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UKGT 2014 Sweepstake, Raising Money for WAAC!


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Assuming someone can point you out to me Sat morning I'll give you the £2 but my team pick is


The Beat Sticks

Joel Henry - He's beat me

Maria Wieland - I'm sure she could beat me

Paul Butler - He's beat me in both tournaments I've attend so far this year :)

Martin Jones - He beats me regularly at the club

Bennett Morley - He's beat me once, and it was the league game for our local league!!

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I'll pay you at the club Panzer, but heres my teams.


Team A (The Filthmongers)


Pool A - Rob "Yes I've started using Colette and shes filth" Smith

Pool B - Martin "Wow this Colette really is filth" Wodehouse

Pool C - Adam "Seriously I'm bored of typing the name Colette" Hutchinson

Pool D - Nate "I know he's playing Joel first, but he has to have a Colette somewhere" Zettle

Pool E Nathan "I have no connection to Colette" Chenery


Team B (The Obvious Choices)


Pool A - Joel "My pigsuit is going to mess with your head" Henry

Pool B - Graham "Say hello to the kiss of blu tac death" Bursnell

Pool C - Adam "always finishes behind me on VP so once I win the GT he will finish 2nd" Hutchinson

Pool D - Andy "I ran out of SQUIGS to pick so a Winton will do" Winton

Pool E - James "Mindgames can work both ways" Winton

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Right - two pools for me:


Team Awesome.


Pool A - Ant 'Fluffy Bunny' Hoult
Pool B - Luke 'Rankings Whore' Cocksedge
Pool C - Aidan 'Someone has to pick him' Kirk
Pool D - Aaron 'Apparently He's ok' Bailey
Pool E - James 'MCC Winner' Winton
Team Drunks and Miscreants.
Pool A - Rob ' Middle England' Smith
Pool B - Josh 'Barnsley's Finest' Fletcher
Pool C - Jimmy 'Have to choose myself' Balderstone
Pool D - Austin 'Laugh it up fuzzball' Capewell
Pool E - Nathan 'I' can't play M2E honest' Chenery
Will give you cash Fri
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My two pools (may enter a third) for now


Team 1 (original name)

Rob Smith

Matt 'beat me by 2 vp scored' Ledgerwood

Jake 'the boy' Barlow

Aaron 'second best outcast' Bailey

Nathan Chenery


Team 2 (see it gets better)

Mark 'gobby twat' Elwood

Luke 'rankings whore' Cocksedge

Tim  Brown

Mark Bryne

Adam Boyes


In the bag

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Kentish All Stars

Pool 1. Ben " Thanet must do better than Canterbury" Crowe.

I think the pressure from all the canterbury lads will spur him on. (also only Kent presence in pool 1)

Pool 2 Joe " give me more stalkers " Wood

Hard man to beat on any day.

Pool 3 James "insert funny name "Reeves

Tough pool here, all 4 lands of Kent have it in them to get 5 or 6 wins. I ruled out Jake as hes Thanet, the others were a toss up, and out of the 3 James has the slightly easier round 1 I think. (well, Dave only has to face Ben, but local derbys can easily ignore the form books)

Pool 4 Austin" see which Austin turns up" Capewell

On his day can play a very good game. On someone elses day can manage to grasp defeat from almost any position

Pool 5 Adam Wheeler

(I don't recognise any of them, but from their rankings, it looks like he has got nearest to Kent, having played at Pubfaux)


Expect a paypal shortly

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OK, final final pools now posted.


Matt Cole has dropped out (pool E) and been replaced with Jakob Sennett (pool D).


Chris King has dropped out (pool D) and as his ticket is currently unclaimed, I've had to add the ringer Matt Spooner (pool E) to keep the numbers up. Mr Marshall has already said Spoons will be finishing last so for God's sake don't actually pick him! :)


Everyone's free to change their pools up until round 1 starts on Saturday morning - just please put it in writing! I'll have some bits of paper with me for on-the-day entrants, as well as a list of pledges to collect from.


Stats will go up tomorrow for extra mockery, although seeing as half the field has chosen themselves I've been denied that pleasure...

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Ok. so being indecisive, I will enter 3 lists.....

I will have my favourite picks, The Red Jokers, my 'should do wells', The Black Jokers and my 'if I hit form, your in for a shock...!' The 7's of Mask. or 'Leap!').


