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henchman/woman, whose worth their salt?

Vile the mad

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Sybelle is good with anyone. She is relatively durable, hits somewhat hard, and, most importantly, buffs Belles. She is silly good with Molly since Call Belle works on Molly.

Sebastian is incredible if you deal out Poison and you can make any Resser crew do that. Of course he is a complete no-brainer with McMourning but works nicely enough with others as well. For 7SS he is durable and has nice utility.

Valedictorian is the basic beatstick Henchman. She is very durable, can do a nasty debuff, is relatively fast and hits quite well. No specific synergies (outside of Molly's upgrade can give her Black Blood and Molly can make her do stuff) which is probably why she is such a solid package for anyone.

Toshiro is also very nice for buffing so if you have a numerous force, he is a very good choice. Can also summon nicely if your Master isn't focused on that.

Those are IMO the most generally useful ones. The rest are a bit more situational.

Mortimer is kinda expensive for what he does though he does work nicely with Nico.

Philip and the Nanny seem, on paper, as the worst Henchman in the game. I do understand what they are about but they aren't overwhelmingly good in what they do and can do nothing else.

Datsue-Ba isn't bad at all but quite vulnerable to enemy Ca actions and works best with a Spirit focused crew.

I feel like I forgot someone but can't think of who...

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I tend to use Mortimer or Toshiro with Nico. Toshiro is a natural choice for Nico because he further enhances the buffs that Nico brings to the table and Mortimer is a no brainer. Chatty alone is worth it but those extra Corpse Markers is always a nice bonus. 


I've also used the Valedictorian with Tara. She's pretty tough, hits like a truck and works really well with Tara's yoyo tricks. 

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On paper yeah, her weak does seem a little lackluster however it's not hard to reach those  :+fate  :+fate on Dmg flips with the trigger "Star Pupil". As a Master Tara isn't particularly hungry for her SS in my experience meaning that the Valedictorian can happily burn a bunch SS for the suit required if you don't have the cards and Tara wont really feel it, especially with her 4ss cache. Cards I might add that Tara isn't particularly hungry for either. They work really well together because they need totally opposite suits. Valedictorian needs  :ram  &  :mask for her triggers. Tara and the rest of her theme crew don't use  :ram (unless you want Critical Strike on Death Marshalls) and she only really needs the low  :mask cards for her Df trigger which is somewhat situational depending on the crew she is facing. Tara is most happy with a bunch of :tome  and  :crow so there is no conflict with the cards. The Valedictorian works really well with Tara because it doesn't compete for any resources other than SS which Tara tends to have in spades anyway. I've very rarely had my Valedictorian hit with Weak damage with Tara because I can almost always guarantee the triggers I want or need with both Tara and her Crew or the Valedictorian. 

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I only tend to find myself using Sybelle when I'm doing my fear bomb (Seamus, Sybelle, Yin and Hanged).  I find Yin making most of my lists.  Her damage output isn't that great but I usually run Unnerving Aura on her which helps as her damaging Disengaging Strikes often stop people attempting to run away from her.  Gnawing Fears is also so good for a lot of her Resser colleagues (I really like getting it off then Shrieking Challenge with Sybelle for failed Wp heals on Seamus).

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I only tend to find myself using Sybelle when I'm doing my fear bomb (Seamus, Sybelle, Yin and Hanged).  I find Yin making most of my lists.  Her damage output isn't that great but I usually run Unnerving Aura on her which helps as her damaging Disengaging Strikes often stop people attempting to run away from her.  Gnawing Fears is also so good for a lot of her Resser colleagues (I really like getting it off then Shrieking Challenge with Sybelle for failed Wp heals on Seamus).


Yes Yin + Sybelle is abusive, but is a common way to semi-paralyze a model (or out right paralyze)...let me elaborate.


Yin Gnawing Fears 1 model you want to be able to do just about anything (this has to go off so use your best card)....Sybelle puts "Attend to Personally" on the same model (who should fail considering it is on negatives). Now if it targets anyone else except Sybelle it has to pass a Wp duel (again at negs) and if the model decides to target Sybelle it has to pass a Horror duel (again at negs). This is how I've shut down models like McTavish, Hoffman himself, or just about any other model you don't want to be able to do much. It is, as I mentioned abusive.


Shriek is nice too.

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Sybelle's a control tower not a combat piece. She speeds up her junk and can just flat redeploy models every turn. She's also got an awesome pseudo obey for when you need to squeeze out extra ap. The fact that she can try to do some damage on top of that is just a bonus.


yes totally agree. This is her role. But you know Bleeding Tongue is no doubt a solid upgrade with her. Especially on Reckoning and after you've drained an opponents hand with something like Molly's Punk Zombie bombing.

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Had a few games of hardcore this week and as such was trying out a few resser henchmen i wouldn't normally think of using...


The Valedictorian was brilliant to be honest - a pretty resilient facebeater; especially when equipped with the aura general upgrade so enemies are wanting to walk out of her engagement range or suffer 2 damage.


I absolutely love Phillip and the Nanny but woudn't have him leading a crew. Nothing better than sitting on the centre line being chatty and disgarding enemy markers; that and the manipulative can be a card sink if they really want to kill him. I can see the benefits of playing him, but as Math mentioned he is a bit weak in comparison to a lot of other henchman - Fluff-wise however he is hilarious. Fits well in Nicodems denial machine!

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If u wouldn't mind Explaining this denial machine u speak of? Thanx everyone for the food for my brain.


Yeah Nico can provide so much board control its unreal; once your on the centreline he's not really getting moved; and then summoning hanged, Flesh constructs and doxies/belles unto the field at key locations just makes his crew awful to unstick yourself from.

I suppose I may be confusing denial with board control in this case; but Phillip is something that certainly synergises well with this Style of play.


Never thought of the mortimer/phillip combo though... that actually sounds awesome on paper.

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