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Name your five!


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I did a bit of analysis on these, and the aggregate top five is as follows (the number in brackets is the amount of votes that the model received):

1. Rotten Belle (23)

2. Nurse (15)

3. Necropunk (11)

4. Izamu (8)

5. Flesh Construct (7)

5. Punk Zombie (7)

5. Canine Remains (7)

In total, 26 people cast their votes for a top five. If someone gave more than one vote for a given model, I discounted the extra votes. I also skipped votes for Mercs or other non-faction minis.

Out of all the polls, Rotten Belle was the second most consistently voted for model with 88% of the voters voting for the Belle. Nurse and Necropunk were also above the the curve but then it was more even and in fact three models got to fifth place.

One thing to note is that people obviously forgot some options and when someone came up with a specific model it started gaining votes from the people afterwards. For example, Canine Remains was a late addition but it still gathered quite a few votes. If it had been mentioned in the original post, it likely would've gathered more votes.

Another thing to consider is that some people like Crooligans while others like Necropunks. A given person is likely to vote for their favourite support model, scheme runner and beatstick so it probably could've gone either way in many places. Another thing worth considering is that if a model doesn't have a plastic release (or no release at all), then it won't be voted for as much.

So with all those disclaimers, take it for what it's worth. Still, it's not a bad top "five".

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The others that I follow (Outcast/TT) have more of a spread of kill focused models though.  Kang/Illuminated/Toshiro for TT and Johan/Ashes and Dust/Killjoy for Outcast (even the Librarian can dish out a surprising amount of damage with Furious Casting).  Although they have other utility as well it seems more of a spread of things that are better at killing in those groups (can't speak to what it's like in the other factions).  Doesn't mean it's wrong and three of the ones I chose are in there (Toshiro made TT too!) but surprised there wasn't more of a spread as killing is important for a lot of strats/schemes and beaters usually make it into most crews.

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My assumption is that there is a range of beaters that people choose, ranging from the relatively cheap for their potential Punk Zombies, to the bonus flips of the Rogue necromancy, and the killness of Izamu.

Also added to the strangeness of the Ressurectionist list is the number of models that can be summoned by the faction. At least 3 of the masters can summon a rotten belle, so even if you didn't choose to start the game with one, you could be wanting/needing them.

You can also consider that on the whole ressurectionists are interested in the attrition game. They don't put the same need on their crew as another faction might, as a large number of their masters can bring in a decent beat stick later on in the game in a place where it matters. Because of this, the durability of Izamu is less advantagous to the resurectionist faction than to the Ten thunder faction.

But the faction probably has less movement tricks than Ten thunders, so people place a much higher reliance on a dedicated scheme runner (eitehr Necropunks or Cruligans or remains) than a Ten thunders player might.

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