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Anybody played Nicodem in Reckoning?


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I've been trying to get some games with Nico recently but flipped Reckoning for Strategy in a game last night and decided to go McMourning and mates instead (scheme pool was ALITS; Make Them Suffer; Spring the Trap; Breakthrough and Bodyguard.  I took MTS (scored 1VP) and Breakthrough (scored 3VP)) .  Thinking about it I'm wondering whether Nico would be a viable choice for Reckoning.  He doesn't seem the obvious choice but his aura affects all Undead so a number of good Enforcers/Henchman would probably work quite well with him in Reckoning.  And rather than summon several things just concentrate on the better minions (Shikome/Hanged/Iron Zombies) and spend additional corpse counters to heal them making them harder to kill.  Just theorising at the moment but has anybody had any success running Nico in Reckoning?  How does he play?

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Whilst I've not played him in Reckoning, I would think he played fine. You would play him on points denial, largely keeping your models healthy and hitting harder.

I'd probably pick a couple of Hitthy henchmen with that pool, and look at make them suffer as a possibility. It could also help with Bodyguard. I'd also consider 1 or 2 scheme runners to keep break through a threat. They would also be handy to run and hide to prevent free make them suffer points.

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I find that people concentrate so much on Nicodem's summoning that they forget he can also dish out Fast, Slow and heals, and has a superb Df buff :aura . Take some hard and mean undead, buff them up and heal them and only summon when necessary, and he should do fine in Reckoning.

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In reckoning I concentrate less on the quantity of summons but more on bringing in quality minions (Punk/Students) and trying to bring in at full health (using the patchwork upgrade) 


And as dirial said, liberal use of rigor mortis is your friend here, slow works wonders on key enemy beat sticks.


Summoning a punk zombie/student next to an enemy model and then making them fast will usually kill most non soulstone users. (Corpse Conductor really helps here)


Corpse Conductor punk zombies really stick around for a long time unless you can ignore HtW and HtK so theres little risk of them contributing to the opponents reckoning,


Nicodem imo has the tools to be good in all situations.

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Thanks folks, pretty much confirms my own theory-faux!  Should have given him a run out yesterday (though I don't have many games with McMourning either so was fun to give him another blast).  I'm trying to narrow down my options for a tournament in January (100SS pool) and starting to think I might just take Nico as he has all the tools!

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Nico in Reckoning is utterly amazing! 


Step 1 - Izamu + Decaying/Unnerving Aura

Step 2 - Grave Spirit hugging Izamu 

Step 3 - Profit!  :D


This works so well because Nico can give Izamu heals alongside his self heal. Izamu becomes a wrecking ball, in fact it doesn't even have to be Izamu, any beatstick works. I've done this with the Valedictorian with great success. Throw a couple of Rotten Belles in there to drag stuff to it's doom and you are laughing. Add Toshiro in there with some Punks/Iron Zombies and only use summoning to replace dead models rather than saturating the field with stuff makes life a lot easier. This way the enemy crew dwindles and yours stays the same size. Use Nico and/or Toshiro to support and buff your crew to neigh godly levels then set them loose to eat everything with a pulse (and often without too!  ;))

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