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Expanding Nicodem


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Nicodem is probably the hardest to answer this for, as he can summon so many different models.


A good buy is the University of Transmortis, as that has 4 different Zombies for him to hire, and he can summon the anti type ones during the game when you know what he needs.

Mindless Zombies are also pretty good for him.

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Seamus' Crew Box is a great choice for him. Sybelle is great and Rotten Belles are awesome (and Seamus is great, too).


Izamu is a superb beater for Nicodem. Canine Remains are good Scheme runners.


I just listed plastic. Nicodem can play everything undead with success.

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As he's such a good summoner the answer really is everything!  Most important I would say are Mindless Zombies (soon to be released) for cards and damage misdirection, Iron Zombies for a beatstick for all occasions (plus the Valectorian is a decent Hench) and I concur that Seamus' box is worth picking up as most Resser crews will have Belles and Sybelle is also good.  You're going to want some scheme runners to go with them so I'd also suggest Necropunks, Canine Remains and/or Night Terrors.  I'm also a massive fan of Shikome.

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I went with the following when I started Nico


Belles (or Seamus Box)

Canine Remains (and/or McMourning Box)

Nurses (See Above)

Flesh Constructs (Single Box or McMourning Box)

Toshiro (Don't try summoning with him AND Nico... it just wont work)


Grave Spirit

University of Transmortis

Mindless Zombies (I use Mantic Zombies because you get lots for dirt cheap)


Then really anything else that takes your fancy. The Hanged for example make a nice addition to his summoning pool. Night Terrors, Necro Punks and Shikome are also great picks for scheme runners. 

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Toshiro (Don't try summoning with him AND Nico... it just wont work)
Night Terrors, Necro Punks and Shikome are also great picks for scheme runners. 

I think you can get away with some summoning with Nico, but mainly if you're trying to use up opponents scrap counters to summon the dogs (or if you have Necropunks drop scrap)


I rarely use Shikome for scheme running because they are excellent in combat.  Get the to do Shrieking Challenge and if it goes off they are usually excellent at murdering whatever it is (and even without their damage spread isn't bad)

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So open graves box, body of evidence box, rotten Belles, canine remains and some mindless zombies would be a good starting point then


I've said it before, don't buy Rotten Belles on their own. Seamus' Box includes three models who you cannot get without three Belles. If you want them later, you will have 6 Belles, which might be overkill.

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Yeah redchapel box 》belles plus more dogs, though you want some more scheme runners I prefer necropunks, which are obviously not available in plastic yet.

you can summon anything but if you only summmoned punk zombies and necropunks it would not be terrible. Idealy you want scheme runners and combat guys at a low value and a high value. Of course runner tend to be cheap and fighter expensive so you should summon what you need not necessarily the most expensive things you can

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I've been playing Nico regularly for the last few weeks with some good results against diverse opponents - and I've found that their are standout minions that are auto includes in your crew. 


  1. Necropunks - without a doubt the best scheme runners you have at your disposal, and resilient as hell. They've won me many a game. Or made things very difficult for my opponent.
  2. Punk Zombies - these undead hellions will pretty much kill anything you send them afterward. Boosted by Nico's aura and spells and these fella's are deadly. 
  3. Drowned - absolute tar pits. Probably one of the most resilient minions that Nico can summon! Very handy for tying up those beat sticks that are threatening to Nico. 
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As an opponent of a few Nico players, and having read the above listings, I'd say the most bang for your buck is the McMourning crew box. You'll get 2 Nurses (to hire, as you can't summon them), another henchman, a flesh construct, and 1 canine remains (can always use the Chihuahua totem as a second canine remains until you buy more later), and you get access to McMourning as a master in case you want to change up play styles.

That's just my opinion though. Best of luck to you and enjoy the game. :D

Edit - Also, here's the Nicodem summoning card. You can find all of the summoning cards for the Resser Masters on the Wyrd Site here. It should give you an idea of what all models he can summon (but he is not limited to only using these models in his crew). 


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I bought some Night Terror proxies a few weeks ago and have been itching to give them a try in Reconnoiter which finally got flipped (well, generated!) as the strat in a game I had yesterday.  I thought I'd messed up a little as I hadn't realised they couldn't take interact actions when doing my crew and I'd also taken Distract and ALITS but apart from one that died early to Huggy (fair enough, most stuff does!) they were golden for me.  Being Ht1 makes them easy to sneak around places and the fact that they are only 3SS each means it really helps you in having activation control so I just held them off until the end of the turn and manage to put them into whichever corners I wanted.  Ended up getting full VPs for Reconnoiter and stopping my opponent getting any.  For 12SS.

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