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Teaching Yan Lo to Complete Newcomer to Wargames


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I posted this in the 10T board but maybe it can get some more mileage here:


Hey all,


I am looking to teach more newcomers about Malifaux and I have piqued the interest of one person in particular, who has no prior experience in wargames. I have already successfully pitched the concept of Malifaux to the protege, and he has taken a shine to Yan Lo as a starting box. My questions to you are these:


What should I emphasize to this player when describing playstyle for Yan Lo? I've already mentioned his dual-faction status and he likes his other faction as well, so that is helpful, but what else do I make note of for him? I suppose that once I have posted this I will head to PMF for tactics, but beyond those, what should I make clear?


Who should I pit Yan Lo against, in order to accentuate the positives without a) being too hard on the new player, or B) being too easy on him? My crews are as follows (besides Yan Lo): Perdita, Sonnia, Lucius, McCabe (who I have never used in M2E), Seamus, McMourning, Mei Feng, Pandora, Lynch, Dreamer, Collodi, Hamelin, Tara, Misaki, and Jack Daw. Assume the full thematic suite for most of these options. What I *am* missing thematically include: Witchling Handler, Guild Guards or Dashel (I have not assembled mine yet XD), Dead Doxies, Flesh Constructs, Widow Weaver, Ten Thunder Brothers, Punk Zombies, Onryo, etc.


How big of a game should we play to start? Should I even bring in Yan Lo right away? If not, who is similar yet easier, from those I own? And who should I pit that master against? And then when I do allow the use of Yan Lo, how big should that game be (if different)?


I do have a few unpainted metal Punk Zombies (like about 6 or so lol) - maybe I can start him out with a Toshiro-led Henchman game or something. Maybe like 25ss or the like. Should I maybe consider learning McCabe/Sidir in that case?


Thank you!


~Lil Kalki

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I usually like to bring a master that isn't too good in killing stuff. That way I don't have to play crappy to not give a negative play experience. The new player will likely end up losing, but it's usually quite clear what he could have done differently to win the game and he gets to play until the end because his models aren't dead.

From your list I would suggest Lucius, McCabe, Mei Feng or Hamelin. They don't usually just murder the opposition, but win in other ways.

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I have no experience with Yan Lo beside reading the cards. I would probably emphasize Chi condition and movement tricks, and some raw kiling power in the late game.


On how to demo him:


I would play 35 SS. Repeat models (so the new guy doesn't have to remember so many cards). Play a Henchman. That way you don't have to play shitty but still have a slight handicap. Just don't take KANG...

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I have no experience with Yan Lo beside reading the cards. I would probably emphasize Chi condition and movement tricks, and some raw kiling power in the late game.


On how to demo him:


I would play 35 SS. Repeat models (so the new guy doesn't have to remember so many cards). Play a Henchman. That way you don't have to play shitty but still have a slight handicap. Just don't take KANG...

Oh, I had absolutely no intention of playing Kang in this series of games. I used to Demo Sybelle + 3 Belles v. Kang + 3 Rail Workers but realize that that's an absolue nightmare of a matchup. :P


~Lil Kalki

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When I was trying to get my gaming group interested in Malifaux, we played 35SS and stripped back the standard encounter to only include the strategy and no schemes. We then introduced schemes one at a time, before beginning to increase the size of our games.

I think having one objective and not three, helped us to grasp the core rule set quicker and also helped us form opinions on what play style most interested us (turns out only one of us stayed with the faction they were initially interested in).

Malifaux is quite complex tactically, but the core rules are fairly simple. By stripping back the tactical aspect to begin with, it will allow your new player a better understanding of what he is doing and hopefully mean he returns for more.

Edit - I realise this in no way relates to Yan Lo, but let's face it if your friend enjoys the core game he's probably gonna end up with about 5 crews anyway!!!

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The crews and factions keep multiplying... Rasputina led to Collet and Marcus, Marcus lead to lots of slurids and night terrors turning into a strange Dreamer crew which became a Pandora crew. Collet led to a Karis crew and then a Mie Feng crew. Mie Feng and Pandora gave me Lynch and some where along the way I got Tara....  I do not know where Tara will lead, probably to Molly. Though I will note my father has only ever done resers from 2009 to now, mostly McMourning though Yan Lo a lot recently. Currently of those that are out we are missing the Mad Hatter and Ramos between the Resers and Arcs.  It is not unusual to end up with 2 to 4 factions either after 2 or 3 years.

It is always a good Idea to have a main focus till you are comfortable with the game and then I would still advise focusing on one faction unlike me.

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PS - I started in early June playing Malifaux. I now own, though not all are painted, 6 Neverborn Masters (all but Lucius), Colette, all five currently released Ten Thunders Masters (that's all but Shen Long and Brewmaster), Hamelin and Viks...and god help me for Black Friday as I'm eyeballing Leveticus and waiting on Shen Long and Iron Sides to be released. :P

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I would play 35 SS. Repeat models (so the new guy doesn't have to remember so many cards). Play a Henchman. That way you don't have to play shitty but still have a slight handicap. Just don't take KANG...

Yeah, this. Take something like this:

Guild Crew - 35 - Dustup

Francisco Ortega -- 6 Pool

+Wade In [1]

Santiago Ortega [7]

+Lead Lined Coat [2]

The Judge [9]

Witchling Stalker [5]

Witchling Stalker [5]

Witchling Stalker [5]

That should lead to an interesting game without being too overwhelming. Take one Strategy and maybe one, simple Scheme (the same for both). Turf War and Breakthrough for example.

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