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Multiple blasts and who they can hit.





A question about Multiple blasts and who they can hit came up today in a game.


Scenario: Som’er Vs Molly and the strategy was Turf war.

So I have moved Lenny within range for scoring Turf war and He is now base to base with The Valedictorian and a Student of Viscera. Lenny has a single wound and I need him alive, to get the VP for that round.


So I take a risk and shoot (Som’er’s Boomer, including the Ram trigger 4/4B/8B) into the Melee, as (Un)luck has it I hit Lenny, but then I realise that if I use a soul stone to boost the attack flip, I might be able to get two blasts on the other Resser models. This happens; I get an 18 overall for the attack and then cheat Lenny’s def DOWN to 5 total, so that the damage is a single flip (He has hard to wound). Luckily I flip an 11 (severe), hitting Lenny for 8, but also creating two blasts which are 4 and 4 dmg.

Here’s where the question is; the blasts cannot OVERLAP each other, but I could position them in such a way that they hit The Valedictorian twice (She has a huge base) doing a total of 8 DMG and subsequently killing her and also hitting the Student of Viscera for 4. So the question is; can a model be hit by 2 lots of blast damage?


We read the Blast rules a few times but it did not say anything about a model not being able to be hit twice.

If I have explained anything incorrectly or I have completely got this wrong then I apologise, it’s only my 4th game of Malifaux J

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No. models touched by any blast markers suffer one level damage down.........each blast is not 4 damage apiece. It is all one big blast and anyone under any part of it or multiple parts of it takes the 4 damage.

The Damage for the Ram Triggered Boomer is 4/4/8 so using that surely both blasts are 4 DMG?



'All models whose bases are touched or overlapped by one or more Blaster Markers are affected'


'Are affected', so how is that exclusive to only one blast? Later in that paragraph it says; 'Any models touched or overlapped by the blast are affected.'


Again, I apologise if I am being stupid,honestly not trying to be difficult, but I cannot see the exclusivity of only one blast per model. 

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The blast markers don't actually cause damage themselves.  The markers mark out the whole area affected by the blast and then everything that is under that area takes damage equivalent to one lower than the original target.

The number of blasts on the damage track simply represents the size of the blast......2 blast markers is one big blast......it's all the same blast....and anyone 'affected' by the blast would take 4 damage.

Ah, when put like that I can see how it works now, thanks to you both for clearing that up. I would say that is slightly ambiguous in the rules.

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