Too cool for school : Joel "I place at tournaments even when a pair of muppets pick my lists for me" Henry  :huh: 

Didnt make the cut: Ben “Cos I’m still a chump” Harris.  :D



Red Jokers  :+fate

Greg “I cant be the CHOSEN one-  I was BORN to win!” Piskosz

Luke “Is the GT ranked?” Cocksedge

Aidan “Ive been picked twice!” Kirk

Mark Byrne

Mike Soar


7’s of Masks (Leap!) :+fate :-fate

Rob “Currently laying the smackdown” Smith

Martin “Been planning my comeback since before my hiatus” Wodehouse

Hutch “I won’t use Colette, honest!” Hutchinson

Austin “Chuckles” Capewell

Nathan Chenery


Black Jokers :-fate

Ben “The only other twat gobby enough to lead this team” Crowe (Won't pick myself, so there is only one other twat twatty enough for the job....  ;) )

Maria “On a hotstreak” Wieland

Tim “I am LCB” Brown

Natte Zettle

Adam Wheeler


I'll chuck you my 6 squid on the day Panzer

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Okay will cash you for this later but I will take -


Pool A - Ben ‘Late Surge’ Crowe (he's got the taste for victory now)

Pool B - Scott Porter (ready to come out swinging) 

Pool C - Adam Hutchinson (no list is complete without a squig)

Pool D - Bob McCallum (luck of the Irish)

Pool E - James Winton (he's up and coming)


What happens if you have a drop out on your list?

I'll be wearing green #tobesuretobesure

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The biggest gains in getting minimal points will be from picking players in pools D and E that ended up coming mid-table or better, I think. Those will be the deciders, rather than the relatively small place changes in the top two groups...

Eg I think Andy Winton did pretty well(?), so someone backing him will be -30 odd vs somebody who didn't

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So with the event run and done, the results of the sweepstake are in!


We had 46 entries - massive thanks to everyone who took the time to have a go! It's been fun running it and hopefully we can repeat at the next big Malifaux event.


46 entries meant a prize pool of £92, divided up as follows;

£46 straight to Wargamers Against All Cancer

£23 to the winner

£11.50 to second place

£5.75 to third place

£5.75 to the wooden spoon


Without any further ado, the winners of the #M2GT sweepstake are;


1st: Connor 'People's Hat' Barker, with 89 points!

     A: Joel Henry (9)

     B: Martin Wodehouse (6)

     C: Chris Hay (13)

     D: Nate Zettle (19)

     E: Nathan Chenery (42)


2nd: Graham 'Buy a Calculator' Bursnell, with 99 points!

     A: Rob Smith (4)

     B: Martin Wodehouse (6)

     C: Adam Hutchinson (28)

     D: Nate Zettle (19)

     E: Nathan Chenery (42)


3rd: Peter 'Has Now Podiumed More Often Than Panzer' Sidaway, with 102 points!

     A: Joel Henry (9)

     B: Maria Wieland (14)

     C: Paul Butler (22)

     D: Martin Jones (12)

     E: Bennett Morley (45)


Wooden Spoon: Bob 'Luck of the Irish Stops at Dublin' McCallum, with a truly fantastic 260 points!

     A: Ant Hoult (20)

     B: Matt Ledgerwood (58)

     C: Jan Prouldey (53)

     D: Liam Hall (64)

     E: Adam Boyes (65)


Turns out your ideal team would have been;

     A: Ben Crowe (1)

     B: John Wharton (2)

     C: Chris Hay (13)

     D: Steve Revis (10)

     E: Nathan Chenery (42)

And this would have scored 68 points.


The nightmare team;

     A: Paul Campbell (21)

     B: Matt Ledgerwood (58)

     C: Brooks Martin (62)

     D: Liam Hall (64)

     E: James Winton (66)

Kudos to Bob for nailing most of those selections and coming very close to the worst possible score of 271.


The Most Wanted players;


Pool A


Greg Piskosz, selected 11 times

Ant Hoult, Ben Crowe and Rob Smith all selected 8 times


Pool B


Martin Wodehouse, selected 9 times

Luke Cocksedge and Matt Ledgerwood, both selected 8 times


Pool C


Adam Hutchinson, selected 7 times

Chris Hay, selected 5 times

Tim Brown, selected 4 times


Pool D


Aaron Bailey, selected 8 times

Austin Capewell and Nate Zettle, both selected 7 times


Pool E


Nathan Chenery, selected 14 times

Adam Boyes and James Winton, both selected 8 times


Overall 'Most Wanted'


Nathan Chenery, 14 selections

Greg Piskosz, 11 selections

Martin Wodehouse, 9 selections


Honourable mention to Aaron Bailey, who managed to finish up in 4th and 5th place despite picking himself twice!


The spreadsheet used to administer this can be found here; https://www.dropbox.com/s/kdrwqoaq1o6ayc8/M2GT%20Sweepstake.xlsx?dl=0 


The WAAC donation has already been made; https://www.justgiving.com/WAAC


Payouts will take place this evening. Can the winners (and Bob!) make sure I've got their Paypal addresses please.


Cheers all!

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I don't have everyones entries, but the best possible score is 68, and the worst possible is 271 by my calculations.

The pool ranges were

Pool A 1-21

Pool B 2-58

pool C 13-62

Pool D 10-64

Pool E 42-66


I ended up with a disapoointing 165.

Good choices on C and D probably will get the winner

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