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Guild anti-Collodi list


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After getting a thorough beating on tuesday against Collodi, I've done some thinging and tried to come up with a better list.


The original ist was:


Lady Justice - Last Stand, Plant Evidence


The Judge - Vengeance bullet




3x Death Marshalls


2x Guild Guard


It didn't work very well. I found myself getting bogged down in loads of puppets and marionettes and dying to 'death by a thousand cuts' without having a good way of clearing out his hard to kill models (hard to kill on marioonettes is a real pain!)


So I wondered what people think of this as an alternative before I go out and buy more models:


Lady Justice (or Sonia?)


The judge


Sidir alchibal


2x Death Marshalls


2x Witchling stalkers


2x Guild Guard


Sidir is great against bunched up models, witchling stalkers and Lady justice can remove all the poison conditions that he dishes out guild guards are nice and cheap for making sure I'm not horribly out-activated.


Are there any good models or upgrades that can ignore hard to kill? (I want to avoid buying any metal models so I'll stick to released in plastic at the moment)


Lady j or Sonia?

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Lady J would get bogged down in the puppets, so she would be best aimed at Collodi himself. Since Collodi likes clumping up with his puppets around him, Sonnia is a great choice to burn 'em all.


If you want to kill him you need to deal with Decoy/ Personal Puppet and with his auto Df trigger.


Condition Removal will get of Personal Puppet, so Witchling Stalkers would be good. Executioners ignore Df triggers, but getting them into melee with Collodi might take some movement tricks. Death Marshalls could Bury him, or Perdita, her Totem and/ or Francisco can all move friendly models.


Sonnia can drop blasts on him that won't set off his Df trigger, but Decoy will still operate to avoid the damage, so you will want to get that Witchling in first to remove Personal Puppet. You can definitely get one in range of him - summoning one off a Burning puppet is probably your best bet.


If you can find any Rst: Wp attacks use them on Collodi. His trigger won't work. This does mean that a Lawyer to the face is not fun for Collodi :) His attacks add Slow and Paralysed and I am not sure that Decoy would affect them. Decoy reduces damage to 0, but does not say anything about removing other effects of the attack. In addition, the Lawyer's attack does not apply Slow or Paralysed "when damaging", just when moderate or severe damage "is dealt". If severe damage is dealt - eg. you cheat a Severe card - and then reduced to 0 by Decoy, will Collodi still be paralysed? Not sure.


I also think Clockwork Traps could be fun against Collodi depending on the Strat and Schemes. Turf War is always fun with four of these guys, and with the sheer number of puppets headed their way they would be Clamping Down left, right and centre. Not to mention they don't leave any Counters behind. And the Pathfinder himself is not a bad buy as he has a good ranged attack with Blasts.

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Stalkers are really good/irritating for removing "Personal Puppet" so Collodi can't shunt attacks over to Marionettes, as well they can remove the Effigy buffs from key models


Sidir is an excellent choice to deal with puppets bunching up in Collodi's 6" bubble of doom.


Taelor's my personal Bane as a Collodi player. Relic Hammers hurt and can pretty easily one shot my stuff on a Tome

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The problem you are going to have is that building a list now rather than at the time of the game may hamstring you severely as a lot of the time just going after the opponents crew isn't going to bag you VP and in turn win the game. I'd definitely suggest Witchling Stalkers. I rarely put together a crew without them due to the massive usefulness of condition removal. Taelor or Johan are also great choices due to being Mercs and the Relic Hammer of Kill Constructs Fast will make short work of all those Puppets. They both come with respectable wounds and HtK making them real tough to take down. Additionally Johan is much cheaper than Taelor and has condition removal to further help you out. Austringers are also very nice choices. You can use their Raptor attacks to pick off the Marionettes/Personal Puppet models at extreme range reliably so Collodi doesn't have anywhere to dumb his wounds if you can't remove Personal Puppet to begin with. Sonnia may very well be a great Master to use here but I can also see the benefits of using Lady J too. Perdita is also capable of laying down the law at extreme ranges so you can take out the Puppets and send in the heavies to finish off the crew whilst you have some faster models achieve your objectives. McMourning may also prove to be very good here as his crews extreme mobility can prove troublesome for most, he can also use his Poison to Bypass the HtK and with Nurses and Witchlings you can play all sorts of havoc. Full Heal + Paralyze then Remove Paralyze with the Stalkers is a great trick to keep your beat sticks around for long periods of time. Lawyers will be really useful with him due to the shenanigans they can pull with McMourning. Also handing out HtW is never a bad thing!


