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Music of Malifaux

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When painting or gaming, what (if at all) do you guys listen to? For painting I've recently been playing the Danse Macabre, the ominous overtones but also kind of fun sets the mood for painting kinda nicely! That being said, when gaming, Metallica for whom the Bell Tolls seems to be a favourite. Though we do play that for most wargames... such a badass song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bg92QpjRcJk



I was wondering if anyone has got any suggestions for music that suits the eerie and dark gothic atmosphere of the game whether for painting or gaming, or even any recommendations at all? I could do with some fresh input :)




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I find film and game soundtracks work nicely. The Red Dead Redemption soundtrack works well for Malifaux, as does the Interview with the Vampire soundtrack and Inception soundtracks.

However, I seem to be hooked on Ed Sullivans Neotokyo ost. It gets played constantly.

Much to my wife's chagrin.

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Ecstasy of Gold is one of my favourite pieces of music :)


Thank you for the big response guys. Got a very nice list of new music to go through - The Builders and the Butcher's I've just picked up after listening to youtube but Earth, wow, that is helluva atmospheric. Math Mathonwy, you're not wrong about the Malifaux vibe going on there. Doom/Drone is a genre I've never touched on before but Earth are changing that.


Back to painting... crankin' up da tunes.

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Another bookmark added for the playlist ;) great shout, I'm a big fan of the dark/haunting vocals dripping atmosphere. It reminded me off this one which makes me think of Jacob Lynch and the Hungering Darkness, all their victims going 'down the rabbit hole' so to speak. 'In the dark with the rambling dice / the rats scratching through the walls / the shape in the darkened door' and other lines suit them.




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Feel free to link dump! Especially when it's quality. Music so far has been brilliant, I'm building a whole playlist and it's also reminding me of other songs I've since forgotten that suit the theme. When I hear music like Justin Cross (which is right up my street Malifaux or not) I always wonder how I've never come across that artist before, even more so when they have that many thousand views. 


Collide - Dreamsleep was quite spooky, much more industrial theme but with the atmosphere I felt it'd suit a dual Arncanist-Neverborn master once/if we get one. 

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I think the Justin Cross song has so many views because of the short film the video part of that link comes from (Backwater Gospel if you're interested).


And more links:



And yes, I have many many many more song recommendations for Malifaux.  I've been building a large soundtrack for the Through the Breach game I run, and have been trying to give each location it's own set of songs.

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Please forgive the doublepost, but I thought I'd spice up my song selection (so far mostly western/folk/jazz) with a few good creepers:


by Goblin


from Rosemary's Baby


from Pan's Labyrinth


from Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust


from Hellsing



from Cube


from Drag Me To Hell



from Evil Dead


from Ravenous




from Ninth Gate



Apologies again for post length.

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If you like creepy instrumental music, I have two suggestions.

The first one, Elend, and their album, A World in their Screams, is simply terrifying.

Their Winds Devouring Men album is a bit similar but far less extreme.

But that's likely a bit much. So, how about Midnight Syndicate, they do soundtracks for imaginary B-horror movies. Really nice stuff.

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