyze with attack actions, which is nice, but her role isn't to be a beatstick/damage dealer, and so I'd go with the good doctor for those kinds of scenarios. She seems inferior as a support master, as she lacks the abilities to keep her minions going (and giving them goodies in the Nico-bubble o' Dooooom). Again, compared to the Undertaker, she seems behind.


So which is her role, at what strategy/schemes will she outshine the other Resser Masters out there?


Also; I've only ever heard one podcast with Molly as the topic (can't seem to recall which one). Are there others out there of interest?

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If you are facing gremlins or any crew with lots of cheap minions she is pure win! Think of all the wounds she will do, she will by pass hard to kill, hard to wound, she can summon minions who drop scheme markers when the die, so do that away from the enemy and you can place scheme markers up to 8" away.

She can give fast and reactivate so things like deliver message etc that are usually hard to achieve can be done alot easier.

I think you answered your own question to be fair though. You have listed everything she can do. Its just a case of thinking where this will be best applied. What's strat/schemes are on offer for the game?

Also I you need a master who is hard to take down she is the woman to turn to. Discard a cards to reduce damage down to one is so much better than using a stone. Use these stones with a really good henchman and your opponent is going to struggle.

Madame syb is a great choice being able to assist molly in moving around the table, saving mollys ap for other action points. Remember points make prizes ;)

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A couple things to point out...


Summoning: Unlike Nico, Molly does not need corpse counters. She can start summoning immediately without needing to have her crew set up for her. Her summons come in weak, but that can be positive like Drowned or Dead Doxies.


On a related note, Molly has a different approach to summons than Nicodem or Kirai. Nicodem and Kirai have ways of healing to keep their newly summoned models alive. Molly's not interested in keeping them around. She's interested in making the enemies suffer for hurting her models (for example: her summoning can inflict damage, Black Blood).


AP Efficiency: Nicodem can give Fast, but at a cost of 1 AP. Molly's does not. To be fair, Nicodem can target Enforcers and Henchmen (Molly can't with her Reactive ability) which can be quite powerful. You also forgot Accomplice which can be pretty powerful, particularly if you set yourself up for Deliver the Message or nailed an enemy with Whispers Secrets.


Offensive: I think you missed the point of Molly's attacks. Molly is a debuffer, not a beatstick. She's trying to cripple the enemy, not kill them. Depending on the enemy (and scheme or strategy), this could be better.


I'm not saying Molly is a better than the other Masters at these (or vice versa). Simply that her own unique style has its own advantages compared to others.

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Its like every master from every faction, each one has there own unique way of getting the job at hand done. Granted some are better than others in given situations. its a case of working out pre game which master will suit the strat and schemes at hand.

Remember VP denial is just as important as earning vp to get a good win. So sometimes crippling the enemy like ABOYNAMEDSUE said is better than villing them :)

Try molly and the rest of the masters out and find how they play for you :) I'm new to ressers myself this edition but havnt had a game I didn't enjoy yet or learned something new.

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Molly uses her Summon to simultaneously hold up and damage the opponent's crew. The more models around the summoned model, the tougher that model is to kill. Punk Zombies and Transmortis Students are ideal for this. Summoning a Punk Zombie on two or more wounds means your opponent will be wasting two AP trying to kill it and in the mean time taking damage from Black Blood. They can then either Slice & Dice when summoned into big groups or focus their considerable hitting power on a single model. The Students are also very survivable. They can also be summoned to suit your needs. Constructs/Armoured enemies hate the Student of Steel and Hard to Wound/Undead hate the Student of Sinew.

Her issue is that her Summoning and Attack range is on the short side so some points invested into helping her move around the board are very useful. Dead Doxies work great for that and make her very fast indeed. Honestly, Molly is my most powerful master and there isn't a Scheme or Strategy I would be that phased playing with her but if you are facing Outcasts and Von Schill is a possibility the game is going to be an up hill battle because of the Freikorps Armour ignoring Pulse damage. Also, Steampunk Arachnids have the same ability so Ramos can be a tough match up too. I've not faced her with Molly but Lilith is also possibly tougher to face than other masters because of having Black Blood negating Black Blood but the same would be true for Lilith's crew so may even out.

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Plenty of tricks to be had also :)


Necrotic machine can be summoned 10" away...... and if it just so happens no enemy are nearby then he is killed......but hey what if you had Bette Noire or Killjoy in your crew?


Again a summon 6" with a 10 :crow  can get you a drowned....who just so happens to have 'Finish the Job'


Alternatively Punk zombies for 11 :crow are a good summon with 2 or more models in range, especially has Molly can make a model take a (1) action for her own (0) and can also 'Accomplice' :)


That being said I'm moving more towards toying with her Revelations spell with its inbuilt 'Slow', 'Paralyze' and a trigger on all but one suit.

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I really enjoy the debuffing aspect of Molly, If you can't paralyse the enemy, you can make them slow and accomplice the newly summoned Drowned to hit them in combat to make them paralysed :D Also with the right triggers you can get a free AP for Molly to push her walk. Don't like the combat? go for some revelations and push her out of the mess, then drop a summon in to hold up whatever is bothering the poor girl.

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Plenty of tricks to be had also :)

Necrotic machine can be summoned 10" away...... and if it just so happens no enemy are nearby then he is killed......but hey what if you had Bette Noire or Killjoy in your crew?

Again a summon 6" with a 10 :crow can get you a drowned....who just so happens to have 'Finish the Job'

Alternatively Punk zombies for 11 :crow are a good summon with 2 or more models in range, especially has Molly can make a model take a (1) action for her own (0) and can also 'Accomplice' :)

That being said I'm moving more towards toying with her Revelations spell with its inbuilt 'Slow', 'Paralyze' and a trigger on all but one suit.

This is really good advice on Molly.

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I played my Collodi crew against her recently. It was a fun, and dear god card intensive game for me. There is nothing more frustrating for an opponent (and entertaining to me, and I WAS said opponent) then having a Punk Zombie dropped in the middle of your entire puppet ball...and having to flip for everyone for tests to prevent damage from the summoning...and then he slice & dices and you flip again. My only saving grace was all the Hard to Kill models.

Also, from that same game, a word of advise to you as a Molly player: Do Not Overextend. Use Sybelle or a Doxie or a Rotten Belle to lure/push her to safety if you try to blitz attack the opponent by dropping Punk Zombies on them. Molly might be resilient, but a Stitched Together attacking her followed by an Accomplicing Collodi who can then make that same Stitched do his attacks 3 more times on  :+fate 's does not for a happy Molly player make. :D

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a Stitched Together attacking her followed by an Accomplicing Collodi who can then make that same Stitched do his attacks 3 more times on :+fate 's does not for a happy Molly player make. :D

The order of this matches to Companion, Accomplice allows Collodi to go first and then the Stitched. Companion would allow Stitched to go first and then Collodi.

Almost the same though.

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