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Holiday Miniature Exchange 2014


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Since it didn't show up in the list linked above I can highly recommend Battlefield Berlin located in Berlin, Germany.


Strange it hasn't made it on this list, it's probably THE (or at least one of the most important) shops for everything about wargaming in middle europe.

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So, a shiny package arrived today.  I was half hoping it was my black Friday order, but pleased enough to find my Gift Exchange buddy is johnny on the spot!


Really looking forward to hitting the table with Bishop and the Strongarm.   The other two will also make nice additions to my freicorps crew.


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Just went to college to pick my post to find a nice big package from Firestorm Games. I didn't remember buying anything from them so when I opened the package I found this: 20141208_134929.jpg


A big big thank you to that fine folk called Mike Marshall. You are crazy sir and guess I will have to play ten thunders on the next event although not that rubbish Misaki :D for sure 


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