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Hi all, just finished my second big tactics article, this time on Mei. 


Starting off...


In keeping with aggressive pose, Mei Feng is a powerhouse and anchor of her crew, which I quite enjoy, as I tend towards support commanders, so I'm very much in to the idea of a strong commander who can still run support a little.

She's got a bit of an odd character because, while she's a bouncing death ball and has some useful defensive support, it's her Henchman, Kang, who brings more of the power and offensive support to the crew.


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You read my mind! 


I'm looking to ramp up the 'games played' number on my arcanists crews, and Mei is at a 0 for now. Thanks for this!


I feel like my staple in any crew that's melee centric right now is the silent one for a number of reasons: First their Freeze Spell is accurate, has great triggers, and doesn't have a gun on it so it can shoot into melee, and ignores cover. Second, they have a (0) heal that you can toss off handedly and get some decent healing, and if you choose to cheat the CA or the Heal Flip, you can get some pretty clutch heals.


I know she doesn't have any burning synergy, but she is living- (though not M&SU). And her Statue ability has saved them WAY more often that I would like to admit. :P


Food for thought.

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Cool, thanks for the suggestion. Yeah, I'm learning that, while burning can work well enough as her crew theme, it's far from essential, and living models getting Kang's buff is often more valuable than anything else. Other than having a minimum of constructs for flexibility, like you said, Mei's not crew-dependent.


I also think the Silent One would go pretty well with Mei's crew, since Protection of Metal can do a ton to overlap with their abysmal DF, and heals are definitely strong with models that rely on armor.

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There was a thread around here about top 5 Arcanist models. I joked that Metal Gamin were spots 1, 2 and 3 for me. I will take 3 of them in most situations, because they are just that useful. 


At the same time, I've started to use fewer of them and more Rail Workers after having an aha moment about Implaccable Assault and how ridiculously powerful it is.


I've only tried putting PoM on a non-MG model once. It wasted a lot of AP and brain power. I like "simple" better than having 8ss babysit a 10ss model. :P (Rail Golem).

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I've found putting it on other models to definitely be trickier, but not that bad. Sometimes it'll only last a turn and then i'll use both models going in different directions and it's just the single turn buff; sometimes I'll set up a corridor of a couple gamin, leap-frogging the protected model through the zone, having the front one attack near the protected model and the back one go off on its own, or stuff like that. I do wish the aura were an inch or two wider, though, since it's fairly inflexible and I don't think the added area would be at all game breaking. It mostly just means I can't have them protect fast models, though.


The other thing to consider is, you're not using those 8 points of gamin just to run protection on one model- they'll often be helping two (or one protecting and one keeping protection on their self or another gamin, and they can also switch gears mid-game.

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+1df for one turn with the cost of 1 ap isn't worth it to me. And I rarely use Kang (don't face ressers often) so I usually end up just protecting themselves, which isn't a bad option really. But buffing a golem to df6 is great of course :)

I've only tried the arcane effigy once with Mei (last game I played her) but I don't think I'll leave home without it ever again with Mei Feng. It is just so damn good with her. :) If only the new model could come out soon!

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A neat trick with Cassandra is to Understudy the Protection on a Metal Gamin thus freeing the little guy up to protecting someone else.

You can't do that because protection of metal is not a cast action.

As far as I know only Lazarus, Hoffman and Tara can copy protection of metal.

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Sybarite, yeah, the +1 DF isn't often worth it (I usually only do that if I'm focusing on protecting someone for scenario reasons), but there's a smattering of DF 4's and even a few 3's, where the extra effort starts to help a lot more. Also, the larger the base, the easier it is to position.


Math, no worries, there are lots of actions that look like they should be spells so it's easy to assume when you in the midst of the game flow.


Insidiously, I'm really finding myself drawn to the dual faction masters, which takes way longer to get in to, though, so I might take a break and study one of the single-faction ones... The current list of masters I'm looking at getting in to next (probably after going back over Tara after a little play, to keep it current with my skill/understanding of the game):




-Von Schill



...Apparently, I seem to be missing some Neverborn in my life. Just noticed that.

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I've tried both the Effigy and Johanna for condition removal, and so far I much prefer Johanna. She's 3ss more, which is a big cost, but I like that she's got some healing, has a longer range on the removal and can kick the crap out of people as well. Whereas with the Effigy, I've found as soon as I try to use it as a "4ss 4Wd Hard to Kill, Armor +1" model, it's out of range to remove conditions from where I need it.


Or both. McMourning!! *KHAAAN*  :P

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