As for ignoring HtK I can't think of much in faction that will really be of much use. I'd imagine that Hoffman would have some nice tricks against Collodi though. With OSA he can use Collodi's crews actions against them. He also creates a death ball of constructs that will easily crush anything that tries to clump up into it. Collodi can swarm him with puppets all day long but they will not survive for long. Additionally he can bring along some of his M&SU buddies to help out. Joss with his Arc Axe which ignores damn near everything would be helpful in dispatching any HtK models. Ryle is also great at taking out clumped up models due to his Raking Fire trigger on his gun which also gains :+fate  to attacks flips. Unfortunately as you want to steer clear of metal models Hoffman wont be an option for you just yet. 

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Burning and poison are both pretty good ways to get round hard to kill. (Note, neither actually ignores hard to kill, but they apply their damage at a different time, so if the attack put you on 1 wound, then the poison or burning will kill you when they happen).

Witchling stalkers are top notch at giving models burning. For that alone they are probably worth taking against Collodi, and then they have the conditon removal which is priceless.

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Be aware that a smart Collodi player will bring you to the Death Ball, not smash it into your's using a Beckoner and quite possibly a pile of web markers to lower your WP.

More points in favor of Sonnia and Sidir, who both have ways of ruining the day for Beckoners and clumped-up crews.

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Wow! A lot of really great info there guys! Thanks very much. Witchling stalkers sem to get a lot of love! I'll pop a pair in my next game and see how they work out. Lawyers I have too so I can give them a game. I'm loath to leave the Judge at home but perhaps I'll try a list without him and put in some lawyers instead. Johan I hadn't thought of but he could be a very good option. I wanted to get the Bsyou Boss box anyway and he (or rather she) comes in it so maybe I'll grab her. I'll do a little write up next week and let you know how it turned out. Will wil be runinghis weird Collodi list which includes a Beckoner and Candy so we'll see how it goes.

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Wow! So that was a resounding success! Poor Will won't be able to sit down for a week! 8-0!


Strategy was squatter's rights


Schemes were murder protege and breakthrough


The list ended up being a bit of a bog-standard Sonnia list:


Criid - some upgrades that gave her everburning, summon a witchling stalker and another on, I think it removed suits from your cast actions or something


Samael - he had vengeance bullet


Witchling Stalkers x2


Death Marshalls x2


Guild Guard x 2


This was a really nasty match up to Will's Collodi. He had his models bunched tightly together so lost 3 puppets by the end of turn one and Candy and the Beckoner were left on a couple of wounds and both on fire.


I can't see it working twice though. He won't bunch his models up quite so tignhtly again so I think finding room for Johan and maybe a Freikorps specialist i nthere could be a good move. Then again having a fairly high model count means I'm not being horribly out activated by his marrionettes!

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Yeah, Collodi crew style really doesn't like blast markers (Sonnia or Rasputina mainly). Others suggest burning and poison, but just remember that Marionettes have the Perfect Match ability, allowing them to ignore 1 point of damage from conditions (which basically makes them immune to poison), and if Collodi is passing out Armor +1, it means they can ignore 2 points of burning, which does add to their resilience.

Still, I like Arcane Effigy as a default auto-include for his crew as it means he can baby sit Collodi and remove burning as needed. 

Grats on the win though. :D

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