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May Feng 2015 is over - Feedback welcome!


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No, I think it's more if you play Jack Daw for the event and you have Montresor leading the first game he could hire tormented as well?  


Or Jakob Lynch's darkened, or Misaki's last blossom, or Mei Feng's foundry... basically lots of the dual faction shenanigans. That's what you meant Ben, right?


How would that work with Levi and his upgrades? Could Rusty take stuff even though nobody payed stones for the Pariah upgrades? I hope not.

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Something I forgot to comment on regarding the scheme pool too - I don't think it's fair if the people attending the meal find out the schemes before those who are unable to attend.  May only be negligible but seems unfair to give the people attending an advantage and more planning time that those who may not be able to for various reasons (I am attending the meal too so this isn't coming from a 'it's not fair on me boohoo point of view!).

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Well initially it was just another thing to encourage people to come to the meal.


In reality the schemes will probably be done before the friday as they will be on the sheets handed out Sunday morning.

Meaning, probably no real advantage now, unless you bug me and I am silly enough to say and remember them correctly.


Scheme pools will always be "semi-random" at my events. I like to make sure that they aren't the same every round or that something doesn't appear four times.

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Ace!  I think either announce them to everybody here/by e-mail once they've been generated or everybody gets them on the sheet in the morning at the same time.  Just fairer all around (I know schemes make a big difference to me in terms of what I take).  I'm assuming Master is declared before scheme pools are revealed?


Also, this is now this month!  Not long to go.

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The event is almost here.

I'm getting very excited and also scared.

What can you do to help my fear?

Well if you're down the Saturday for set-up and meal and have space please pack some terrain.

I have purchased and built a lot more terrain since last year but we are doubling the tables, I am uncertain we will be able to cover that alone.

If you are coming for the Saturday meal but are not on the list, please poke me.

Finally, have any late interests, get them a ticket, there is a couple left and always possible drop outs.

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